General Power of Attorney


"To deal with other issues not related to immovable property" - to deal with other general issues not related to the immovable properties of the Principal. "To deal with immovable property (Eg. To buy, sell and lease the real estate)" - to deal with immovable properties of the Principal like buying, selling, managing, to give on lease, etc. In this case, it is better to use the Power of Attorney specifically created for the immovable properties.

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________, ("Guardian") aged ________ years, residing at: ________ on behalf of ________, aged ________ years, with the following government id: ________ residing at: ________ (Hereinafter referred to as "Principal") SEND GREETINGS

I am presently living abroad and unable to attend my day to day affairs. It is pertinent that I should appoint the Attorney and confer upon him/her the powers stated hereinafter.

AND WHEREAS this Power of Attorney comes into effect on ________, and continue till ________.

________, with the following government id: ________ (hereinafter called "Attorney" who has subscribed his/her signature hereunder in token of identification) and residing at ________.


1. To transact business including to do commerce, manage, carry on, assign, close down any of my business and to all requisite or necessary or connected activities therewith including correspondence with any person or authority.

2. To buy, receive, store, pledge, hypothecate, give on hire or otherwise deal with any goods, articles, things, or movable property in connection with the business.

3. To open, establish, conduct, manage, appoints staff, manage resources, shift and/or close any branch of any business at any place.

4. To enter into, sign, execute, vary, alter, terminate, suspend, and repudiate any contracts in connection with the business operations.

5. To act on my behalf as a partner in the firm or firms in which I am a partner at present or become a partner in future and commence, carry on, conduct, manage, close dissolve or retire from any business of any partnership with any person and for the said purpose to do all acts as partner or partners therein including banking operations, execution of partnership, the conduct of day to day affairs, managing the staff and resources, retirement, dissolution or other deeds and documents.

6. To promote or form or cause to be promoted or formed or join with any other person or group of persons in promoting or forming and to do all things necessary or proper to be done or causing to be formed and incorporated a company with limited or unlimited liability for any legal object and to settle and sign the memorandum and articles of association, prospectus, application forms, the statement in lieu of prospectus and all other papers or documents required for or in connection with incorporation, the commencement of business of such company and other acts, relating thereto.

7. To sign and file with the Registrar of Companies or any other appropriate authorities contract in writing to take from and/or pay for any share or shares in any such company as aforesaid in my name.

8. To sign and file with the Registrar of Companies or any other appropriate authorities in my name, consent in writing to act as a director of any company.

9. To do such acts and deeds and to execute such papers and documents as may be necessary for any capacity as shareholder, debtor, creditor or otherwise in relation to any company which may be required to be done by me.

10. To acquire or sell, transfer, assign or join in acquiring or selling, transferring or assigning all or any stocks, shares, annuities, debentures, bonds, government securities, and other securities or investments of any nature which do now or stand hereafter stand in my name or may at any time hereafter entitled to and for that purpose pay to Attorneys, sell or transfer such shares and execute contracts, transfer deed and other writings and do all other acts as may be necessary for effectually transferring or assigning the same.

11. To apply for and accept allotments of shares in my name in any company, corporation or body corporate or any statutory body and do necessary paper works and documentation for such application.

12. To operate, open, withdraw and deal with funds in the Public Provident Fund Account or any other provided fund.

13. To invest in company deposits, shares, debentures, bonds, or other corporate or local securities, any other statutory bodies or corporations.

14. To give all notices, commence any legal proceedings or use any other lawful means that may appear desirable or necessary in order to safeguard or enforce my rights in or in connection with any of the investments with full power to prosecute or discontinue any such proceeding and to compromise or submit arbitration any matter in dispute.

15. To open, operate, continue or close any account including any overdraft or other loan account and/or savings account, current, fixed or other accounts in my name.

16. To draw, sign, negotiate and/or endorse cheques, payment orders, drafts, other instruments and to execute enter into, acknowledge, do and present all such deeds, instruments, contracts, agreements, as shall be requisite and proper for or in relation to any bank or banks.

17. To deal with the bill of exchange for all or any of the banking purpose to draw, accept, endorse, discount or otherwise deal with any bills of exchange, bills of lading, promissory notes or other mercantile instruments relating to money's, goods, properties or otherwise.

18. To realize loans and/or borrow money from any bank, institution, or any person(s), an organization against the security of both movable and immovable properties entrusted to the Attorney under this Power of Attorney, and to execute, sign, and register mortgage, charges, transfer or give other security through any deed on such terms and conditions as my said Attorney or his substitutes may think fit and proper in the best interest of the Principal.

19. To make and/or receive any loan or advance from any bank, financial institution, or individual to such extent and on such terms as the said Attorney may deem expedient.

