Roommate Agreement


Select the date this document will be signed. This date is different from the date the roommates will sign the lease agreement.

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This Roommate Agreement is made ________ by and between the following:

I. ________

II. ________

Herein after collectively referred to as "Roommates" and individually as "Roommate" of the following address:



The above-mentioned Roommates share the apartment particularly described in this Agreement, and wish to use this Agreement to specify their rights and obligations in relation to their lease. This Agreement does not impair the rights and liabilities of each Roommate to other parties, such as the Landlord, Agent, or other parties not listed in this Agreement to which the Roommate may be contractually bound in respect to the current Lease.

Now, therefore, in consideration of the promises and covenants hereinafter contained in this Agreement, as well as other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows:


1.1. By virtue of a residential lease dated ________ (the "Lease"), the Roommates occupy the Rental Unit described as follows (the Rental Unit"):


1.2. The Lease is hereby created for a fixed period of: ________. The current Lease commenced on ________ (the "Commencement Date"), and shall end on ________ (the "Expiration Date").

1.3. The Roommates agree to comply with the terms of the Lease, including their obligations to the Landlord and other obligations required in the lease, particularly as it relates to rent payment and maintenance of the Rental Unit. This Agreement does not substitute the rights and responsibilities of the Roommates or the named Tenants in the Lease Agreement.


If either of the Roommates intend to terminate before the natural expiration of this Agreement, the Roommate shall provide ________ notice to the other Roommate and such early termination shall be subject to finding a suitable replacement. The other Roommates shall retain the right to refuse early termination with or without complying with the above-mentioned conditions.


3.1. The total security deposit is ₦________ (________) (the Security Deposit"). The Security Deposit shall be split equally between the Roommates. Therefore the Roommates shall pay ₦________ each.


4.1. The total rent for the Rental Unit is ₦________ (________) every week (the "Rent"). The rent shall be considered advance payment for that week. The rent shall be due each week on: Monday.

4.2. Each Roommate shall submit their share of the rent to one Roommate who shall be responsible for collecting the Rent and remitting the Rent to the Landlord in cash.

4.3. 52 522 82222522 25888 22 252 5222 58 52 8522 552, 252 5225582822 82222522 85588 82 885882 225 5525228, 8522 222 8555228, 822252828, 525 22525 822828522828 5882885225 8825 252 8522 5222 2522222. 52 252 25258255 288828 252 822225228 58 5 528582 22 252 2588552 22 222 25 2252 822225228 22 252 25285 5222, 8585 5225582822 82222522 85588 82 52822288882 225 252 522585 5222 525 2225822 8222825 2525222, 525 252 228822 252 25222828 82855525 82 252 822225228.


5.1. The Roommates agree to share the payment for the following utilities (the "Utilities and Charges"):

5.1.1. Electricity bill, ₦________ (________)

5.1.2. Water bill, ₦________ (________)

5.1.3. Sanitation bill, ₦________ (________)

5.1.4. Television and Cable bill, ₦________ (________)

5.1.5. Internet (Wifi) bill, ₦________ (________)

5.1.6. Gas bill, ₦________ (________)

5.2. The payment of the Utilities and Charges shall be split between the Roommates in equal proportions irrespective of the size of the Roommate's living space.

5.3. If any Roommate persistently defaults in paying their share of the rent, utilities, and other charges shall be evicted from the Rental Unit, any one or more of the Roommates can eject such Roommate from the Rental Unit. Such defaulting Roommate shall be liable for the unpaid rent.


6.1. The following common areas will be shared among the Roommates (the "Common Areas"):


6.2. The Roommates shall ensure the cleaning and proper maintenance of these common areas.


The Roommates shall admit new roommate(s) upon meeting the following criteria:



Any one or more of the Roommates may be evicted from the Rental Unit before the natural expiration of this Agreement if one or more of the following circumstances occur:



9.1. Maintenance of Order: Early morning or late night noise can cause constitute nuisance to the other Roommate. The Roommates agree: (a). not to make or permit the making of any loud or improper noises or otherwise cause nuisance to other residents; and (b). not at any time during the said term, create or permit to be done in the said premises, any act which may constitute nuisance or annoyance to neighbours and occupiers of adjoining premises. In particular, the Roommates agree to comply with noise restrictions set forth in this Agreement. The Roommates shall maintain quiet time between the following hours (the "Quiet Time"):


9.2. The Roommates shall respect these quiet times and shall not engage in activities that would disturb the Quiet Time of the other Roommate.

