Progressive Disciplinary Policy


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________ ("Company")

Effective Date: ________

Policy Description and Purpose: The purpose of this Employee Progressive Disciplinary Policy (the "Policy") is to explain how we deal with employee misconduct or performance issues. This Policy describes our progressive measures, including any consequences of employee actions. We want to establish a process for employees to correct any misconduct or improve job performance before taking more extensive disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

While we describe a Policy of progressive action, we reserve the right to bypass certain steps or combine steps depending on the gravity of each situation. All employee misconduct or performance issues are addressed on an individual basis.

This Policy should not be interpreted as creating new contractual rights between the employer and employee. It does not alter the employment relationship between the parties.

Scope: This Policy applies to all employees.

Policy Overview: The company may impose discipline for workplace infractions, including misconduct and poor performance by employees, at its sole and exclusive discretion. Disciplinary measures may include, but are not limited to verbal or written warnings, disciplinary meetings, corrective action, paid or unpaid suspensions, demotion, reassignment and/or termination.

Relevant Factors: The company may take into consideration any factors it deems appropriate when making a decision regarding employee discipline. Factors that may be considered include whether the misconduct or poor performance constitutes a single or repeated offence, the employee's general work record, the employee's response to management and the impact of the employee's behaviour on other colleagues.

Disciplinary Guidelines: The company wishes to provide guidelines for employee behaviour. While it may be impossible or very difficult to define standards of conduct for every possible situation, the company has established a set of general guidelines for unacceptable employee behaviour. The following list is not exhaustive, and the Company may discipline any employee for any action that may be deemed unacceptable. The following list of unacceptable behaviour applies to all employees when conducting Company business, both on and off Company premises:

1. Unsatisfactory work performance or lack of professionalism;

2. Abuse, threats of violence or acts of violence with colleagues or clients;

3. General conduct that causes the workplace to become toxic, such as the use of abusive language, inappropriate jokes, or provocation among colleagues;

4. Fraud;

5. Deceit;

6. Theft or other unauthorized possession of property;

7. Use or possession of illegal drugs or weapons;

8. Failure to comply with assigned duties;

9. Failure to comply with Company rules;

10. Excessive delays or absences;

11. Harassment or sexual harassment;

12. Abuse of confidential company information;

13. Any other violation of Company rules or Policy.

Disciplinary Procedures: The procedures described below will be applicable to most disciplinary situations. The employer also has the option of implementing any other disciplinary procedures as described above, instead of or in addition to any of the steps below.

Step 1 - Verbal Warning

At the first sign of performance issues or misconduct, the employee's immediate supervisor will issue a verbal warning. The verbal warning may take the form of an informal discussion. At this stage, the supervisor will ensure that the employee clearly understands the problem and what needs to be done to resolve the issue.

The supervisor may work with the employee to create an informal counselling or corrective action plan.

The supervisor may prepare a written record of the verbal meeting and request the employee's signature.

Step 2- Written Warning

If the situation has not been corrected to the satisfaction of the supervisor, the next step is a written warning. This should be considered as a formal notice to the employee and an official document in the employee's file.

The employee's supervisor will meet with the employee again and may also include management. During this meeting, the parties will review the situation, including the prior verbal warning that was given to the employee.

The parties will also review the lack of progress regarding the informal counselling or corrective action plan.

The supervisor and senior management, if involved, will set new expectations for the employee and clearly communicate the consequence if the employee does not meet those expectations.

At this stage, the employee will receive a formal performance improvement plan.

Step 3 - 5582228822

52 252 22282222 558 222 825528225 252 2528822 525 558 222 58225 82 5882555282 8825 252 22282222'8 22522525282 82252822222 2852, 252 22282225 252 822282 5 588882882552 8582228822, 85252 25 8222 2252, 522225822 22 252 82582582288 22 252 2888225582. 52 252 2282 8258258 85828, 252 8582228822 252 82 52 22 25 222258. 5588 52888822 88 52 252 8282 525 258858882 5888522822 22 2525222222.