20. To remit, reduce, or settle any claim of any sums of money, losses, and/or damages and collect/draw, negotiate, cancel, make or receive payment on my behalf.

21. To select, apply for and to receive for me and on my behalf any insurance, annuity or pension plan proceeds, benefits or payment whatsoever to which I am or may become entitled, including but not limited life insurance proceeds, prepaid premiums and premiums on deposit, annuity payments, health insurance payments, property or causality insurance proceeds, pension plan payments or death benefit payments.

22. To represent me or my businesses in any of banks, insurance companies, courts, registration offices, any central or state government offices or another person for any purpose or purposes whatsoever and do all the acts as may be expedient before the same authority.

23. To prepare, sign, execute and/or file any of my or any entities I am interested in, sales tax returns, income tax returns, wealth tax, gift tax, and/or any other law for the time being in force or other return, statements, documents in connection with the aforesaid acts, to sign/submit returns, declaration forms, represent me or any of entities in which I am interested.

24. To appear before any assessing officer, offices, tribunal, authority in connection with any matters to represent me or my entities to produce, explain accounts, submit documents or evidence and pay taxes and other amounts applicable under the respective laws.

25. To appear before any registrar, notary public, magistrates, other office or authority having jurisdiction and to acknowledge and register all deeds, instruments, documents made by me or on behalf of any entities in which I am interested in.

26. To appoint, employ and to pay the Attorney whether a solicitor, banker, stockbroker, trust company or another person in the jurisdiction mentioned under this Power of Attorney, to transact any business or do any act required to be transacted or done, to keep all or any accounts pertaining to my assets, to receive to disburse monies, and perform any clerical duties in connection with all or part of my assets in accordance with the instructions of my Attorney and otherwise to manage all or part of my assets in the manner authorized and directed by my Attorney, and my Attorney may terminate or revoke any such agency at any time, and for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned my Attorney may pay to any such Attorney so employed such remuneration, including all charges and expenses so incurred, as my Attorney shall be considered appropriate, and my Attorney shall not be responsible for default of any such Attorney if employed in good faith.

27. To commence, prosecute, enforce, defend, and other legal proceedings on my behalf before any court, civil or criminal, or revenue including the Small Causes Courts.

28. To appoint any solicitor, advocate, pleader or counsel as may be necessary for prosecuting and defending any suit or proceedings, in the matters relating to my properties, business, and other entities I am interested hereafter in my name or the name of my said Attorney as he may think fit and proper and to sign vakalatnamas, warrant of Attorney in favour of any solicitor, advocate, pleader or counsel engaged by him.

29. To sign, declare and/or affirm any plaint, written statements, petitions, consent petition, affidavits, memorandum of appeal or any other document or paper in my name in any proceeding or in any way connected therewith.

30. To deposit and receive requisite documents from any court or authority in giving valid receipts and discharges therefor.

AND in case of death of the Attorney or inability or unwillingness to act as Attorney in relation to all or any of the aforesaid acts, I hereby appoint ________, resident of ________ to act as my Attorney in place of the said Attorney after his death or during such inability or unwillingness and during the subsistence of any such inability or unwillingness as the name of ________ had been inserted in this deed instead of the name of the said Attorney.

AND generally, my said Attorney shall have the power to do all such acts, deeds and things on my behalf and I could have lawfully done, if personally present. It is my intention that the grant herein of power to my Attorney in fact is as broad as possible and the list above of specifically enumerated powers shall not be construed or interpreted to narrow the granted powers but rather they are meant to indicate my intention to grant as broad a grant of power as possible, and this Power of Attorney should be broadly construed to accomplish that intention.

AND I do hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrator of acts done and legal representatives ratify and confirm and agree to ratify and by Attorney confirm all and whatsoever my said Attorney or his/her substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents.

Until notice of revocation as referred to above has been given, all that my said Attorney shall do or purport to do by virtue hereof is fully ratified and confirmed, including whatsoever shall be done between the time of my death or of the revocation and the time when my death or the revocation becomes known to my Attorney.

25252 252 88225855 252825 525 258858822 222525 552 5825 2552525252 2588 8282552222 8825 522252282 282525 22 252 52525882225 25 22 22 82225222 25 822252228 525282 25225, 252 8522 85588 82 822825525 58 2252822 252 285558 25 22282822 25 225225 85252 252 8222252 52858528.

25252 5 8588282522 "82225222" 25 "82225222'8" 85252825 5825 525282 525 5228885882 82 252 8858528252828 85588 8288552 522 8585 8588282522 25 85882825228.

at Andaman and Nicobar Islands on this ________





Govt. ID name and number:




Govt. ID name and number:


The undersigned, being a duly appointed Notary Public, located at ________ on this date, the above-named ________, appeared before me and properly identified to me and did sign the forgoing.

