Employee Code of Conduct Policy


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This Code of Conduct Policy (the "Policy") is a set of rules of required conduct of employees of ________ (the "Company") within the workplace. It describes employees' acceptable conduct towards their colleagues, supervisors, managers, and the organization, as well as sanctions for misconduct, and also stipulates disciplinary actions for non-compliant employees.

At ________, we encourage freedom of expression and communication, but we expect our staff to conform to our code of conduct to ensure a peaceful and friendly working environment. Employees are therefore required to refrain from the use of abusive or vulgar words, engaging in fights and unhealthy rivalry, and engaging in other unacceptable practices within the work environment.


This Policy applies to all staff of ________. All employees are advised to read it carefully and comply with the provisions contained herein.


2.1. Personal Appearance

Employees are also expected to maintain good personal hygiene and grooming and always appear neat and decent to the workplace.

The Company's dress code is as follows:


All employees are required to comply with the Company's dress code.

2.2. Attendance and Punctuality

Punctuality and regular attendance is mandatory for all employees except an employee is granted a leave of absence. If an employee will be absent from work at any given period or will report to work late, the employee is required to notify his or her supervisor at the earliest possible time. If an employee needs to leave work before closing time, the employee should notify his or her supervisor prior to the time they leave work.

If an employee remains absent from work and fails to notify their supervisor about such absence within a consecutive ________ working days, such continued absence will be considered as resignation from work.

2.3. Professionalism

Employees are expected to complete all their assigned tasks and assignments on time and to perform all their required tasks and duties effectively and diligently. Note that unsatisfactory work performance and lack of professionalism will not be condoned in this Company.

2.4. Communication and Cooperation

Employees should display strong communication skills while dealing with customers, clients, or other co-workers. Employees should possess both verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Employees should not use foul languages within the office premises, whether in direct communication with colleagues, visitors, clients, or subcontractors, or other staff of the Company.

2.5. Attitude and Character

All employees are expected to possess a positive attitude to work and show loyalty to the Company. Diligence, honesty, hard-work, creativity, and innovation are important virtues every employee should possess and exhibit in the workplace.

2.5. Teamwork

Employees may be expected to work as a team to perform assigned tasks. Each team member should possess the required work ethics to ensure productivity, and they should cooperate, collaborate, and communicate with one another effectively. Each team may have a team head who will supervise the teamwork. Therefore, team members must respect and comply with the directives of the team head.

2.6. Respect in the Workplace

All employees are required to respect other employees of the Company regardless of the age or position in the Company. In particular, employees should not engage in (I) physical or verbal abuse in the workplace; (II) deceit and other fraudulent practices; (III) stealing of any property belonging to an employee of the Company; or any harassment or discrimination against an employee of this Company.

Employees are also required to comply all state and federal laws, policies, guidelines, and regulatory practices, and must show integrity and professionalism when dealing with clients and customers, other employees, and all matters relating to the Company.

2.7. Smoking and Drinking

Employees are prohibited from smoking or drinking alcohol during business hours. Smoking is not allowed within the office premises.

2.8 Gift Policy

Employees may receive gifts from clients and visitors of the Company provided that they disclose the nature of such gift to their supervisor or management.


3.1. Duties and Obligations

All employees should perform their duties and obligations honestly and diligently. Employees should treat customers and clients of the Company with respect. Managers, supervisors, or other employees in positions of authority at this organization are expected to delegate various tasks to their team members, and they must not abuse their authority. Team members should ensure that they fulfill all assigned tasks effectively.

3.2. Insubordination

This is an employee's willful refusal to submit to designated authority. This includes disrespecting constituted authority and willful refusal to perform tasks assigned by supervisors, managers, other persons in position of authority. Every employee may be assigned to a supervisor, team lead or head, manager, or other persons.


4.1. Romantic Relationships with Co-workers

The Company has a no dating policy and expressly prohibits dating and romantic or consensual relationships between co-workers, except employees who are married.

Dating is any romantic consensual and sexual relationship between co-workers of this Company. It may involve going out with another employee in whom such a co-worker, manager, supervisor, or any staff of this Company is romantically or sexually interested. It does not include casual breakfast or lunch date between employees who are friends and with no sexual or romantic interests for one another.

4.2. Friendship at Work

We encourage friendly or casual relationships between co-workers in the workplace as it fosters effective communication and collaboration. However, we expect employees to treat each other with respect and focus on their assigned tasks and duties. When employees who are friends work as a team, the team members should ensure that their friendship does not impede productivity.

