Employee Handbook


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Employee Handbook



1.1 About the Employee Handbook
1.2 Policy Modification
1.3 Voluntary At-Will Employment
1.4 Dispute Resolution


2.1 Basic Company Information
2.2 The Company's Mission
2.3 The Company's Vision
2.4 The Company's Core Values and Culture


3.1 Classification of Employment
3.2 Probationary Period
3.3 Outside Employment
3.4 Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information
3.5 Conflict of Interest
3.6 Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Obligations
3.7 Privacy
3.8 Intellectual Property Ownership
3.9 Transfer of Employment


4.1 Hours of Work
4.2 Overtime
4.3 Attendance and Punctuality
4.4 Dress Code
4.5 Performance Appraisal
4.6 Salary Increases


5.1 Remuneration Plan
5.2 Transport Benefits
5.3 Health Insurance Policy
5.4 Retirement Plan
5.5 Employees Compensation
5.6 Other Benefits


6.1 General Provision
6.2 Annual Leave
6.3 Parental Leave
6.4 Sick Leave
6.5 Compassionate Leave
6.6 Study Leave
6.7 Meetings and Conferences
6.8 National Holidays


7.1 Computers and Handheld Devices
7.2 Information Security
7.3 Internet Acceptable Use
7.4 Email and Computer Use
7.5 Social Media Policy


8.1 Equal Employment Opportunity
8.2 Policy Against Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
8.3 Discipline for Non-Compliance
8.4 Procedure for Handling Complaints


9.1 Termination of Employment
9.2 Dismissal
9.3 Redundancy
9.4 Resignation from Employment
9.5 Obligations of Employees after Termination


1.1 About the Employee Handbook

The ________ Employee handbook (the "Handbook") has been established to provide rules and guidelines about the Company's policies and practices.

It delineates, summarizes and explains all the policies, rules and regulations for every staff of the Company and is not intended to act as a guarantee for employment for a fixed period of time.

This Handbook is supplemental to all other contract document, materials and information of the Company. This document should not be considered as an all-encompassing material on all the policies relating to the Company as the Company may from time to time, disseminate information and other communications intended to alter or modify the provisions of this Handbook.

The policies and guidelines described herein are to be treated as important. Adherence to the provisions of this Handbook is a key requirement and condition of employment. Failure to comply with any provision of this Handbook may attract disciplinary actions.

This document replaces and supersedes any other previous employee handbook, rules, policies, manuals, guidelines or other policies of the Company whether oral or in written communication.

1.2 Policy Modification

The Company may, at anytime and at its sole discretion, change the terms of this Handbook. The terms of this Handbook can be revoked, revised, modified or altered in any manner the Company sees fit. All the employees of the Company will be duly notified in writing if any change is made to this Handbook. Every employee has the duty to read and understand the provisions of any modified version of this Handbook and adhere to its terms.

If there are questions or issues arising from any modified version, such issues should be duly communicated to supervisors, heads of department or the requisite human resources department in the Company.

1.3 Voluntary At-Will Employment

Except as stated otherwise, all employment contract with the Company is "at-will". This means that the Company can, with or without cause, terminate the employment of any employee and any employee can, with or without cause, resign from their employment provided that adequate notice in writing has been furnished in accordance with the provisions of this Handbook.

Any promise, covenant or representations contrary to the tenets of this Handbook made by any officer of this Company shall not be binding except such promises, covenants or representation is made in writing and duly authorized.

1.4 Dispute Resolution

You agree that any dispute or any issue whatsoever between you and the Company will first, be reported to the Company for resolution before having recourse to any other alternative dispute resolution mechanism.

If the matters remain unresolved, you agree that such unresolved matters will be referred to arbitration. The parties shall select the arbitrators and the arbitration shall be conducted in the State where the Company is located. The arbitrator(s) shall be bound by applicable Federal and State laws of the Company's place of business.


2.1 Basic Company Information

Welcome to Company ________ (the "Company"). The Company is duly registered under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Company was organized principally to achieve the following purpose:


The primary address of the Company is as follows:


The Company's primary email address is ________.

2.2 The Company's Mission

The Company's mission statement is as follows:


2.3 The Company's Vision

The Company's vision statement is as follows:


2.4 The Company's Core Values and Culture

The Company's core values and culture are:



3.1 Classification of Employment

Employees of the Company will be classified in the manner described below:

(I) Regular Full-Time Employees: Regular full-time employees are persons regularly scheduled to work for the following number of hours per week: ________.

(II) Temporary Employees: Temporary employees are those employees who do not have a regular employment with the Company, but have been employed to work for a limited period of: ________. Temporary employees may have their duration of employment extended provided that such extension is made in writing and signed by the Company's management. The Company may terminate the employment of a temporary worker with or without notice for any or no reason at all. All temporary employments are at-will employments.

For the purpose of employee classification, independent contractors, service providers, external solicitors,auditors and/or accountants and consultants are not considered as employees. Therefore, they are not entitled to leave benefits, retirement plan, insurance benefits and other employment benefits.

3.2 Probationary Period

All new employees will be on probation and on the job evaluation for the following period: ________.

During this period, you are expected to consider your retention at the Company.

After the period of probation, there will be performance appraisal for every new employee and subject to satisfactory report on your performance, your appointment will be confirmed.

The Company's management may, in its absolute discretion, before the end of the probationary period, terminate the Employee's employment, for any reason and for no reason, with or without notice.

3.3 Outside Employment

Every employee is required to give their whole services to the Company and are expressly prohibited from engaging in any other paid employment.

3.4 Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information

In the course of the employment with the Company, employees may have access to non-public confidential and trade secret information regarding the business operation of the Company.

Confidential Information includes all information or materials of whatever nature relating to the business operations of the Company, any written material or by any oral or written statement whatsoever which includes but not limited to documents, techniques, practices, tools, specifications, inventions, patents, trademark, soft wares, drawings, programmes developed by or relating to the Company or other information that is not known or easily ascertainable to the general public.

Confidential information does not include the following information or data:

(I) which can be established by written records to be already known to the public at the time of the disclosure;

(II) which enters the public domain through no fault of an employee;

(III) is given by the Company to third parties without any restrictions;

(IV) is given to you by any third party who is in possession of such information and has the legal right to disclose it; or

(V) that is required by law to be disclosed.

As a condition of employment, you hereby agree as follows:

(I) to take proper and reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality of the proprietary information;

(II) not to make public, publish or otherwise disclose in whole or part, any information relating to the practice, business dealings or other matters relating to the Company without obtaining the requisite consent;

(III) not to use the confidential information for any purpose other than for the performance of designated tasks and assignments;

(IV) to use all confidential Information and trade secret information to perform your designated duties and in accordance with your employment contract;

(V) not to modify or alter any confidential or trade secret Information without the prior consent of your supervisor or the Company's management as the case may be.

