Letter Demanding Debt Payment


"Entity" - The Debtor or recipient of this letter is an entity such as a company, partnership, LLP, NGO, etc. "Individual" - The Debtor or recipient is a person.

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Dated: ________

Re: Notice demanding payment of debt

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to inform you with regard to outstanding payment of Rs ________/- (________) against the invoice dated ________. As per the invoice, the amount was due on ________.

The invoice copy is attached along with this notice for your reference.

The aforementioned goods were delivered to you on ________ to full satisfaction, and you have acknowledged the receipt of such goods.You were informed about the pending payment on the following occasions:


For delay in making the aforementioned payment, you are liable to pay interest at the rate of ________% per annum on the balance amount from the due date.

Through this letter, I finally call upon you to pay Rs. ________/- (________) along with future interest of ________% from the date of notice till actual realization of the said amount, within ________ days from the receipt of this notice. 2588822 22 85885 5 8888 82 8222 8825 22 222822 852 22 2882 88888, 85828258, 8582 225 52828252 525 22525 2888288522258 25282258228 5258282 225 82 252 822222222 82552 22 858 525 82 2552 28222, 225 85588 82 25882 52822288882 225 252 8522.

A copy of this notice has been preserved for records and future courses of action.



Attention: ________

Designation: ________



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Dated: ________

Re: Notice demanding payment of debt

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to inform you with regard to outstanding payment of Rs ________/- (________) against the invoice dated ________. As per the invoice, the amount was due on ________.

The invoice copy is attached along with this notice for your reference.

The aforementioned goods were delivered to you on ________ to full satisfaction, and you have acknowledged the receipt of such goods.You were informed about the pending payment on the following occasions:


For delay in making the aforementioned payment, you are liable to pay interest at the rate of ________% per annum on the balance amount from the due date.

Through this letter, I finally call upon you to pay Rs. ________/- (________) along with future interest of ________% from the date of notice till actual realization of the said amount, within ________ days from the receipt of this notice. 2588822 22 85885 5 8888 82 8222 8825 22 222822 852 22 2882 88888, 85828258, 8582 225 52828252 525 22525 2888288522258 25282258228 5258282 225 82 252 822222222 82552 22 858 525 82 2552 28222, 225 85588 82 25882 52822288882 225 252 8522.

A copy of this notice has been preserved for records and future courses of action.



Attention: ________

Designation: ________