4.3. Employment of Relatives

The Company does not hire relatives of employees to prevent conflict of interests and other family issues from arising at the workplace.

Relatives are persons who are connected to any employee by blood or marriage, and they include an employee's spouse, children, siblings, parents, in-laws, cousins, and other extended relatives.


Employees may receive visitors at the workplace provided that their visitors must:


When you receive a visitor at the workplace, you must attend to the visitor, ensure that they stay away from dangerous places and places reserved for staffs only, and prevent visitors from fraternizing with other employees.


6.1. Computers and Handheld Devises

Employees are provided with computers and mobile devices to ensure the effective execution and performance of tasks and duties. Therefore, employees must ensure that they handle these devices with care and respect as they will be held responsible for their loss or damage.

Employees should also ensure that the use of these devices conforms with the primary purpose for which it was provided and avoid using it frivolously or for personal use.

Personal devices can create distractions in a work place, hence, the use of personal phones and mobile devices should be limited during working hours. In particular, the use of personal devices should be done in accordance with the following policy:


No matter how employees use their personal phone, the Company expects employees to avoid the following:

(I) playing video games or texting excessively at work;

(II) sending the Company's confidential and trade secret information;

(III) downloading obscene, disparaging, inappropriate, or illegal materials or contents with the Companys internet;

(IV) if you must take personal calls at work, keep it brief, and avoid lengthy unimportant calls that do not benefit the Company.

6.2. Email and Internet Acceptable use

The Company allows various means of communication and dissemination of information. This may include: e-mail, text message, instant messaging, voice messages and voice calls, which may be used via mobile devices or computers.

Employees should not use e-mails for disseminating or transmitting information or materials that are offensive, disparaging, copyrighted materials or unauthorized sharing of confidential information or trade secrets. Employees may not encrypt programmes or install any encrypted software or programme with any email communication.

However, employees are expressly prohibited from using corporate emails to:

(I) engage in the unsolicited dissemination of information about the Company;

(II) transmit unauthorized adverts or marketing contents or emails;

(III) disseminate disparaging, derogatory, vulgar, or inappropriate information or content;

(IV) register for services or websites that are considered illicit, unreliable, and discreditable;

(V) solicit customers or clients of the Company for personal gain;

(VI) send unsolicited emails to coworkers, clients, and customers of the Company.

Employees should refrain from:

(I) the unauthorized download of software on Company's computers or mobile devices;

(II) the use of devices such as computers or mobile devices for disseminating or transmitting confidential information or trade secrets of the Company;

(III) using Company's computers or mobile devices to disseminate, transmit, or download disparaging, obscene, or illicit materials;

(IV) downloading, copying, installing video games, videos, pictures or other unauthorized materials on the Company's or mobile devices.

Employees are also prohibited from using the Company's internet connection to do as follows:

(I) gain unauthorized access to sensitive information and materials;

(II) perform illicit transactions such as internet fraud, hacking, downloading pirated materials, and other illegal transactions;

(III) download, upload, or distribute obscene, disparaging, insulting, or inappropriate materials;

(IV) visit websites or view contents that are considered unreliable or disreputable;

(V) unlawfully disseminate confidential information and documents;

(VI) perform any action that can compromise the network safety; and

(VII) perform any action that can damage the reputation of the Company.

6.3. Information Security

The Company maintains a strict policy on confidential electronic information, and every employee who has access to the Company's confidential information must adhere to this policy.

Employees should ensure that no printed document relating to the Company, the Company's clients, or customers is left unattended on their work stations.

Employees who use the computers or mobile devices provided by the Company should ensure that they use a secure password on those devices and ensure that they promptly notify management in the event that the device is lost or damaged.

The Company expressly prohibits any unauthorized use or distribution of confidential information or documents relating to the Company.

If any staff of this Company discovers that a computer system does not conform to this Policy, such an employee is required to promptly notify management, so that appropriate actions can be taken.


Employees should use the Company's property with care. They should, as much as possible, protect the Company's assets, equipment, and facilities from damage or destruction.

Company tools should be used solely for the performance of designated tasks and assignment, and employees should not engage in frivolous use of Company facilities and equipment.

Employees should understand that the Company's brand name, trade secret, copyrights, patents, operating methods or system, business techniques, or other works of intellectual property constitute the Company's intellectual property, which must be protected against unauthorized use or access. Therefore, employees should only use the Company's intellectual property only to complete their job duties.

Any staff that obtains unauthorized possession of any Company property shall be disciplined accordingly.