You agree to comply with the provisions of this clause during and after the termination of your employment for as long as it remains a trade secret.

3.5 Conflict of Interest

Employees are required to, at all cost, avoid any relationship, association, business or situation that may conflict with the Company's interests. Every employee should disclose all cases of potential conflicts of interest.

Conflicts of interests includes cases and situations where an employee forms, engages or participates in any business venture that is in direct competition with the Company's business.

3.6 Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation

As a condition for your employment, you agree not to directly or indirectly engage in any business which is in competition with the Company's business.

Directly or indirectly engaging in a competitive business includes but not limited to the following:

(I) seeking to procure order from or do business with any client or customer of the Company;

(II) setting up a company or any other organization that engages in the provision of products or services offered by the Company;

(III) giving advice or working directly or indirectly for any person, business or any other organization that is in competition with the Company as employee, independent contractor, director, consultant, etc during your employment with the Company.

3.7 Privacy

The Company takes the security of every employee's personal data very seriously and also takes reasonable measures to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to such information. Therefore, employee personal information will not be disclosed except as required for business operations and/or with the express consent of the employee.

Unauthorized copying, transmission or access to any employee's personal data by any employee shall be subject to discipline. Therefore,employees are encouraged to report any suspected data breach to the management.

3.8 Intellectual Property Ownership

As a condition of employment, you agree that the Company retains the sole ownership of any intellectual property and related materials which includes but not limited to trade marks, trade secrets, goodwill, patents, copyrights etc. which you developed or produced during the performance of your tasks and duties for the Company and the Company shall be granted unrestricted and unrestrained access to use such intellectual property.

3.9 Transfer of Employment

In the event that the Company is being acquired by another organization, an employee may be transferred to the acquiring organization with the express consent of the employee upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed by the parties.


4.1 Hours of Work

Except as otherwise stated, all employees are expected to resume work at ________ to ________. With a breakfast/lunch break at: ________.

4.2 Overtime

There may need for employees to work beyond their normal working hours, on weekends and/or public holidays declared by the Federal Government. Except as otherwise stated in the employment contract, employees who do overtime will be entitled to overtime pay in accordance with their employment contract.

4.3 Attendance and Punctuality

Punctuality and regular attendance is mandatory for all employees. If an employee will be absent from work at any given period or will report to work late, the employee is required to notify his or her supervisor at the earliest possible time. If an employee needs to leave work before closing time, the employee should notify his or her supervisor prior to the time they leave work.

If an employee remains absent from work and fails to notify their supervisor about such absence within a consecutive period of: ________ working days, such continued absence will be considered as resignation from work.

4.4 Dress Code

The Company's dress code policy is as follows:


Adherence to the Company's dress code policy is mandatory.

4.5 Performance Appraisal

All employees are subject to performance appraisal every month. The employer will provide a systematic means of evaluating an employee's performance.

During the periods of appraisal, the employee's performance will be assessed by the employee's supervisor or the employee to ensure an increase in the employee's overall job performance.

The purpose of this appraisal is to provide a systematic record of the employee's performance, promotes communication by providing feedback on the employee's job performance and efficiency and facilitate a better working relationship between the employee and the supervisor and/or the employer.

4.6 Salary Increases

Good performance does not entitle any employee to salary increase. However, the Company may at its sole discretion, increase the salaries and/or bonuses of any employee.


5.1 Remuneration Plan

An employee's salary is dependent on their respective position as described in their employment contracts. Except as otherwise stated, all salaries will be disbursed on a monthly basis. All salary deductions will be reflected in each employee's pay slip. Approved salary deductions include, but not limited to employee retirement benefits, personal income taxes, life insurance and any other reasonable deduction.

In addition to the basic salary, employees shall, depending on their employment contracts, be entitled to receive bonuses provided that every bonus shall be approved and authorized by the Company's management. The bonus shall be determined by the Company's management.

5.2 Transportation Benefits

In addition to remuneration and other benefits, the Company also provides free transport for employees.

The free transport provided for employees will:


5.3 Health Insurance Policy

The Company provides the following health insurance benefits to eligible employees:


The health insurance plan is provided by: ________.

The Company pays the health insurance premium for the eligible employee. The Company may require the employee to contribute a portion of the insurance premium. Information about the health insurance plan will be provided to eligible employees.

5.4 Retirement Plan

As required by law, the Company shall make contribution to a Contributory Pension Scheme for the payment of retirement benefits to its employees.

5.5 Employees' Compensation

Employees are entitled to compensation under the Workmen Compensation Act. The Company provides compensation to employees who have suffered permanent partial incapacity, permanent total incapacity, temporal incapacity or fatal accidents resulting to deaths caused by occupational diseases or accidents.

To ensure proper protection of employees, the Company requires severe accident or injuries that occurs on the job to be reported to the Company's management.

5.6 Other Benefits

As part of the employment benefits, employees of the Company shall also be entitled to the following benefits:



6.1 General Provision

Regular attendance is mandatory for every employee. However, employees are entitled to certain holidays and leave. In addition to holidays required by law, the Company's management may from time to time approve leave requests depending on an employee's circumstance. Every leave must be duly authorized and approved by the Company's management prior to the period the leave is taken. Except for sick or medical leaves, a leave may be approved, denied or postponed to a later date. An extension of leave may be approved before the expiration of the current leave.

After a leave request has been approved, every employee is required to properly handover all pending tasks to their supervisor and/or the Company's management as the case may be.

Except as required by law, there is no guarantee that an employee will be reinstated in the exact position or titled they held before the leave. However, the Company will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all employees retain their former position they held prior to the leave.

6.2 Annual Leave

In addition to public holidays, every regular employee is eligible for annual leave for a period of: ________ per calendar year.

The annual leave must be taken at the times convenient to the Company and sufficient notice of intention to take leave must be given to the employee's supervisor and the Company's management prior to the period the leave will be taken.

All annual leaves must be approved by the Company's management before an employee can take the annual leave.

6.3 Parental Leave

According to the law, every female employee shall due to pregnancy and upon presentation of a medical certificate, be entitled to maternity leave for a minimum period of six weeks before delivery and another period of six weeks after delivery.

However, the leave may be extended upon the prior approval of the management of the Company's management prior to the period the leave will be taken.

At the conclusion of maternity leave, the employee will be restored to their previous position or a similar position in the Company. An employee on maternity leave shall be entitled to full pay for the duration of the leave.

Male employees may be entitled to paternity leave for a period of: ________.

All parental leaves must be approved by the Company.

