Request for Extension of Time for Rent Payment for Commercial Lease


Indicate whether this request will be used for a commercial lease or residential lease. A commercial property is designed for businesses, such as office spaces, warehouses, etc. A residential property is a building designed for people to live in.

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Dear Sir/Madam,


________ is a current tenant at one of your commercial rental properties, situated at the above address. I am writing on behalf of ________ to request an extension of period to pay rent because the company is undergoing a financial crisis and will be unable to pay the rent at this time.

In particular, the business has suffered in the following manner:


According to the Commercial lease, dated ________, we are required to pay yearly rent of ________ (________). The rent was due on ________. However, due to this unfortunate circumstance, we would like to propose a new date for the rent payment.

We request that we make the full rent payment on ________, without incurring additional charges or penalties.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, and I hope that you consider this request. If you decide to grant me the extension, please notify me in writing by email: ________, or by phone: ________.

55522 225 225 2255 2822 525 8228852552822. 5 8222 2258555 22 5255822 2522 225.

82558 882825282,


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Dear Sir/Madam,


________ is a current tenant at one of your commercial rental properties, situated at the above address. I am writing on behalf of ________ to request an extension of period to pay rent because the company is undergoing a financial crisis and will be unable to pay the rent at this time.

In particular, the business has suffered in the following manner:


According to the Commercial lease, dated ________, we are required to pay yearly rent of ________ (________). The rent was due on ________. However, due to this unfortunate circumstance, we would like to propose a new date for the rent payment.

We request that we make the full rent payment on ________, without incurring additional charges or penalties.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, and I hope that you consider this request. If you decide to grant me the extension, please notify me in writing by email: ________, or by phone: ________.

55522 225 225 2255 2822 525 8228852552822. 5 8222 2258555 22 5255822 2522 225.

82558 882825282,