The Company is committed to providing a safe workplace free from any form of harassment and discrimination. The Company will not tolerate any form of discrimination on the basis of religion, gender, orientation, ethnicity, nationality, race, marital status, medical record, disability, political opinions or ideology, injury or disease, or trade union membership. More specifically, discrimination occurs when:

(I) the acceptance or rejection of conduct is used as a basis for obtaining employment, promotion, or any employment benefit;

(II) the acceptance or rejection of conduct is used as a basis for making employment decisions affecting an employee of this Company;

(III) any instance of discrimination against anyone.


9.1. Harassment

The Company prohibits bullying, harassment, and victimization in the workplace.

Harassment is described as any unwanted or unsolicited act or conduct that is considered offensive or disturbing for the purpose of creating an intimidating and hostile work environment. Harassment includes, but not limited to:

(I) making requests in exchange for benefits, promotion, or other employment benefits;

(II) threatening an employee for refusing sexual advances;

(III) making unwanted sexual advances or propositions;

(IV) using sexually-orientated comment against ones body;

(V) unwelcome leering, touching, or unsolicited body contact;

(VI) using sexual or disparaging gestures or comments;

(VII) using derogatory, offensive, or vulgar remarks or unwelcome sexual advances;

(VIII) making derogatory remarks about ones body, gender, age, or disability or other special characteristics;

(IX) unwelcome display of obscene or sexually suggestive videos and images.

The Company will not tolerate verbal or physical abuse, fighting, shouting, teasing, or other inappropriate or violent conduct.

9.2. Bullying

The Company has zero tolerance for any form of bullying in the workplace. Bullying may take various forms, which include:

(I) Cyber-bullying involves any harm or injury exacted on a person through the use of computers, mobile phone, and other electronic devices, which is either done privately or in public. It includes sending insulting, distressing or abusive messages, emails, or videos about a co-worker; spreading unverified information about a co-worker; or intimidating a co-worker on the internet.

(II) Physical bullying involves hitting, kicking, pushing, tripping, converting or destroying one's property, physical damage or injury, any other violent or inordinate done act against a co-worker which causes short or long term damage.

(III) Verbal bullying involves making hurtful, disparaging, or damaging statements or remarks about a co-worker and making distressing racial, gender-related, or discriminatory remarks with the intent of intimidating a co-worker.

(IV) Social bullying involves spreading rumours and lies; unwarranted teasing or making embarrassing jokes about a co-worker's interests, lifestyle or habits; embarrassing a co-worker privately or in public; and other acts or conduct that are done to humiliate any employee.


Employees can access their social media accounts during work hours, provided that they do not use it excessively. Employees should maintain the confidentiality of clients, customers, and other employees. Therefore, employees should avoid sharing the Company's confidential information or materials on their social media platforms and abstain from circulating derogatory, insulting, or disparaging information or materials about the Company.

When employees are representing our Company on their personal social media accounts they should avoid or comments or passing information on topics or issues they lack expertise on. Employees should refrain from making inaccurate or misleading statements, and avoid sharing confidential information and materials.


Employees are required to avoid any partnership, association, interaction, or relationship that may conflict with the Company's interests. Employee should disclose all cases of potential conflicts of interest.

Conflicts of interests includes cases and situations where an employee forms, engages, or participates in any business venture that is in direct competition with the Company's business.

As a condition for your employment, you agree not to directly or indirectly engage in any business which is in competition with the Company's business.

Directly or indirectly engaging in a competitive business includes but not limited to the following:

(I) seeking to procure order from or do business with any client or customer of the Company;

(II) setting up a company or any other organization that engages in the provision of products or services offered by the Company;

(III) giving advice or working directly or indirectly for any person, business or any other organization that is in competition with the Company as employee, independent contractor, director, consultant, etc during your employment with the Company.


The Company takes the security of every employee very seriously and also takes reasonable measures to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to its employees' information. Therefore, employee personal information will not be disclosed except as required for business operations and/or with the express consent of the employee.

Unauthorized copying, transmission or access to any employee's personal data by any employee shall be subject to discipline. Therefore,employees are encouraged to report any suspected data breach to the management.

PART 13:

In the course of the employment, employees may have access to non-public confidential and trade secret information regarding the business operation of the Company.

Confidential Information includes all information or materials of whatever nature relating to the business operations of the Company, any written material or by any oral or written statement whatsoever which includes but not limited to documents, techniques, practices, tools, specifications, inventions, patents, trademark, soft wares, drawings, programmes developed by or relating to the Company or other information that is not known or easily ascertainable to the general public.