6.4 Sick Leave

Every Employee is entitled to a paid sick leave for a period of ________ (________) days in one calendar year for any temporal illness certified by a certified medical practitioner. However, depending on the nature of the illness, the Company's management prior to the period the leave will be taken, may approve a leave extension. All medical leaves must be approved by the Company's management.

At the conclusion of the sick leave and prior to an employee's return to work, the employee is required to obtain a certificate of fitness from their doctor to be presented to the Company's management.

Unused sick leave can accumulate from year to year.

6.5 Compassionate Leave

A compassionate leave may be granted to an employee for personal circumstances.

Personal circumstances include the following:

(I) Close family member's illness: the care of an employee's spouse, child, partner suffering from a severe illness.

(II) Close family member's injury: the care of an employee's spouse, partner or child who has been severely injured.

(III) Family emergency: to attend to family emergencies ranging from child's welfare, death of a close family member, etc.

When a leave is requested to care for a family member who is severely sick or injured, the employee shall be required to present a medical certificate signed by the relative's medical practitioner and containing the following information:

(I) the nature of the condition and the date the condition started;

(II) an estimated duration or period of the condition;

(III) an estimated amount of time that the medical practitioner believes that the employee will be required to provide the necessary care and support to the sick or injured family member;

(IV) a statement indicating that the care and support of the employee is required.

6.6 Study Leave

An Employee may be entitled to study leave for a period of ________ (________) days and such leave must be granted at the request of the employee and consent of the Company's management must be obtained.

Where the Employee is unable to complete the study leave, the Employee may be allowed to complete the leave at a different time until the leave period is exhausted.

6.7 Meetings and Conferences

Employees may be given some time off to participate in educational opportunities related to the employee's current or anticipated work with the Company.

However, the Company does not grant leave or time-off to employees to attend meetings and conferences that are regarded as beneficial to the and/or enhance their professional growth and development.

6.8 National Holidays

Employees of the Company are entitled to the following national holidays:

  • New year's day
  • Election day
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • Worker's day
  • Id el Fitr
  • Democracy day
  • Id el Kabir
  • Independence day
  • Id el Maulud
  • Christmas day
  • Boxing day

In additional to this, the Company also observes every other national holiday that may be declared from time to time by the Federal Government.


7.1 Computers and Handheld Devices

The Company may provide computers and other handheld devices for employees to ensure the effective execution and performance of tasks and duties. Employees must ensure that the use of these devices conforms with the primary purpose for which it was provided. The Company prohibits the use of the Company's electronic devices for personal use.

The Company retains ownership of all computers and mobile devices provided by the Company and the Company's management retains the right to inspect and monitor data or files at any given time.

Personal devices can create distractions in a work place, hence, the use of personal phones and mobile devices should be limited during working hours. In particular, the use of personal devices should be done in accordance with the following policy:


If an employee's personal device is found to be disruptive and reduce the employee's level of productivity, such employee may face disciplinary actions.

7.2 Information Security

The Company maintains a strict policy on confidential electronic information which every employee (who have access to such information) must strictly adhere to.

Employees should ensure that no printed document relating to the Company, the Company's clients, customers, or visitors is left unattended on their work desks.

Employees who work with computers or mobile devices provided by the Company should ensure that they use a secure password on all those devices and ensure that they promptly notify management if the device is lost or damaged.

The Company expressly prohibits any unauthorized use or distribution of confidential information or documents. All confidential information or documents that must be transferred within the Company should be done through the following means:


If any staff of this Company discovers that a computer system does not conform to this Policy, such an employee is required to promptly notify management, so that appropriate actions can be taken.

7.3 Internet Acceptable Use

This internet policy applies to every employee who has access to the Company's computers and mobile devices.

The Company's internet must not be used to access, transmit, print, download any derogatory, obscene, defamatory or offensive material, such as anything that is used to cause disparagement or harassment.

Unauthorized download or dissemination of copyrighted material using the Company's internet is prohibited. Permission to download copyrighted material must be sought and obtained from the owner or originator of the material.

Employees are expressly prohibited from downloading, copying installing video games, videos, pictures or other Unauthorized Materials with the Company's internet.

Unauthorized Materials are documents, files, videos, pictures or any other material that are not related or relevant to the achievement or performance of an employee's designated task or duties.

The use of the Company's internet for personal work is expressly prohibited.

7.4 Email and Computer Use

The Company allows various means of communication and dissemination of information. This may include: e-mail, text message, instant messaging, voice messages and voice calls, which may be used via mobile devices or computers.

Employees may not use E-mails for disseminating or transmitting information or materials that are offensive, disparaging, copyrighted materials or unauthorized sharing of confidential information or trade secrets. Employees may not encrypt programmes or install any encrypted software or programme with any email communication.

Employees who use the Company's computers, mobile phones and/or other handheld devices should handle these devices with care as they may be held responsible for their loss or damage.

Every employee of the Company is required to refrain from the following:

(I) the unauthorized download of software on Company's computers;

(II) the use of devices such as computers and handheld devices for disseminating or transmitting confidential information or trade secrets of the Company;

(III) using Company-owned computers or devices to disseminate, transmit, or download disparaging, obscene, or illicit materials;

(IV) downloading, copying, installing video games, videos, pictures or other Unauthorized Materials on the Company's computers.

7.5 Social Media Policy

The Company is determined to use social media to create awareness about its services, enhance its customer/client base and increase the overall profitability of the Company. Employees are strongly encouraged to use social media platforms to promote the activities of the Company.

Employees should maintain the confidentiality of clients/customers, other employees and the Company by ensuring that personal information are not disclosed on social media. Employees should also note that the use of abusive, disparaging words, any form of threat or harassment on social media is highly prohibited.

Company-related social media activities will be monitored and any employee who is found guilty of violating this policy will face disciplinary actions.

PART 8: 88855 82 8888585

8.1 58558 5228222222 82225252822

552 228882 22 252 8222522 88 22 2528852 52 28558 2228222222 22225252822 22 588 222822228 525 228 5228885228 5225558288 22 25285 222525, 522, 25882, 52882822, 5582, 25282258822, 25822252822, 225288822, 8582552, 2222288 82225252822, 2558258 825258, 252225282, 25288858 25 222258 5885888822 25 522 85222252, 88588 25 25252 22 2258228 252228225 52525 252 858.

5588 228882 5228828 82 588 5822828 22 2228222222 52 252 8222522 85885 82885528 52855822222 2528288, 25582822, 22522525282 2858552822, 228 5888222222 525 52882252822, 2522228228, 285822222, 8252822 8225828228, 82582 82222828 25 822222852822.