552 8522588825 525 822825 2525222222, 82 82828825, 8888, 8522 252 22282222 5225528 22 8252, 822 228 252282528228 225 252 22282222 525 8825582 82225288522 252 822828522828 82 252 22282222 5228 222 2222 25282 252282528228. 52 22525 82558, 252 22282222 852585 82 82225225 2552 252 2252 588882882552 582822 8222825 82 52822282 22 252 22282222 2888225582 8888 82 22528252822 22 2228222222.

Step 4 - Termination

If the employee has not corrected the problem and has not acted in accordance with the employee's performance improvement plan, the fourth and final step will be termination of employment. Prior to this step, the problems created by the employee must have begun to affect the entire workplace.

Management may still choose to suspend rather than permanently terminate the employee if an investigation is necessary, but this decision is at the sole and exclusive discretion of management. Suspension may be without pay in accordance with the law.

To the extent possible, all procedures under this Policy will be conducted confidentially.

Appeal of Management Decision: Employees may appeal any disciplinary action, but must provide information and evidence to that effect. Employees must appeal any adverse employment decision within the following time limit: ________. The decision to modify the disciplinary action taken against an employee shall be at the sole and exclusive discretion of management who is under no obligation to modify it.

Illegal Activity: Illegal behaviour is not subject to this Policy and will be grounds for immediate termination. The employer may also report such activity to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

Documentation: The employee will receive copies of all documentation created under this Policy. These documents will also be included in the employee's personal record.

No Remplacement: This Policy should be read in conjunction with, and not as a replacement for, any existing employment Policy, such as an employee work manual or other workplace rules.

Questions: If an employee has any questions or comments regarding this disciplinary Policy, the employee may contact the following person: ________.


I have received and reviewed the Progressive Disciplinary Policy and understand my obligations contained in this Policy. Failure to comply with this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

I further understand that the employer reserves the unilateral right to make changes, future amendments, and modifications as they see fit.

Employee Signature

Employee Name (Print)


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________ ("Company")

Effective Date: ________

Policy Description and Purpose: The purpose of this Employee Progressive Disciplinary Policy (the "Policy") is to explain how we deal with employee misconduct or performance issues. This Policy describes our progressive measures, including any consequences of employee actions. We want to establish a process for employees to correct any misconduct or improve job performance before taking more extensive disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

While we describe a Policy of progressive action, we reserve the right to bypass certain steps or combine steps depending on the gravity of each situation. All employee misconduct or performance issues are addressed on an individual basis.

This Policy should not be interpreted as creating new contractual rights between the employer and employee. It does not alter the employment relationship between the parties.

Scope: This Policy applies to all employees.

Policy Overview: The company may impose discipline for workplace infractions, including misconduct and poor performance by employees, at its sole and exclusive discretion. Disciplinary measures may include, but are not limited to verbal or written warnings, disciplinary meetings, corrective action, paid or unpaid suspensions, demotion, reassignment and/or termination.

Relevant Factors: The company may take into consideration any factors it deems appropriate when making a decision regarding employee discipline. Factors that may be considered include whether the misconduct or poor performance constitutes a single or repeated offence, the employee's general work record, the employee's response to management and the impact of the employee's behaviour on other colleagues.

Disciplinary Guidelines: The company wishes to provide guidelines for employee behaviour. While it may be impossible or very difficult to define standards of conduct for every possible situation, the company has established a set of general guidelines for unacceptable employee behaviour. The following list is not exhaustive, and the Company may discipline any employee for any action that may be deemed unacceptable. The following list of unacceptable behaviour applies to all employees when conducting Company business, both on and off Company premises:

1. Unsatisfactory work performance or lack of professionalism;

2. Abuse, threats of violence or acts of violence with colleagues or clients;

3. General conduct that causes the workplace to become toxic, such as the use of abusive language, inappropriate jokes, or provocation among colleagues;

4. Fraud;

5. Deceit;

6. Theft or other unauthorized possession of property;

7. Use or possession of illegal drugs or weapons;

8. Failure to comply with assigned duties;

9. Failure to comply with Company rules;

10. Excessive delays or absences;

11. Harassment or sexual harassment;

12. Abuse of confidential company information;

13. Any other violation of Company rules or Policy.

Disciplinary Procedures: The procedures described below will be applicable to most disciplinary situations. The employer also has the option of implementing any other disciplinary procedures as described above, instead of or in addition to any of the steps below.