I subscribe my name and affix my seal notarial on this ___ day of ________ 20___


Notary Public


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________, ("Guardian") aged ________ years, residing at: ________ on behalf of ________, aged ________ years, with the following government id: ________ residing at: ________ (Hereinafter referred to as "Principal") SEND GREETINGS

I am presently living abroad and unable to attend my day to day affairs. It is pertinent that I should appoint the Attorney and confer upon him/her the powers stated hereinafter.

AND WHEREAS this Power of Attorney comes into effect on ________, and continue till ________.

________, with the following government id: ________ (hereinafter called "Attorney" who has subscribed his/her signature hereunder in token of identification) and residing at ________.


1. To transact business including to do commerce, manage, carry on, assign, close down any of my business and to all requisite or necessary or connected activities therewith including correspondence with any person or authority.

2. To buy, receive, store, pledge, hypothecate, give on hire or otherwise deal with any goods, articles, things, or movable property in connection with the business.

3. To open, establish, conduct, manage, appoints staff, manage resources, shift and/or close any branch of any business at any place.

4. To enter into, sign, execute, vary, alter, terminate, suspend, and repudiate any contracts in connection with the business operations.

5. To act on my behalf as a partner in the firm or firms in which I am a partner at present or become a partner in future and commence, carry on, conduct, manage, close dissolve or retire from any business of any partnership with any person and for the said purpose to do all acts as partner or partners therein including banking operations, execution of partnership, the conduct of day to day affairs, managing the staff and resources, retirement, dissolution or other deeds and documents.

6. To promote or form or cause to be promoted or formed or join with any other person or group of persons in promoting or forming and to do all things necessary or proper to be done or causing to be formed and incorporated a company with limited or unlimited liability for any legal object and to settle and sign the memorandum and articles of association, prospectus, application forms, the statement in lieu of prospectus and all other papers or documents required for or in connection with incorporation, the commencement of business of such company and other acts, relating thereto.

7. To sign and file with the Registrar of Companies or any other appropriate authorities contract in writing to take from and/or pay for any share or shares in any such company as aforesaid in my name.

8. To sign and file with the Registrar of Companies or any other appropriate authorities in my name, consent in writing to act as a director of any company.

9. To do such acts and deeds and to execute such papers and documents as may be necessary for any capacity as shareholder, debtor, creditor or otherwise in relation to any company which may be required to be done by me.

10. To acquire or sell, transfer, assign or join in acquiring or selling, transferring or assigning all or any stocks, shares, annuities, debentures, bonds, government securities, and other securities or investments of any nature which do now or stand hereafter stand in my name or may at any time hereafter entitled to and for that purpose pay to Attorneys, sell or transfer such shares and execute contracts, transfer deed and other writings and do all other acts as may be necessary for effectually transferring or assigning the same.

11. To apply for and accept allotments of shares in my name in any company, corporation or body corporate or any statutory body and do necessary paper works and documentation for such application.

12. To operate, open, withdraw and deal with funds in the Public Provident Fund Account or any other provided fund.

13. To invest in company deposits, shares, debentures, bonds, or other corporate or local securities, any other statutory bodies or corporations.

14. To give all notices, commence any legal proceedings or use any other lawful means that may appear desirable or necessary in order to safeguard or enforce my rights in or in connection with any of the investments with full power to prosecute or discontinue any such proceeding and to compromise or submit arbitration any matter in dispute.

15. To open, operate, continue or close any account including any overdraft or other loan account and/or savings account, current, fixed or other accounts in my name.

16. To draw, sign, negotiate and/or endorse cheques, payment orders, drafts, other instruments and to execute enter into, acknowledge, do and present all such deeds, instruments, contracts, agreements, as shall be requisite and proper for or in relation to any bank or banks.

17. To deal with the bill of exchange for all or any of the banking purpose to draw, accept, endorse, discount or otherwise deal with any bills of exchange, bills of lading, promissory notes or other mercantile instruments relating to money's, goods, properties or otherwise.

18. To realize loans and/or borrow money from any bank, institution, or any person(s), an organization against the security of both movable and immovable properties entrusted to the Attorney under this Power of Attorney, and to execute, sign, and register mortgage, charges, transfer or give other security through any deed on such terms and conditions as my said Attorney or his substitutes may think fit and proper in the best interest of the Principal.

19. To make and/or receive any loan or advance from any bank, financial institution, or individual to such extent and on such terms as the said Attorney may deem expedient.

20. To remit, reduce, or settle any claim of any sums of money, losses, and/or damages and collect/draw, negotiate, cancel, make or receive payment on my behalf.