552 8222522 558 2252 228255282 225 58885828252822 525 5555882222. 552522252, 28252 22282222 88 2282555225 22 822225522 25882 82 822822222822 252 8222522'8 22888828 82 252222822, 22 252 5825282 22888882 252222, 5 58885828252822-2522 8252822 22885222222.

52 5 882852822 22 2588 228882 288558, 252 8222522 8888, 52 828 5888522822, 2522 52252258522 588882882552 5828228 5258282 522 22282222 852 558 88285225 252 2528888228 22 252 228882. 52 522 882852822 288558, 522 22282222 88 52858525 22 222822 252 8222522 22 8585 882852822 225 252222 582822.

8.2 228882 8258282 225228582 8555882222 525 88885828252822

552 8222522 88 822282225 22 252885822 5 22582258 525 8522 825228582, 2522 2522 522 2252 22 5555882222 525 58885828252822.

552 8222522 5228 222 225282 5555882222 25 58885828252822 5258282 522 22282222 22 252 85888 22 52882822, 222525, 25822252822, 525825, 5582, 225288822, 25282258822, 2558258 825258 25 522 22525 88588828852822 5282228225 82 858. 522882885882 5555882222 525 58885828252822 288558 82:

(5) 252 8582888822 22 25 522282822 22 8585 8225582 88 5825 282525 8228888282 25 2528888282 58 5 85888 225 52 22282222'8 2228222222, 822282525 2228222222, 252222822 25 522 22525 82222828;

(55) 252 8582888822 25 522282822 22 8585 8225582 88 252 85888 225 252 2228222222 528888228 522282822 522 22282222;

(555) 8585 8225582 558 252 2552282 22 85252822 52 822828552822 525 5282882 8252 22885222222.

82255828 822828252822 5555882222 82885528, 852 222 8828225 22:

(5) 252 582 22 825558 25822225 8222222 5258282 2228 8252;

(55) 528288222 8225822, 22585822 25 52828888225 8252 8222582;

(555) 825558, 58825552822 22825528 25 82222228;

(55) 52855552225 525 528288222 58885888228 58252 8222222'8 825558 2522582282;

(5) 5252252252 5225528, 222228882 25 858255 82558 25 528288222 825558 55852828;

(55) 528288222 5882852 22 2888222 25 82555882 8522282882 885228 525 825228.

552 8222522 558 2252 228255282 225 522 582 25 8225582 82222525 22 588858282522 5258282 522 22282222 25 5828228 522522822 22 5555882222.

8.3 Discipline for Non-Compliance

This Handbook provides the list of prohibited behaviour or conduct. While it is impossible for the Company to outline the code of conduct for every situation, the Company has provided general guidelines for employees' conduct.

The following list does not represent a comprehensive list of all misconduct as the Company may, from to time and on a case by case basis, formulate rules regulating employee's code of conduct in the Company ("Misconduct"):

(I) theft or unauthorized possession of Company's property;

(II) theft or unauthorized possession of any property belonging to an employee of the Company;

(III) engaging in physical and/or verbal abuse in the workplace;

(IV) deceit and other fraudulent practices;

(V) unsatisfactory work performance and lack of professionalism;

(VI) incessant refusal to adhere to the rules of the Company;

(VII) illegal possession of fire arms and other harmful objects;

(VIII) inappropriate or unauthorized use of the Company's confidential information;

(IX) frequent lateness to work;

(X) failure to perform required tasks and duties on time;

(XI) insubordination;

(XII) willful destruction of Company's property;

(XIII) failure to comply with the provisions of this Handbook.

If an employee is found guilty of Misconduct, the Company's management shall at its sole discretion, take disciplinary actions against such employee. Disciplinary actions taken may include, but not limited to suspension, salary deductions, reassignment, or dismissal.

In addition to the disciplinary measures outlined above, the Company may, from time to time impose guidelines for addressing issues of Misconduct.

8.4 Procedure for Handling Complaints

Employees who have suffered harassment, discrimination, verbal or physical abuse or any violation of any type, should report to their supervisor or the Company's management as the case may.

Upon receipt, the management of the Company shall conduct an inquiry aimed at ascertaining the veracity of such complaints and after due investigations have been conducted, the Company may impose any disciplinary action against the offending party.

Upon receipt of any complaint by an employee, the Company shall do as follow:



9.1 Termination of Employment

The management of the Company may terminate the employment of any employee at any time, with or without reason upon issuance of: ________ notice to the employee.

9.2 Dismissal

The Company's management has the authority to dismiss an employee from employment at any time, without notice.

Reasons for such dismissal may include, but not limited to the following:


An employee who has been dismissed shall not be entitled to any notice, retirement benefit or any benefit of any kind.

9.3 8255255282

825 58222882522 2552 2255 2228222222 8825 252 8222522 88 222 2555522225, 252522252, 252 8222522 252 852-222 522222 25 2252 22 828 222822228 58 5 528582 22 5255255282. 855822 252 5255255282 225825, 252 8222522'8 2525222222 85588 52282 252 258288282 22 28582 82, 8582 252 525 85588 252 828255282 25825228 525 522 22525 222828 52858525 82 858.

9.4 Resignation from Employment

Except as otherwise stated, an employee may, at anytime, with or without any valid reason, resign from employment on the expiration of a: ________ notice issued by the employee of his or her intention to resign from the employment.

9.5 Obligations of Employees after Termination

Upon termination of the employment, an employee who has resigned or whose employment has been terminated shall:

(I) immediately deliver to the management of the Company, all monies, documents, books, official phones, computers, materials and/or any other property belonging and relating to the Company which is in the possession of the employee;

(II) delete or erase any confidential information, trade secret or any other information relating to the business of the Company on any electronic device, hard disk etc belonging to the employee;

(III) not disclose or use any of the Company's trade secret.

The Company's management shall be entitled to seek an injunction or any other legal remedy to prevent disclosure or use of any confidential or trade secret information.


I acknowledge receipt of a copy of ________'s Handbook which contains the policies, practices and procedure of ________. I also acknowledge that this Handbook contains the Company's policies, procedures, employee benefits and disciplinary measures and I agree to read, understand and be bound by all the provisions of this Handbook. I also undertake to perform my duties and tasks efficiently, effectively and in accordance with the standards of the Company.

I understand that this Handbook is intended to serve as a guide and does not create any contractual obligation on any party.

I also acknowledge that my employment is at-will and can be terminated by the Company at anytime, with or without notice. I also understand that my position, tasks and duties with may be altered or modified at any time by the Company's management.

I acknowledge that except the at-will employment, the Company reserves the right to modify the policies, procedures and other provisions contained in this Handbook. However, the at-will employment may only be modified by a modified employment contract signed by me and the employer.

Name of Employee:......................................................................................

Date of Receipt:............................................................................................

Signature of Employee:................................................................................