Confidential information does not include the following information or data:

(I) which can be established by written records to be already known to the public at the time of the disclosure;

(II) which enters the public domain through no fault of an employee;

(III) is given by the Company to third parties without any restrictions;

(IV) is given to you by any third party who is in possession of such information and has the legal right to disclose it; or

(V) that is required by law to be disclosed.

As a condition of employment, employees are prohibited from disclosing any confidential information or materials. More specifically, as employees, you are required:

(I) to take proper and reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality of the Company's information under this Policy;

(II) not to make public, publish or otherwise disclose in whole or part, any information relating to the practice, business dealings or other matters relating to the Company without obtaining the requisite consent;

(III) not to use the confidential information for any purpose other than for the performance of designated tasks and assignments;

(IV) to use all confidential Information and trade secret information to perform all designated duties and in accordance with your employment contract;

(V) not to modify or alter any confidential or trade secret Information without the prior consent of your supervisor or management as the case may be.

You agree to comply with the provisions of this clause during and after the termination of your employment for as long as it remains a trade secret.


14.1. Introduction

Employees who repeatedly fail or willfully refuse to comply with this Policy or other Policies and guidelines regulating employees of this Company shall face disciplinary actions. Consequences of non-compliance include formal warning, suspension, salary deduction, loss of benefits, and for more severe offences, outright dismissal.

14.2. Verbal Warning

When an employee violates this Policy or is found guilty of misconduct, depending on the circumstances or the severity of the offence, the employee may receive a verbal warning in private. In a verbal warning, the employee will be present in a private meeting with a representative of the Company who will explain the date and nature of the incidence that led to the warning, the consequences of the employee's actions, and the representative will issue a note of warning or correction.

14.3. Formal Written Warning

An employee who has contravened the policies or rules of the Company may be issued a formal written warning. The formal warning is a signed letter that will outline the date, time, and nature of the offence or misconduct, how the situation will be rectified, and a stern note of warning.

14.4. Suspension

Depending on the severity of the offence or misconduct, an employee may be suspended from their duties and obligations. The suspension may be definite (i.e for a certain period), or may be indefinite (for an unknown or uncertain period).

Employees who are suspended may also forfeit their salaries or other employment benefits.

14.5. Deduction of Salary

An employee who is guilty of certain minor infractions may have their salaries and compensations deducted. More specifically, an employee's salary will be deducted if the employee is guilty of the following:


14.6. Loss of Employment Benefits or Privileges

An employee may also receive some penalties such as loss of promotion, loss or suspension of bonus or other appropriate penalties for contravening the rules and policies of this Company.

14.7. Dismissal or Termination of Employment

This is the final disciplinary action that may be taken against an employee for repeated infractions and for severe offence or gross misconduct. An employee may be dismissed for any of the following reasons:


Dismissal is usually approved after a thorough investigation has been conducted. Specifically, the following steps will be taken before an employee's contract will be terminated:



Every employee must comply with all the provisions of this Policy, as non-compliance shall attract disciplinary measures and outright dismissal depending on the circumstances of each case.

If any employee has suffered harassment, discrimination, verbal or physical abuse, or has any complaints against a co-worker, that employee should report to their supervisor or management as the case may. Such complaints should be brought as follows:


Upon receipt, the management of the Company shall conduct an inquiry to ascertain the veracity of such complaints. Investigation may involve of interviews, examination of evidence, and involving experts or trained personnel to assist in the investigation. The result of the findings will be confidential, and the Company will keep a record of all enquiries made.

After investigations have been conducted, the Company will impose an appropriate disciplinary action against the such employee.

PART 16: 282588 288525885588

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I acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Employee Code of Conduct Policy, which contains the policies, practices, and procedures of ________, and I agree to read, understand, and be bound by all the provisions of this Policy.

I understand that this Policy is intended to serve as a guide and does not create any contractual obligation on any party.

I also understand that failure to comply with the provisions of this Policy may result in outright dismissal.

I acknowledge that the Company reserves the right to modify the policies, procedures, and other provisions contained in this Policy.

Name of Employee:......................................................................................

Date of Receipt:............................................................................................

Signature of Employee:................................................................................

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This Code of Conduct Policy (the "Policy") is a set of rules of required conduct of employees of ________ (the "Company") within the workplace. It describes employees' acceptable conduct towards their colleagues, supervisors, managers, and the organization, as well as sanctions for misconduct, and also stipulates disciplinary actions for non-compliant employees.

