Engagement Letter


Indicate if the service provider of this letter is a person or an organization.

A company is a registered legal entity which has a legal personality and can sue and be sued in its own corporate name. There are four types of companies in Nigeria, such as private company limited by shares, public company limited by shares, companies limited by guarantee and unlimited liability company.

An organization is any other registered organization other than a company. This includes business names (such as partnership and sole proprietorship businesses), incorporated trustees, etc.

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Dear Sir/Madam,


I am pleased to accept my appointment as: ________. The terms and conditions of this engagement are as follows:

1. Period of Engagement

This engagement shall commence on ________ and shall remain valid until ________.

2. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this engagement is to provide the following services: ________

3. Obligations of

In connection with the purpose of this engagement, ________ shall be responsible for the following:


a. In addition to the above responsibilities, I shall do as follows:

(I) provide the services diligently and with due care;

(II) to do other duties may include such other tasks which may be agreed on.

4. Obligations of

In relation to the services under this Engagement, ________ shall:

(I). pay ________ for the services rendered under this letter;

(II). grant access to relevant documents, data, and information required for the successful performance and completion of the service and ensure the accuracy and completeness of all information provided to ________.

(III). provide the necessary cooperation, assistance, and information to enable the professional to perform the agreed-upon services effectively.

(IV). respond promptly to requests for information or action to avoid delays in the completion of the services;

(V). inform ________ promptly of any changes in circumstances that may impact the services or their delivery;

(VI). abide by all applicable laws and regulations related to the services being rendered;

(VII). abide by the terms and conditions outlined in the Engagement, including any limitations on the scope of services;

(VIII). cooperate in good faith to resolve any disputes or disagreements that may arise during the Engagement.

5. Fee Structure

a. Our professional fees for all the services rendered under this engagement shall be the sum of ₦________ (________) per hour.

b. ________ shall make payment at the end of each month or at any other agreed duration.

c. Such compensation will be made in cash.

d. I shall also be entitled to be reimbursed for all incidental and out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred on behalf of ________, provided that same have been authorized by ________ prior to being incurred and with the provisions of appropriate receipts.

6. Confidentiality Obligations

a. In fulfilling the obligations under this engagement, I acknowledge that I may have access to confidential information and materials, in which case, we undertake not to make public or disclose in whole or part, any information relating to the practice, business dealings or other matters relating to ________ which comes to my knowledge as a result of this engagement without obtaining the prior consent of ________; except where the law imposes on me to disclose such information, in such case, ________ shall be promptly notified in writing.

b. I also agree to use the confidential information solely for the purpose for which the information was provided and to take proper and reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality of the confidential information

c. All confidential information that comes into my possession shall be treated as valuable and be held in strict confidence and protected from disclosure to any third party.

d. This clause shall continue to apply to all confidential information before, on or after the date of this engagement and our obligations shall continue to be in force for as long as the information remains a trade secret.

7. Intellectual Property Ownership

________ agrees that all formulas, trade secrets, business models, written works, videos, text, photographs, and all other intellectual property rights, including trademarks, trade secrets, goodwill, patents, copyrights, or other materials created, developed or created by ________ for ________ during the period of engagement, shall be the sole property of ________, and ________ is granted unrestricted access to use such intellectual property created under this Agreement.

________ hereby assigns and releases all intellectual property rights in all designs, formulas, inventions, patterns, copyrights, and all original works of intellectual property created under this Agreement to ________.

8. 2588258

2588552 22 25258882 522 58252 22 2588 2225222222 85588 222 2225522 58 5 858825. 552 582528 525 52225828 525282 25288525 552 8525852882 525 222 258858882 22 522 582528 25 52225828 25288525 82 858.

9. 8882225282

52 252 58282 22528 22 2225222222 552 5882225882 22 225, 282582 2528522 8225 822828 22 2588 822225.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you and I am looking forward to developing a beneficial business relationship with you.

Yours faithfully,


I, ________, agree to all the terms and conditions stated herein.


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Dear Sir/Madam,


I am pleased to accept my appointment as: ________. The terms and conditions of this engagement are as follows:

1. Period of Engagement

This engagement shall commence on ________ and shall remain valid until ________.

2. Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this engagement is to provide the following services: ________

3. Obligations of

In connection with the purpose of this engagement, ________ shall be responsible for the following:


a. In addition to the above responsibilities, I shall do as follows:

(I) provide the services diligently and with due care;

(II) to do other duties may include such other tasks which may be agreed on.

4. Obligations of

In relation to the services under this Engagement, ________ shall:

(I). pay ________ for the services rendered under this letter;

(II). grant access to relevant documents, data, and information required for the successful performance and completion of the service and ensure the accuracy and completeness of all information provided to ________.

(III). provide the necessary cooperation, assistance, and information to enable the professional to perform the agreed-upon services effectively.

(IV). respond promptly to requests for information or action to avoid delays in the completion of the services;

(V). inform ________ promptly of any changes in circumstances that may impact the services or their delivery;

(VI). abide by all applicable laws and regulations related to the services being rendered;

(VII). abide by the terms and conditions outlined in the Engagement, including any limitations on the scope of services;

(VIII). cooperate in good faith to resolve any disputes or disagreements that may arise during the Engagement.

5. Fee Structure

a. Our professional fees for all the services rendered under this engagement shall be the sum of ₦________ (________) per hour.

b. ________ shall make payment at the end of each month or at any other agreed duration.

c. Such compensation will be made in cash.

d. I shall also be entitled to be reimbursed for all incidental and out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred on behalf of ________, provided that same have been authorized by ________ prior to being incurred and with the provisions of appropriate receipts.

6. Confidentiality Obligations

a. In fulfilling the obligations under this engagement, I acknowledge that I may have access to confidential information and materials, in which case, we undertake not to make public or disclose in whole or part, any information relating to the practice, business dealings or other matters relating to ________ which comes to my knowledge as a result of this engagement without obtaining the prior consent of ________; except where the law imposes on me to disclose such information, in such case, ________ shall be promptly notified in writing.

b. I also agree to use the confidential information solely for the purpose for which the information was provided and to take proper and reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality of the confidential information

c. All confidential information that comes into my possession shall be treated as valuable and be held in strict confidence and protected from disclosure to any third party.

d. This clause shall continue to apply to all confidential information before, on or after the date of this engagement and our obligations shall continue to be in force for as long as the information remains a trade secret.

7. Intellectual Property Ownership

________ agrees that all formulas, trade secrets, business models, written works, videos, text, photographs, and all other intellectual property rights, including trademarks, trade secrets, goodwill, patents, copyrights, or other materials created, developed or created by ________ for ________ during the period of engagement, shall be the sole property of ________, and ________ is granted unrestricted access to use such intellectual property created under this Agreement.

________ hereby assigns and releases all intellectual property rights in all designs, formulas, inventions, patterns, copyrights, and all original works of intellectual property created under this Agreement to ________.

8. 2588258

2588552 22 25258882 522 58252 22 2588 2225222222 85588 222 2225522 58 5 858825. 552 582528 525 52225828 525282 25288525 552 8525852882 525 222 258858882 22 522 582528 25 52225828 25288525 82 858.

9. 8882225282

52 252 58282 22528 22 2225222222 552 5882225882 22 225, 282582 2528522 8225 822828 22 2588 822225.

Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you and I am looking forward to developing a beneficial business relationship with you.

Yours faithfully,


I, ________, agree to all the terms and conditions stated herein.