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Employee Handbook



1.1 About the Employee Handbook
1.2 Policy Modification
1.3 Voluntary At-Will Employment
1.4 Dispute Resolution


2.1 Basic Company Information
2.2 The Company's Mission
2.3 The Company's Vision
2.4 The Company's Core Values and Culture


3.1 Classification of Employment
3.2 Probationary Period
3.3 Outside Employment
3.4 Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information
3.5 Conflict of Interest
3.6 Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Obligations
3.7 Privacy
3.8 Intellectual Property Ownership
3.9 Transfer of Employment


4.1 Hours of Work
4.2 Overtime
4.3 Attendance and Punctuality
4.4 Dress Code
4.5 Performance Appraisal
4.6 Salary Increases


5.1 Remuneration Plan
5.2 Transport Benefits
5.3 Health Insurance Policy
5.4 Retirement Plan
5.5 Employees Compensation
5.6 Other Benefits


6.1 General Provision
6.2 Annual Leave
6.3 Parental Leave
6.4 Sick Leave
6.5 Compassionate Leave
6.6 Study Leave
6.7 Meetings and Conferences
6.8 National Holidays


7.1 Computers and Handheld Devices
7.2 Information Security
7.3 Internet Acceptable Use
7.4 Email and Computer Use
7.5 Social Media Policy


8.1 Equal Employment Opportunity
8.2 Policy Against Workplace Harassment and Discrimination
8.3 Discipline for Non-Compliance
8.4 Procedure for Handling Complaints


9.1 Termination of Employment
9.2 Dismissal
9.3 Redundancy
9.4 Resignation from Employment
9.5 Obligations of Employees after Termination


1.1 About the Employee Handbook

The ________ Employee handbook (the "Handbook") has been established to provide rules and guidelines about the Company's policies and practices.

It delineates, summarizes and explains all the policies, rules and regulations for every staff of the Company and is not intended to act as a guarantee for employment for a fixed period of time.

This Handbook is supplemental to all other contract document, materials and information of the Company. This document should not be considered as an all-encompassing material on all the policies relating to the Company as the Company may from time to time, disseminate information and other communications intended to alter or modify the provisions of this Handbook.

The policies and guidelines described herein are to be treated as important. Adherence to the provisions of this Handbook is a key requirement and condition of employment. Failure to comply with any provision of this Handbook may attract disciplinary actions.

This document replaces and supersedes any other previous employee handbook, rules, policies, manuals, guidelines or other policies of the Company whether oral or in written communication.

1.2 Policy Modification

The Company may, at anytime and at its sole discretion, change the terms of this Handbook. The terms of this Handbook can be revoked, revised, modified or altered in any manner the Company sees fit. All the employees of the Company will be duly notified in writing if any change is made to this Handbook. Every employee has the duty to read and understand the provisions of any modified version of this Handbook and adhere to its terms.

If there are questions or issues arising from any modified version, such issues should be duly communicated to supervisors, heads of department or the requisite human resources department in the Company.

1.3 Voluntary At-Will Employment

Except as stated otherwise, all employment contract with the Company is "at-will". This means that the Company can, with or without cause, terminate the employment of any employee and any employee can, with or without cause, resign from their employment provided that adequate notice in writing has been furnished in accordance with the provisions of this Handbook.

Any promise, covenant or representations contrary to the tenets of this Handbook made by any officer of this Company shall not be binding except such promises, covenants or representation is made in writing and duly authorized.

1.4 Dispute Resolution

You agree that any dispute or any issue whatsoever between you and the Company will first, be reported to the Company for resolution before having recourse to any other alternative dispute resolution mechanism.

If the matters remain unresolved, you agree that such unresolved matters will be referred to arbitration. The parties shall select the arbitrators and the arbitration shall be conducted in the State where the Company is located. The arbitrator(s) shall be bound by applicable Federal and State laws of the Company's place of business.


2.1 Basic Company Information

Welcome to Company ________ (the "Company"). The Company is duly registered under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Company was organized principally to achieve the following purpose:


The primary address of the Company is as follows:


The Company's primary email address is ________.

2.2 The Company's Mission

The Company's mission statement is as follows:


2.3 The Company's Vision

The Company's vision statement is as follows:


2.4 The Company's Core Values and Culture

The Company's core values and culture are:



3.1 Classification of Employment

Employees of the Company will be classified in the manner described below:

(I) Regular Full-Time Employees: Regular full-time employees are persons regularly scheduled to work for the following number of hours per week: ________.

(II) Temporary Employees: Temporary employees are those employees who do not have a regular employment with the Company, but have been employed to work for a limited period of: ________. Temporary employees may have their duration of employment extended provided that such extension is made in writing and signed by the Company's management. The Company may terminate the employment of a temporary worker with or without notice for any or no reason at all. All temporary employments are at-will employments.

For the purpose of employee classification, independent contractors, service providers, external solicitors,auditors and/or accountants and consultants are not considered as employees. Therefore, they are not entitled to leave benefits, retirement plan, insurance benefits and other employment benefits.

3.2 Probationary Period

All new employees will be on probation and on the job evaluation for the following period: ________.

During this period, you are expected to consider your retention at the Company.

After the period of probation, there will be performance appraisal for every new employee and subject to satisfactory report on your performance, your appointment will be confirmed.

The Company's management may, in its absolute discretion, before the end of the probationary period, terminate the Employee's employment, for any reason and for no reason, with or without notice.

3.3 Outside Employment

Every employee is required to give their whole services to the Company and are expressly prohibited from engaging in any other paid employment.

3.4 Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information

In the course of the employment with the Company, employees may have access to non-public confidential and trade secret information regarding the business operation of the Company.

Confidential Information includes all information or materials of whatever nature relating to the business operations of the Company, any written material or by any oral or written statement whatsoever which includes but not limited to documents, techniques, practices, tools, specifications, inventions, patents, trademark, soft wares, drawings, programmes developed by or relating to the Company or other information that is not known or easily ascertainable to the general public.

Confidential information does not include the following information or data:

(I) which can be established by written records to be already known to the public at the time of the disclosure;

(II) which enters the public domain through no fault of an employee;

(III) is given by the Company to third parties without any restrictions;

(IV) is given to you by any third party who is in possession of such information and has the legal right to disclose it; or

(V) that is required by law to be disclosed.

As a condition of employment, you hereby agree as follows:

(I) to take proper and reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality of the proprietary information;

(II) not to make public, publish or otherwise disclose in whole or part, any information relating to the practice, business dealings or other matters relating to the Company without obtaining the requisite consent;

(III) not to use the confidential information for any purpose other than for the performance of designated tasks and assignments;

(IV) to use all confidential Information and trade secret information to perform your designated duties and in accordance with your employment contract;

(V) not to modify or alter any confidential or trade secret Information without the prior consent of your supervisor or the Company's management as the case may be.