At ________, we encourage freedom of expression and communication, but we expect our staff to conform to our code of conduct to ensure a peaceful and friendly working environment. Employees are therefore required to refrain from the use of abusive or vulgar words, engaging in fights and unhealthy rivalry, and engaging in other unacceptable practices within the work environment.


This Policy applies to all staff of ________. All employees are advised to read it carefully and comply with the provisions contained herein.


2.1. Personal Appearance

Employees are also expected to maintain good personal hygiene and grooming and always appear neat and decent to the workplace.

The Company's dress code is as follows:


All employees are required to comply with the Company's dress code.

2.2. Attendance and Punctuality

Punctuality and regular attendance is mandatory for all employees except an employee is granted a leave of absence. If an employee will be absent from work at any given period or will report to work late, the employee is required to notify his or her supervisor at the earliest possible time. If an employee needs to leave work before closing time, the employee should notify his or her supervisor prior to the time they leave work.

If an employee remains absent from work and fails to notify their supervisor about such absence within a consecutive ________ working days, such continued absence will be considered as resignation from work.

2.3. Professionalism

Employees are expected to complete all their assigned tasks and assignments on time and to perform all their required tasks and duties effectively and diligently. Note that unsatisfactory work performance and lack of professionalism will not be condoned in this Company.

2.4. Communication and Cooperation

Employees should display strong communication skills while dealing with customers, clients, or other co-workers. Employees should possess both verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Employees should not use foul languages within the office premises, whether in direct communication with colleagues, visitors, clients, or subcontractors, or other staff of the Company.

2.5. Attitude and Character

All employees are expected to possess a positive attitude to work and show loyalty to the Company. Diligence, honesty, hard-work, creativity, and innovation are important virtues every employee should possess and exhibit in the workplace.

2.5. Teamwork

Employees may be expected to work as a team to perform assigned tasks. Each team member should possess the required work ethics to ensure productivity, and they should cooperate, collaborate, and communicate with one another effectively. Each team may have a team head who will supervise the teamwork. Therefore, team members must respect and comply with the directives of the team head.

2.6. Respect in the Workplace

All employees are required to respect other employees of the Company regardless of the age or position in the Company. In particular, employees should not engage in (I) physical or verbal abuse in the workplace; (II) deceit and other fraudulent practices; (III) stealing of any property belonging to an employee of the Company; or any harassment or discrimination against an employee of this Company.

Employees are also required to comply all state and federal laws, policies, guidelines, and regulatory practices, and must show integrity and professionalism when dealing with clients and customers, other employees, and all matters relating to the Company.

2.7. Smoking and Drinking

Employees are prohibited from smoking or drinking alcohol during business hours. Smoking is not allowed within the office premises.

2.8 Gift Policy

Employees may receive gifts from clients and visitors of the Company provided that they disclose the nature of such gift to their supervisor or management.


3.1. Duties and Obligations

All employees should perform their duties and obligations honestly and diligently. Employees should treat customers and clients of the Company with respect. Managers, supervisors, or other employees in positions of authority at this organization are expected to delegate various tasks to their team members, and they must not abuse their authority. Team members should ensure that they fulfill all assigned tasks effectively.

3.2. Insubordination

This is an employee's willful refusal to submit to designated authority. This includes disrespecting constituted authority and willful refusal to perform tasks assigned by supervisors, managers, other persons in position of authority. Every employee may be assigned to a supervisor, team lead or head, manager, or other persons.


4.1. Romantic Relationships with Co-workers

The Company has a no dating policy and expressly prohibits dating and romantic or consensual relationships between co-workers, except employees who are married.

Dating is any romantic consensual and sexual relationship between co-workers of this Company. It may involve going out with another employee in whom such a co-worker, manager, supervisor, or any staff of this Company is romantically or sexually interested. It does not include casual breakfast or lunch date between employees who are friends and with no sexual or romantic interests for one another.

4.2. Friendship at Work

We encourage friendly or casual relationships between co-workers in the workplace as it fosters effective communication and collaboration. However, we expect employees to treat each other with respect and focus on their assigned tasks and duties. When employees who are friends work as a team, the team members should ensure that their friendship does not impede productivity.

4.3. Employment of Relatives

The Company does not hire relatives of employees to prevent conflict of interests and other family issues from arising at the workplace.

Relatives are persons who are connected to any employee by blood or marriage, and they include an employee's spouse, children, siblings, parents, in-laws, cousins, and other extended relatives.


Employees may receive visitors at the workplace provided that their visitors must:


When you receive a visitor at the workplace, you must attend to the visitor, ensure that they stay away from dangerous places and places reserved for staffs only, and prevent visitors from fraternizing with other employees.


