Letter to Report Workplace Harassment


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Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to report an incident of harassment that I experienced at the workplace. This is a formal complaint of the harassment that I have been subjected to, as I hope that you take the necessary action to resolve this matter.

I am making this complaint against ________, who has harassed me in the following way:


The harassment occurred on ________ and has created a hostile environment for me at the workplace, which has affected my overall work performance.

Please find enclosed the following evidence of harassment:


I have reported this to my supervisor, who took the following steps, but I did not notice any change:


5 82585 8822 225 22 82828282522 2588 252225 2525252582 525 2522 252 52252258522 588882882552 5828228 22 228552 2552 2588 5228 222 28855 52582. Furthermore, due to the sensitive nature of this matter, I request that you keep this confidential.

If you want to discuss this matter further, please contact me.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,


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Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to report an incident of harassment that I experienced at the workplace. This is a formal complaint of the harassment that I have been subjected to, as I hope that you take the necessary action to resolve this matter.

I am making this complaint against ________, who has harassed me in the following way:


The harassment occurred on ________ and has created a hostile environment for me at the workplace, which has affected my overall work performance.

Please find enclosed the following evidence of harassment:


I have reported this to my supervisor, who took the following steps, but I did not notice any change:


5 82585 8822 225 22 82828282522 2588 252225 2525252582 525 2522 252 52252258522 588882882552 5828228 22 228552 2552 2588 5228 222 28855 52582. Furthermore, due to the sensitive nature of this matter, I request that you keep this confidential.

If you want to discuss this matter further, please contact me.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