You agree to comply with the provisions of this clause during and after the termination of your employment for as long as it remains a trade secret.

3.5 Conflict of Interest

Employees are required to, at all cost, avoid any relationship, association, business or situation that may conflict with the Company's interests. Every employee should disclose all cases of potential conflicts of interest.

Conflicts of interests includes cases and situations where an employee forms, engages or participates in any business venture that is in direct competition with the Company's business.

3.6 Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation

As a condition for your employment, you agree not to directly or indirectly engage in any business which is in competition with the Company's business.

Directly or indirectly engaging in a competitive business includes but not limited to the following:

(I) seeking to procure order from or do business with any client or customer of the Company;

(II) setting up a company or any other organization that engages in the provision of products or services offered by the Company;

(III) giving advice or working directly or indirectly for any person, business or any other organization that is in competition with the Company as employee, independent contractor, director, consultant, etc during your employment with the Company.

3.7 Privacy

The Company takes the security of every employee's personal data very seriously and also takes reasonable measures to reduce the risk of unauthorized access to such information. Therefore, employee personal information will not be disclosed except as required for business operations and/or with the express consent of the employee.

Unauthorized copying, transmission or access to any employee's personal data by any employee shall be subject to discipline. Therefore,employees are encouraged to report any suspected data breach to the management.

3.8 Intellectual Property Ownership

As a condition of employment, you agree that the Company retains the sole ownership of any intellectual property and related materials which includes but not limited to trade marks, trade secrets, goodwill, patents, copyrights etc. which you developed or produced during the performance of your tasks and duties for the Company and the Company shall be granted unrestricted and unrestrained access to use such intellectual property.

3.9 Transfer of Employment

In the event that the Company is being acquired by another organization, an employee may be transferred to the acquiring organization with the express consent of the employee upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed by the parties.


4.1 Hours of Work

Except as otherwise stated, all employees are expected to resume work at ________ to ________. With a breakfast/lunch break at: ________.

4.2 Overtime

There may need for employees to work beyond their normal working hours, on weekends and/or public holidays declared by the Federal Government. Except as otherwise stated in the employment contract, employees who do overtime will be entitled to overtime pay in accordance with their employment contract.

4.3 Attendance and Punctuality

Punctuality and regular attendance is mandatory for all employees. If an employee will be absent from work at any given period or will report to work late, the employee is required to notify his or her supervisor at the earliest possible time. If an employee needs to leave work before closing time, the employee should notify his or her supervisor prior to the time they leave work.

If an employee remains absent from work and fails to notify their supervisor about such absence within a consecutive period of: ________ working days, such continued absence will be considered as resignation from work.

4.4 Dress Code

The Company's dress code policy is as follows:


Adherence to the Company's dress code policy is mandatory.

4.5 Performance Appraisal

All employees are subject to performance appraisal every month. The employer will provide a systematic means of evaluating an employee's performance.

During the periods of appraisal, the employee's performance will be assessed by the employee's supervisor or the employee to ensure an increase in the employee's overall job performance.

The purpose of this appraisal is to provide a systematic record of the employee's performance, promotes communication by providing feedback on the employee's job performance and efficiency and facilitate a better working relationship between the employee and the supervisor and/or the employer.

4.6 Salary Increases

Good performance does not entitle any employee to salary increase. However, the Company may at its sole discretion, increase the salaries and/or bonuses of any employee.


5.1 Remuneration Plan

An employee's salary is dependent on their respective position as described in their employment contracts. Except as otherwise stated, all salaries will be disbursed on a monthly basis. All salary deductions will be reflected in each employee's pay slip. Approved salary deductions include, but not limited to employee retirement benefits, personal income taxes, life insurance and any other reasonable deduction.

In addition to the basic salary, employees shall, depending on their employment contracts, be entitled to receive bonuses provided that every bonus shall be approved and authorized by the Company's management. The bonus shall be determined by the Company's management.

5.2 Transportation Benefits

In addition to remuneration and other benefits, the Company also provides free transport for employees.

The free transport provided for employees will:


5.3 Health Insurance Policy

The Company provides the following health insurance benefits to eligible employees:


The health insurance plan is provided by: ________.

The Company pays the health insurance premium for the eligible employee. The Company may require the employee to contribute a portion of the insurance premium. Information about the health insurance plan will be provided to eligible employees.

5.4 Retirement Plan

As required by law, the Company shall make contribution to a Contributory Pension Scheme for the payment of retirement benefits to its employees.

5.5 Employees' Compensation

Employees are entitled to compensation under the Workmen Compensation Act. The Company provides compensation to employees who have suffered permanent partial incapacity, permanent total incapacity, temporal incapacity or fatal accidents resulting to deaths caused by occupational diseases or accidents.

To ensure proper protection of employees, the Company requires severe accident or injuries that occurs on the job to be reported to the Company's management.

5.6 Other Benefits

As part of the employment benefits, employees of the Company shall also be entitled to the following benefits:



6.1 General Provision

Regular attendance is mandatory for every employee. However, employees are entitled to certain holidays and leave. In addition to holidays required by law, the Company's management may from time to time approve leave requests depending on an employee's circumstance. Every leave must be duly authorized and approved by the Company's management prior to the period the leave is taken. Except for sick or medical leaves, a leave may be approved, denied or postponed to a later date. An extension of leave may be approved before the expiration of the current leave.

After a leave request has been approved, every employee is required to properly handover all pending tasks to their supervisor and/or the Company's management as the case may be.

Except as required by law, there is no guarantee that an employee will be reinstated in the exact position or titled they held before the leave. However, the Company will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all employees retain their former position they held prior to the leave.

6.2 Annual Leave

In addition to public holidays, every regular employee is eligible for annual leave for a period of: ________ per calendar year.

The annual leave must be taken at the times convenient to the Company and sufficient notice of intention to take leave must be given to the employee's supervisor and the Company's management prior to the period the leave will be taken.

All annual leaves must be approved by the Company's management before an employee can take the annual leave.

6.3 Parental Leave

According to the law, every female employee shall due to pregnancy and upon presentation of a medical certificate, be entitled to maternity leave for a minimum period of six weeks before delivery and another period of six weeks after delivery.

However, the leave may be extended upon the prior approval of the management of the Company's management prior to the period the leave will be taken.

At the conclusion of maternity leave, the employee will be restored to their previous position or a similar position in the Company. An employee on maternity leave shall be entitled to full pay for the duration of the leave.

Male employees may be entitled to paternity leave for a period of: ________.

All parental leaves must be approved by the Company.