Step 1 - Verbal Warning

At the first sign of performance issues or misconduct, the employee's immediate supervisor will issue a verbal warning. The verbal warning may take the form of an informal discussion. At this stage, the supervisor will ensure that the employee clearly understands the problem and what needs to be done to resolve the issue.

The supervisor may work with the employee to create an informal counselling or corrective action plan.

The supervisor may prepare a written record of the verbal meeting and request the employee's signature.

Step 2- Written Warning

If the situation has not been corrected to the satisfaction of the supervisor, the next step is a written warning. This should be considered as a formal notice to the employee and an official document in the employee's file.

The employee's supervisor will meet with the employee again and may also include management. During this meeting, the parties will review the situation, including the prior verbal warning that was given to the employee.

The parties will also review the lack of progress regarding the informal counselling or corrective action plan.

The supervisor and senior management, if involved, will set new expectations for the employee and clearly communicate the consequence if the employee does not meet those expectations.

At this stage, the employee will receive a formal performance improvement plan.

Step 3 - 5582228822

52 252 22282222 558 222 825528225 252 2528822 525 558 222 58225 82 5882555282 8825 252 22282222'8 22522525282 82252822222 2852, 252 22282225 252 822282 5 588882882552 8582228822, 85252 25 8222 2252, 522225822 22 252 82582582288 22 252 2888225582. 52 252 2282 8258258 85828, 252 8582228822 252 82 52 22 25 222258. 5588 52888822 88 52 252 8282 525 258858882 5888522822 22 2525222222.

552 8522588825 525 822825 2525222222, 82 82828825, 8888, 8522 252 22282222 5225528 22 8252, 822 228 252282528228 225 252 22282222 525 8825582 82225288522 252 822828522828 82 252 22282222 5228 222 2222 25282 252282528228. 52 22525 82558, 252 22282222 852585 82 82225225 2552 252 2252 588882882552 582822 8222825 82 52822282 22 252 22282222 2888225582 8888 82 22528252822 22 2228222222.

Step 4 - Termination

If the employee has not corrected the problem and has not acted in accordance with the employee's performance improvement plan, the fourth and final step will be termination of employment. Prior to this step, the problems created by the employee must have begun to affect the entire workplace.

Management may still choose to suspend rather than permanently terminate the employee if an investigation is necessary, but this decision is at the sole and exclusive discretion of management. Suspension may be without pay in accordance with the law.

To the extent possible, all procedures under this Policy will be conducted confidentially.

Appeal of Management Decision: Employees may appeal any disciplinary action, but must provide information and evidence to that effect. Employees must appeal any adverse employment decision within the following time limit: ________. The decision to modify the disciplinary action taken against an employee shall be at the sole and exclusive discretion of management who is under no obligation to modify it.

Illegal Activity: Illegal behaviour is not subject to this Policy and will be grounds for immediate termination. The employer may also report such activity to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

Documentation: The employee will receive copies of all documentation created under this Policy. These documents will also be included in the employee's personal record.

No Remplacement: This Policy should be read in conjunction with, and not as a replacement for, any existing employment Policy, such as an employee work manual or other workplace rules.

Questions: If an employee has any questions or comments regarding this disciplinary Policy, the employee may contact the following person: ________.


I have received and reviewed the Progressive Disciplinary Policy and understand my obligations contained in this Policy. Failure to comply with this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

I further understand that the employer reserves the unilateral right to make changes, future amendments, and modifications as they see fit.

Employee Signature

Employee Name (Print)