6.1. Computers and Handheld Devises

Employees are provided with computers and mobile devices to ensure the effective execution and performance of tasks and duties. Therefore, employees must ensure that they handle these devices with care and respect as they will be held responsible for their loss or damage.

Employees should also ensure that the use of these devices conforms with the primary purpose for which it was provided and avoid using it frivolously or for personal use.

Personal devices can create distractions in a work place, hence, the use of personal phones and mobile devices should be limited during working hours. In particular, the use of personal devices should be done in accordance with the following policy:


No matter how employees use their personal phone, the Company expects employees to avoid the following:

(I) playing video games or texting excessively at work;

(II) sending the Company's confidential and trade secret information;

(III) downloading obscene, disparaging, inappropriate, or illegal materials or contents with the Companys internet;

(IV) if you must take personal calls at work, keep it brief, and avoid lengthy unimportant calls that do not benefit the Company.

6.2. Email and Internet Acceptable use

The Company allows various means of communication and dissemination of information. This may include: e-mail, text message, instant messaging, voice messages and voice calls, which may be used via mobile devices or computers.

Employees should not use e-mails for disseminating or transmitting information or materials that are offensive, disparaging, copyrighted materials or unauthorized sharing of confidential information or trade secrets. Employees may not encrypt programmes or install any encrypted software or programme with any email communication.

However, employees are expressly prohibited from using corporate emails to:

(I) engage in the unsolicited dissemination of information about the Company;

(II) transmit unauthorized adverts or marketing contents or emails;

(III) disseminate disparaging, derogatory, vulgar, or inappropriate information or content;

(IV) register for services or websites that are considered illicit, unreliable, and discreditable;

(V) solicit customers or clients of the Company for personal gain;

(VI) send unsolicited emails to coworkers, clients, and customers of the Company.

Employees should refrain from:

(I) the unauthorized download of software on Company's computers or mobile devices;

(II) the use of devices such as computers or mobile devices for disseminating or transmitting confidential information or trade secrets of the Company;

(III) using Company's computers or mobile devices to disseminate, transmit, or download disparaging, obscene, or illicit materials;

(IV) downloading, copying, installing video games, videos, pictures or other unauthorized materials on the Company's or mobile devices.

Employees are also prohibited from using the Company's internet connection to do as follows:

(I) gain unauthorized access to sensitive information and materials;

(II) perform illicit transactions such as internet fraud, hacking, downloading pirated materials, and other illegal transactions;

(III) download, upload, or distribute obscene, disparaging, insulting, or inappropriate materials;

(IV) visit websites or view contents that are considered unreliable or disreputable;

(V) unlawfully disseminate confidential information and documents;

(VI) perform any action that can compromise the network safety; and

(VII) perform any action that can damage the reputation of the Company.

6.3. Information Security

The Company maintains a strict policy on confidential electronic information, and every employee who has access to the Company's confidential information must adhere to this policy.

Employees should ensure that no printed document relating to the Company, the Company's clients, or customers is left unattended on their work stations.

Employees who use the computers or mobile devices provided by the Company should ensure that they use a secure password on those devices and ensure that they promptly notify management in the event that the device is lost or damaged.

The Company expressly prohibits any unauthorized use or distribution of confidential information or documents relating to the Company.

If any staff of this Company discovers that a computer system does not conform to this Policy, such an employee is required to promptly notify management, so that appropriate actions can be taken.


Employees should use the Company's property with care. They should, as much as possible, protect the Company's assets, equipment, and facilities from damage or destruction.

Company tools should be used solely for the performance of designated tasks and assignment, and employees should not engage in frivolous use of Company facilities and equipment.

Employees should understand that the Company's brand name, trade secret, copyrights, patents, operating methods or system, business techniques, or other works of intellectual property constitute the Company's intellectual property, which must be protected against unauthorized use or access. Therefore, employees should only use the Company's intellectual property only to complete their job duties.

Any staff that obtains unauthorized possession of any Company property shall be disciplined accordingly.


The Company is committed to providing a safe workplace free from any form of harassment and discrimination. The Company will not tolerate any form of discrimination on the basis of religion, gender, orientation, ethnicity, nationality, race, marital status, medical record, disability, political opinions or ideology, injury or disease, or trade union membership. More specifically, discrimination occurs when:

(I) the acceptance or rejection of conduct is used as a basis for obtaining employment, promotion, or any employment benefit;

(II) the acceptance or rejection of conduct is used as a basis for making employment decisions affecting an employee of this Company;

(III) any instance of discrimination against anyone.