6.4 Sick Leave

Every Employee is entitled to a paid sick leave for a period of ________ (________) days in one calendar year for any temporal illness certified by a certified medical practitioner. However, depending on the nature of the illness, the Company's management prior to the period the leave will be taken, may approve a leave extension. All medical leaves must be approved by the Company's management.

At the conclusion of the sick leave and prior to an employee's return to work, the employee is required to obtain a certificate of fitness from their doctor to be presented to the Company's management.

Unused sick leave can accumulate from year to year.

6.5 Compassionate Leave

A compassionate leave may be granted to an employee for personal circumstances.

Personal circumstances include the following:

(I) Close family member's illness: the care of an employee's spouse, child, partner suffering from a severe illness.

(II) Close family member's injury: the care of an employee's spouse, partner or child who has been severely injured.

(III) Family emergency: to attend to family emergencies ranging from child's welfare, death of a close family member, etc.

When a leave is requested to care for a family member who is severely sick or injured, the employee shall be required to present a medical certificate signed by the relative's medical practitioner and containing the following information:

(I) the nature of the condition and the date the condition started;

(II) an estimated duration or period of the condition;

(III) an estimated amount of time that the medical practitioner believes that the employee will be required to provide the necessary care and support to the sick or injured family member;

(IV) a statement indicating that the care and support of the employee is required.

6.6 Study Leave

An Employee may be entitled to study leave for a period of ________ (________) days and such leave must be granted at the request of the employee and consent of the Company's management must be obtained.

Where the Employee is unable to complete the study leave, the Employee may be allowed to complete the leave at a different time until the leave period is exhausted.

6.7 Meetings and Conferences

Employees may be given some time off to participate in educational opportunities related to the employee's current or anticipated work with the Company.

However, the Company does not grant leave or time-off to employees to attend meetings and conferences that are regarded as beneficial to the and/or enhance their professional growth and development.

6.8 National Holidays

Employees of the Company are entitled to the following national holidays:

  • New year's day
  • Election day
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • Worker's day
  • Id el Fitr
  • Democracy day
  • Id el Kabir
  • Independence day
  • Id el Maulud
  • Christmas day
  • Boxing day

In additional to this, the Company also observes every other national holiday that may be declared from time to time by the Federal Government.


7.1 Computers and Handheld Devices

The Company may provide computers and other handheld devices for employees to ensure the effective execution and performance of tasks and duties. Employees must ensure that the use of these devices conforms with the primary purpose for which it was provided. The Company prohibits the use of the Company's electronic devices for personal use.

The Company retains ownership of all computers and mobile devices provided by the Company and the Company's management retains the right to inspect and monitor data or files at any given time.

Personal devices can create distractions in a work place, hence, the use of personal phones and mobile devices should be limited during working hours. In particular, the use of personal devices should be done in accordance with the following policy:


If an employee's personal device is found to be disruptive and reduce the employee's level of productivity, such employee may face disciplinary actions.

7.2 Information Security

The Company maintains a strict policy on confidential electronic information which every employee (who have access to such information) must strictly adhere to.

Employees should ensure that no printed document relating to the Company, the Company's clients, customers, or visitors is left unattended on their work desks.

Employees who work with computers or mobile devices provided by the Company should ensure that they use a secure password on all those devices and ensure that they promptly notify management if the device is lost or damaged.

The Company expressly prohibits any unauthorized use or distribution of confidential information or documents. All confidential information or documents that must be transferred within the Company should be done through the following means:


If any staff of this Company discovers that a computer system does not conform to this Policy, such an employee is required to promptly notify management, so that appropriate actions can be taken.

7.3 Internet Acceptable Use

This internet policy applies to every employee who has access to the Company's computers and mobile devices.

The Company's internet must not be used to access, transmit, print, download any derogatory, obscene, defamatory or offensive material, such as anything that is used to cause disparagement or harassment.

Unauthorized download or dissemination of copyrighted material using the Company's internet is prohibited. Permission to download copyrighted material must be sought and obtained from the owner or originator of the material.

Employees are expressly prohibited from downloading, copying installing video games, videos, pictures or other Unauthorized Materials with the Company's internet.

Unauthorized Materials are documents, files, videos, pictures or any other material that are not related or relevant to the achievement or performance of an employee's designated task or duties.

The use of the Company's internet for personal work is expressly prohibited.

7.4 Email and Computer Use

The Company allows various means of communication and dissemination of information. This may include: e-mail, text message, instant messaging, voice messages and voice calls, which may be used via mobile devices or computers.

Employees may not use E-mails for disseminating or transmitting information or materials that are offensive, disparaging, copyrighted materials or unauthorized sharing of confidential information or trade secrets. Employees may not encrypt programmes or install any encrypted software or programme with any email communication.

Employees who use the Company's computers, mobile phones and/or other handheld devices should handle these devices with care as they may be held responsible for their loss or damage.

Every employee of the Company is required to refrain from the following:

(I) the unauthorized download of software on Company's computers;

(II) the use of devices such as computers and handheld devices for disseminating or transmitting confidential information or trade secrets of the Company;

(III) using Company-owned computers or devices to disseminate, transmit, or download disparaging, obscene, or illicit materials;

(IV) downloading, copying, installing video games, videos, pictures or other Unauthorized Materials on the Company's computers.

7.5 Social Media Policy

The Company is determined to use social media to create awareness about its services, enhance its customer/client base and increase the overall profitability of the Company. Employees are strongly encouraged to use social media platforms to promote the activities of the Company.

Employees should maintain the confidentiality of clients/customers, other employees and the Company by ensuring that personal information are not disclosed on social media. Employees should also note that the use of abusive, disparaging words, any form of threat or harassment on social media is highly prohibited.

Company-related social media activities will be monitored and any employee who is found guilty of violating this policy will face disciplinary actions.

PART 8: 88855 82 8888585

8.1 58558 5228222222 82225252822

552 228882 22 252 8222522 88 22 2528852 52 28558 2228222222 22225252822 22 588 222822228 525 228 5228885228 5225558288 22 25285 222525, 522, 25882, 52882822, 5582, 25282258822, 25822252822, 225288822, 8582552, 2222288 82225252822, 2558258 825258, 252225282, 25288858 25 222258 5885888822 25 522 85222252, 88588 25 25252 22 2258228 252228225 52525 252 858.

5588 228882 5228828 82 588 5822828 22 2228222222 52 252 8222522 85885 82885528 52855822222 2528288, 25582822, 22522525282 2858552822, 228 5888222222 525 52882252822, 2522228228, 285822222, 8252822 8225828228, 82582 82222828 25 822222852822.

