Employee Leave Request Letter


Indicate the type of leave the employee intends to request for. The annual leave is a time off which is granted by an employer to an employee as holiday once every year. The employee enjoys full pay while on the leave. According to the Nigerian Labour Act, every person who has worked in an organization for a period of 12 months, is entitled to at least six days off with full pay. Some organizations actually grant one month, two weeks, etc. annual leave to their employees. The sick leave is a leave of absence which is granted to an employee as a result of the employee's ill health. According to the Labour Act, an employee shall in one calendar year, be entitled to up to 12 (working) days sick leave with full pay. The study leave is a period of leave of absence which allows an employee undertake academic research or any academic activities in any institution of learning. This includes completing a masters programme, completing a professional programme (for example, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), etc.), attending an academic conference, etc. The compassionate leave is a period of absence from work granted to an employee as a result of a personal circumstance, such as the death of a close relative or where a close relative is suffering from a severe illness, etc. The Maternity/Paternity leave is a period of absence from work taken by an expectant female or male worker during the time for delivery.

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Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to follow up on the conversation we had on ________ regarding my request to take my annual leave. I plan o be away from ________ to ________ and to return to work on ________.

All my current work will be completed before I depart. When I return, I continue any new projects assigned during my leave or begin new projects.

I will also be available to answer any questions or provide necessary assistance while I am away.

52 225 5285852 522 2552525 82225252822 522555822 2588, 282582 822 22 2228. 55522 225 225 82288525822 22 5285282. 5 8222 2258555 22 5255822 2522 225.

Yours faithfully,



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Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to follow up on the conversation we had on ________ regarding my request to take my annual leave. I plan o be away from ________ to ________ and to return to work on ________.

All my current work will be completed before I depart. When I return, I continue any new projects assigned during my leave or begin new projects.

I will also be available to answer any questions or provide necessary assistance while I am away.

52 225 5285852 522 2552525 82225252822 522555822 2588, 282582 822 22 2228. 55522 225 225 82288525822 22 5285282. 5 8222 2258555 22 5255822 2522 225.

Yours faithfully,