9.1. Harassment

The Company prohibits bullying, harassment, and victimization in the workplace.

Harassment is described as any unwanted or unsolicited act or conduct that is considered offensive or disturbing for the purpose of creating an intimidating and hostile work environment. Harassment includes, but not limited to:

(I) making requests in exchange for benefits, promotion, or other employment benefits;

(II) threatening an employee for refusing sexual advances;

(III) making unwanted sexual advances or propositions;

(IV) using sexually-orientated comment against ones body;

(V) unwelcome leering, touching, or unsolicited body contact;

(VI) using sexual or disparaging gestures or comments;

(VII) using derogatory, offensive, or vulgar remarks or unwelcome sexual advances;

(VIII) making derogatory remarks about ones body, gender, age, or disability or other special characteristics;

(IX) unwelcome display of obscene or sexually suggestive videos and images.

The Company will not tolerate verbal or physical abuse, fighting, shouting, teasing, or other inappropriate or violent conduct.

9.2. Bullying

The Company has zero tolerance for any form of bullying in the workplace. Bullying may take various forms, which include:

(I) Cyber-bullying involves any harm or injury exacted on a person through the use of computers, mobile phone, and other electronic devices, which is either done privately or in public. It includes sending insulting, distressing or abusive messages, emails, or videos about a co-worker; spreading unverified information about a co-worker; or intimidating a co-worker on the internet.

(II) Physical bullying involves hitting, kicking, pushing, tripping, converting or destroying one's property, physical damage or injury, any other violent or inordinate done act against a co-worker which causes short or long term damage.

(III) Verbal bullying involves making hurtful, disparaging, or damaging statements or remarks about a co-worker and making distressing racial, gender-related, or discriminatory remarks with the intent of intimidating a co-worker.

(IV) Social bullying involves spreading rumours and lies; unwarranted teasing or making embarrassing jokes about a co-worker's interests, lifestyle or habits; embarrassing a co-worker privately or in public; and other acts or conduct that are done to humiliate any employee.


Employees can access their social media accounts during work hours, provided that they do not use it excessively. Employees should maintain the confidentiality of clients, customers, and other employees. Therefore, employees should avoid sharing the Company's confidential information or materials on their social media platforms and abstain from circulating derogatory, insulting, or disparaging information or materials about the Company.

When employees are representing our Company on their personal social media accounts they should avoid or comments or passing information on topics or issues they lack expertise on. Employees should refrain from making inaccurate or misleading statements, and avoid sharing confidential information and materials.


Employees are required to avoid any partnership, association, interaction, or relationship that may conflict with the Company's interests. Employee should disclose all cases of potential conflicts of interest.

Conflicts of interests includes cases and situations where an employee forms, engages, or participates in any business venture that is in direct competition with the Company's business.

As a condition for your employment, you agree not to directly or indirectly engage in any business which is in competition with the Company's business.

Directly or indirectly engaging in a competitive business includes but not limited to the following:

(I) seeking to procure order from or do business with any client or customer of the Company;

(II) setting up a company or any other organization that engages in the provision of products or services offered by the Company;

(III) giving advice or working directly or indirectly for any person, business or any other organization that is in competition with the Company as employee, independent contractor, director, consultant, etc during your employment with the Company.


The Company takes the security of every employee very seriously and also takes reasonable measures to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to its employees' information. Therefore, employee personal information will not be disclosed except as required for business operations and/or with the express consent of the employee.

Unauthorized copying, transmission or access to any employee's personal data by any employee shall be subject to discipline. Therefore,employees are encouraged to report any suspected data breach to the management.

PART 13:

In the course of the employment, employees may have access to non-public confidential and trade secret information regarding the business operation of the Company.

Confidential Information includes all information or materials of whatever nature relating to the business operations of the Company, any written material or by any oral or written statement whatsoever which includes but not limited to documents, techniques, practices, tools, specifications, inventions, patents, trademark, soft wares, drawings, programmes developed by or relating to the Company or other information that is not known or easily ascertainable to the general public.

Confidential information does not include the following information or data:

(I) which can be established by written records to be already known to the public at the time of the disclosure;

(II) which enters the public domain through no fault of an employee;

(III) is given by the Company to third parties without any restrictions;

(IV) is given to you by any third party who is in possession of such information and has the legal right to disclose it; or

(V) that is required by law to be disclosed.