552 8222522 558 2252 228255282 225 58885828252822 525 5555882222. 552522252, 28252 22282222 88 2282555225 22 822225522 25882 82 822822222822 252 8222522'8 22888828 82 252222822, 22 252 5825282 22888882 252222, 5 58885828252822-2522 8252822 22885222222.

52 5 882852822 22 2588 228882 288558, 252 8222522 8888, 52 828 5888522822, 2522 52252258522 588882882552 5828228 5258282 522 22282222 852 558 88285225 252 2528888228 22 252 228882. 52 522 882852822 288558, 522 22282222 88 52858525 22 222822 252 8222522 22 8585 882852822 225 252222 582822.

8.2 228882 8258282 225228582 8555882222 525 88885828252822

552 8222522 88 822282225 22 252885822 5 22582258 525 8522 825228582, 2522 2522 522 2252 22 5555882222 525 58885828252822.

552 8222522 5228 222 225282 5555882222 25 58885828252822 5258282 522 22282222 22 252 85888 22 52882822, 222525, 25822252822, 525825, 5582, 225288822, 25282258822, 2558258 825258 25 522 22525 88588828852822 5282228225 82 858. 522882885882 5555882222 525 58885828252822 288558 82:

(5) 252 8582888822 22 25 522282822 22 8585 8225582 88 5825 282525 8228888282 25 2528888282 58 5 85888 225 52 22282222'8 2228222222, 822282525 2228222222, 252222822 25 522 22525 82222828;

(55) 252 8582888822 25 522282822 22 8585 8225582 88 252 85888 225 252 2228222222 528888228 522282822 522 22282222;

(555) 8585 8225582 558 252 2552282 22 85252822 52 822828552822 525 5282882 8252 22885222222.

82255828 822828252822 5555882222 82885528, 852 222 8828225 22:

(5) 252 582 22 825558 25822225 8222222 5258282 2228 8252;

(55) 528288222 8225822, 22585822 25 52828888225 8252 8222582;

(555) 825558, 58825552822 22825528 25 82222228;

(55) 52855552225 525 528288222 58885888228 58252 8222222'8 825558 2522582282;

(5) 5252252252 5225528, 222228882 25 858255 82558 25 528288222 825558 55852828;

(55) 528288222 5882852 22 2888222 25 82555882 8522282882 885228 525 825228.

552 8222522 558 2252 228255282 225 522 582 25 8225582 82222525 22 588858282522 5258282 522 22282222 25 5828228 522522822 22 5555882222.

8.3 Discipline for Non-Compliance

This Handbook provides the list of prohibited behaviour or conduct. While it is impossible for the Company to outline the code of conduct for every situation, the Company has provided general guidelines for employees' conduct.

The following list does not represent a comprehensive list of all misconduct as the Company may, from to time and on a case by case basis, formulate rules regulating employee's code of conduct in the Company ("Misconduct"):

(I) theft or unauthorized possession of Company's property;

(II) theft or unauthorized possession of any property belonging to an employee of the Company;

(III) engaging in physical and/or verbal abuse in the workplace;

(IV) deceit and other fraudulent practices;

(V) unsatisfactory work performance and lack of professionalism;

(VI) incessant refusal to adhere to the rules of the Company;

(VII) illegal possession of fire arms and other harmful objects;

(VIII) inappropriate or unauthorized use of the Company's confidential information;

(IX) frequent lateness to work;

(X) failure to perform required tasks and duties on time;

(XI) insubordination;

(XII) willful destruction of Company's property;

(XIII) failure to comply with the provisions of this Handbook.

If an employee is found guilty of Misconduct, the Company's management shall at its sole discretion, take disciplinary actions against such employee. Disciplinary actions taken may include, but not limited to suspension, salary deductions, reassignment, or dismissal.

In addition to the disciplinary measures outlined above, the Company may, from time to time impose guidelines for addressing issues of Misconduct.

8.4 Procedure for Handling Complaints

Employees who have suffered harassment, discrimination, verbal or physical abuse or any violation of any type, should report to their supervisor or the Company's management as the case may.

Upon receipt, the management of the Company shall conduct an inquiry aimed at ascertaining the veracity of such complaints and after due investigations have been conducted, the Company may impose any disciplinary action against the offending party.

Upon receipt of any complaint by an employee, the Company shall do as follow:



9.1 Termination of Employment

The management of the Company may terminate the employment of any employee at any time, with or without reason upon issuance of: ________ notice to the employee.

9.2 Dismissal

The Company's management has the authority to dismiss an employee from employment at any time, without notice.

Reasons for such dismissal may include, but not limited to the following:


An employee who has been dismissed shall not be entitled to any notice, retirement benefit or any benefit of any kind.

9.3 8255255282

825 58222882522 2552 2255 2228222222 8825 252 8222522 88 222 2555522225, 252522252, 252 8222522 252 852-222 522222 25 2252 22 828 222822228 58 5 528582 22 5255255282. 855822 252 5255255282 225825, 252 8222522'8 2525222222 85588 52282 252 258288282 22 28582 82, 8582 252 525 85588 252 828255282 25825228 525 522 22525 222828 52858525 82 858.

9.4 Resignation from Employment

Except as otherwise stated, an employee may, at anytime, with or without any valid reason, resign from employment on the expiration of a: ________ notice issued by the employee of his or her intention to resign from the employment.

9.5 Obligations of Employees after Termination

Upon termination of the employment, an employee who has resigned or whose employment has been terminated shall:

(I) immediately deliver to the management of the Company, all monies, documents, books, official phones, computers, materials and/or any other property belonging and relating to the Company which is in the possession of the employee;

(II) delete or erase any confidential information, trade secret or any other information relating to the business of the Company on any electronic device, hard disk etc belonging to the employee;

(III) not disclose or use any of the Company's trade secret.

The Company's management shall be entitled to seek an injunction or any other legal remedy to prevent disclosure or use of any confidential or trade secret information.


I acknowledge receipt of a copy of ________'s Handbook which contains the policies, practices and procedure of ________. I also acknowledge that this Handbook contains the Company's policies, procedures, employee benefits and disciplinary measures and I agree to read, understand and be bound by all the provisions of this Handbook. I also undertake to perform my duties and tasks efficiently, effectively and in accordance with the standards of the Company.

I understand that this Handbook is intended to serve as a guide and does not create any contractual obligation on any party.

I also acknowledge that my employment is at-will and can be terminated by the Company at anytime, with or without notice. I also understand that my position, tasks and duties with may be altered or modified at any time by the Company's management.

I acknowledge that except the at-will employment, the Company reserves the right to modify the policies, procedures and other provisions contained in this Handbook. However, the at-will employment may only be modified by a modified employment contract signed by me and the employer.

Name of Employee:......................................................................................

Date of Receipt:............................................................................................

Signature of Employee:................................................................................