21. To select, apply for and to receive for me and on my behalf any insurance, annuity or pension plan proceeds, benefits or payment whatsoever to which I am or may become entitled, including but not limited life insurance proceeds, prepaid premiums and premiums on deposit, annuity payments, health insurance payments, property or causality insurance proceeds, pension plan payments or death benefit payments.

22. To represent me or my businesses in any of banks, insurance companies, courts, registration offices, any central or state government offices or another person for any purpose or purposes whatsoever and do all the acts as may be expedient before the same authority.

23. To prepare, sign, execute and/or file any of my or any entities I am interested in, sales tax returns, income tax returns, wealth tax, gift tax, and/or any other law for the time being in force or other return, statements, documents in connection with the aforesaid acts, to sign/submit returns, declaration forms, represent me or any of entities in which I am interested.

24. To appear before any assessing officer, offices, tribunal, authority in connection with any matters to represent me or my entities to produce, explain accounts, submit documents or evidence and pay taxes and other amounts applicable under the respective laws.

25. To appear before any registrar, notary public, magistrates, other office or authority having jurisdiction and to acknowledge and register all deeds, instruments, documents made by me or on behalf of any entities in which I am interested in.

26. To appoint, employ and to pay the Attorney whether a solicitor, banker, stockbroker, trust company or another person in the jurisdiction mentioned under this Power of Attorney, to transact any business or do any act required to be transacted or done, to keep all or any accounts pertaining to my assets, to receive to disburse monies, and perform any clerical duties in connection with all or part of my assets in accordance with the instructions of my Attorney and otherwise to manage all or part of my assets in the manner authorized and directed by my Attorney, and my Attorney may terminate or revoke any such agency at any time, and for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned my Attorney may pay to any such Attorney so employed such remuneration, including all charges and expenses so incurred, as my Attorney shall be considered appropriate, and my Attorney shall not be responsible for default of any such Attorney if employed in good faith.

27. To commence, prosecute, enforce, defend, and other legal proceedings on my behalf before any court, civil or criminal, or revenue including the Small Causes Courts.

28. To appoint any solicitor, advocate, pleader or counsel as may be necessary for prosecuting and defending any suit or proceedings, in the matters relating to my properties, business, and other entities I am interested hereafter in my name or the name of my said Attorney as he may think fit and proper and to sign vakalatnamas, warrant of Attorney in favour of any solicitor, advocate, pleader or counsel engaged by him.

29. To sign, declare and/or affirm any plaint, written statements, petitions, consent petition, affidavits, memorandum of appeal or any other document or paper in my name in any proceeding or in any way connected therewith.

30. To deposit and receive requisite documents from any court or authority in giving valid receipts and discharges therefor.

AND in case of death of the Attorney or inability or unwillingness to act as Attorney in relation to all or any of the aforesaid acts, I hereby appoint ________, resident of ________ to act as my Attorney in place of the said Attorney after his death or during such inability or unwillingness and during the subsistence of any such inability or unwillingness as the name of ________ had been inserted in this deed instead of the name of the said Attorney.

AND generally, my said Attorney shall have the power to do all such acts, deeds and things on my behalf and I could have lawfully done, if personally present. It is my intention that the grant herein of power to my Attorney in fact is as broad as possible and the list above of specifically enumerated powers shall not be construed or interpreted to narrow the granted powers but rather they are meant to indicate my intention to grant as broad a grant of power as possible, and this Power of Attorney should be broadly construed to accomplish that intention.

AND I do hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrator of acts done and legal representatives ratify and confirm and agree to ratify and by Attorney confirm all and whatsoever my said Attorney or his/her substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of these presents.

Until notice of revocation as referred to above has been given, all that my said Attorney shall do or purport to do by virtue hereof is fully ratified and confirmed, including whatsoever shall be done between the time of my death or of the revocation and the time when my death or the revocation becomes known to my Attorney.

25252 252 88225855 252825 525 258858822 222525 552 5825 2552525252 2588 8282552222 8825 522252282 282525 22 252 52525882225 25 22 22 82225222 25 822252228 525282 25225, 252 8522 85588 82 822825525 58 2252822 252 285558 25 22282822 25 225225 85252 252 8222252 52858528.

25252 5 8588282522 "82225222" 25 "82225222'8" 85252825 5825 525282 525 5228885882 82 252 8858528252828 85588 8288552 522 8585 8588282522 25 85882825228.

at Andaman and Nicobar Islands on this ________





Govt. ID name and number:




Govt. ID name and number:


The undersigned, being a duly appointed Notary Public, located at ________ on this date, the above-named ________, appeared before me and properly identified to me and did sign the forgoing.

I subscribe my name and affix my seal notarial on this ___ day of ________ 20___


Notary Public