As a condition of employment, employees are prohibited from disclosing any confidential information or materials. More specifically, as employees, you are required:

(I) to take proper and reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality of the Company's information under this Policy;

(II) not to make public, publish or otherwise disclose in whole or part, any information relating to the practice, business dealings or other matters relating to the Company without obtaining the requisite consent;

(III) not to use the confidential information for any purpose other than for the performance of designated tasks and assignments;

(IV) to use all confidential Information and trade secret information to perform all designated duties and in accordance with your employment contract;

(V) not to modify or alter any confidential or trade secret Information without the prior consent of your supervisor or management as the case may be.

You agree to comply with the provisions of this clause during and after the termination of your employment for as long as it remains a trade secret.


14.1. Introduction

Employees who repeatedly fail or willfully refuse to comply with this Policy or other Policies and guidelines regulating employees of this Company shall face disciplinary actions. Consequences of non-compliance include formal warning, suspension, salary deduction, loss of benefits, and for more severe offences, outright dismissal.

14.2. Verbal Warning

When an employee violates this Policy or is found guilty of misconduct, depending on the circumstances or the severity of the offence, the employee may receive a verbal warning in private. In a verbal warning, the employee will be present in a private meeting with a representative of the Company who will explain the date and nature of the incidence that led to the warning, the consequences of the employee's actions, and the representative will issue a note of warning or correction.

14.3. Formal Written Warning

An employee who has contravened the policies or rules of the Company may be issued a formal written warning. The formal warning is a signed letter that will outline the date, time, and nature of the offence or misconduct, how the situation will be rectified, and a stern note of warning.

14.4. Suspension

Depending on the severity of the offence or misconduct, an employee may be suspended from their duties and obligations. The suspension may be definite (i.e for a certain period), or may be indefinite (for an unknown or uncertain period).

Employees who are suspended may also forfeit their salaries or other employment benefits.

14.5. Deduction of Salary

An employee who is guilty of certain minor infractions may have their salaries and compensations deducted. More specifically, an employee's salary will be deducted if the employee is guilty of the following:


14.6. Loss of Employment Benefits or Privileges

An employee may also receive some penalties such as loss of promotion, loss or suspension of bonus or other appropriate penalties for contravening the rules and policies of this Company.

14.7. Dismissal or Termination of Employment

This is the final disciplinary action that may be taken against an employee for repeated infractions and for severe offence or gross misconduct. An employee may be dismissed for any of the following reasons:


Dismissal is usually approved after a thorough investigation has been conducted. Specifically, the following steps will be taken before an employee's contract will be terminated:



Every employee must comply with all the provisions of this Policy, as non-compliance shall attract disciplinary measures and outright dismissal depending on the circumstances of each case.

If any employee has suffered harassment, discrimination, verbal or physical abuse, or has any complaints against a co-worker, that employee should report to their supervisor or management as the case may. Such complaints should be brought as follows:


Upon receipt, the management of the Company shall conduct an inquiry to ascertain the veracity of such complaints. Investigation may involve of interviews, examination of evidence, and involving experts or trained personnel to assist in the investigation. The result of the findings will be confidential, and the Company will keep a record of all enquiries made.

After investigations have been conducted, the Company will impose an appropriate disciplinary action against the such employee.

PART 16: 282588 288525885588

552 8222522 252, 52 5222822 525 52 828 8282 5888522822, 855222 252 22528 22 2588 228882. 552 22528 22 2588 228882 852 82 5282225, 5288825, 22582825 25 5822525 82 522 252225 252 8222522 8228 282. 888 252 222822228 22 252 8222522 8888 82 5582 22282825 82 8582822 82 522 855222 88 2552 22 2588 228882. 58252 22282222 558 252 5522 22 5255 525 5252582525 252 2528888228 22 522 22582825 8258822 22 2588 228882 525 555252 22 828 22528.

52 25252 552 852828228 25 888528 5588822 2522 522 22582825 8258822, 8585 888528 852585 82 5582 822252885225 22 85225888258, 52558 22 5225522222 25 252 528588822 55252 528255828 5225522222 82 252 8222522.


I acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Employee Code of Conduct Policy, which contains the policies, practices, and procedures of ________, and I agree to read, understand, and be bound by all the provisions of this Policy.

I understand that this Policy is intended to serve as a guide and does not create any contractual obligation on any party.

I also understand that failure to comply with the provisions of this Policy may result in outright dismissal.

I acknowledge that the Company reserves the right to modify the policies, procedures, and other provisions contained in this Policy.

Name of Employee:......................................................................................

Date of Receipt:............................................................................................

Signature of Employee:................................................................................