9.3. Respect among the Roommates: The Roommates are required to respect one another regardless of their age or position. In particular, Roommates should not engage in (a) physical or verbal abuse in the workplace; (b) deceit and other fraudulent practices; (c) stealing any property belonging to another Roommate; or any harassment or discrimination against any Roommate. Roommates are also required to respect the privacy and personal space of the other Roommates and must be courteous in their dealings or relationships with other Roommate.

9.4. Guests: The Roommates acknowledge can have guests, friends, visitors, partners, and overnight guests. Guests must respect the other Roommate and maintain the order of the Rental Unit and must respect the privacy of the other Roommate.

9.5. Maintenance and Repair: Each Roommate and other persons authorized by any Roommate shall at all times maintain and keep the Rental Unit and appurtenances in good and sanitary condition and repair with reasonable wear and tear during the term of this Agreement and any renewal thereof.

9.6. Animals and Pets: The Roommates are allowed to keep animals as pets in or around the Rental Unit.

9.7. Illegal Activities: Roommates shall not engage in illegal activities or use the Rental Unit for illegal purposes. All Roommates must comply with the state and federal rules and laws, including tenancy laws and guidelines.

9.8. Dangerous Materials: The Roommates agree not keep or permit the keeping of dangerous materials on or around the Rental Unit.


10.1. 555852822: 5588 825222222 252 82 5222525 25 855825 82 282525 22 252 2552828, 525 8585 855852822 2582 82 525225 22 525 882225 82 252 2552828 22 2588 825222222. 82 52852 25 22888822 22 25258882 522 58252 52525 2588 825222222 85588 82 822825525 58 5 858825.

10.2. 8228828: 888 2228828 52525 2588 825222222 252 82 28822 255882 25 82 8582822. 552 2228828 85588 282525 82 528882525 2258225882 25 258825 82 5 825282825 2588 22 252 22525 25522'8 5555288 25 2552 22525 25522'8 52225222.

10.3. Headings: Headings in this Agreement are used for convenience ony and shall not be construed to limit or affect the terms of this Agreement.

10.4. Counterparts: This Agreement many be executed in counterparts, all of which constitutes one Agreement.

10.5. Entire Agreement: This Agreement and any other agreement described as an addendum to this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior contrary written or oral agreement made between them.

10.6. Assignment: No Party shall assign any of its obligation or duties under this Agreement, without the prior written consent of the other Party.

10.7. Enurement: This Agreement will enure the benefit of and be binding on the Parties and their respective heirs, executors, administrators and permitted successors and assigns.

10.8. Cumulative Rights: The rights of the Parties in this Agreement are cumulative and shall not be construed as exclusive except as otherwise stated by the law.

10.9. Waivers: Any term or provision of this Agreement may be waived in writing at any time by the Party entitled to such benefit. No delay, omission to exercise any right shall not be construed as waiver.

10.10. Severability: If any part of this Agreement is held unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue to be in force and have effect.

10.11. Further Assurance: The Parties shall execute and deliver all such documents and take all such actions and all steps to procure the performance of all such acts as may be necessary or incidental to give effect to the provisions of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement this day and year first written above.


Name of Roommate: ________



Name of Roommate: ________



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This Roommate Agreement is made ________ by and between the following:

I. ________

II. ________

Herein after collectively referred to as "Roommates" and individually as "Roommate" of the following address:



The above-mentioned Roommates share the apartment particularly described in this Agreement, and wish to use this Agreement to specify their rights and obligations in relation to their lease. This Agreement does not impair the rights and liabilities of each Roommate to other parties, such as the Landlord, Agent, or other parties not listed in this Agreement to which the Roommate may be contractually bound in respect to the current Lease.

Now, therefore, in consideration of the promises and covenants hereinafter contained in this Agreement, as well as other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereby agree as follows:


1.1. By virtue of a residential lease dated ________ (the "Lease"), the Roommates occupy the Rental Unit described as follows (the Rental Unit"):


1.2. The Lease is hereby created for a fixed period of: ________. The current Lease commenced on ________ (the "Commencement Date"), and shall end on ________ (the "Expiration Date").

1.3. The Roommates agree to comply with the terms of the Lease, including their obligations to the Landlord and other obligations required in the lease, particularly as it relates to rent payment and maintenance of the Rental Unit. This Agreement does not substitute the rights and responsibilities of the Roommates or the named Tenants in the Lease Agreement.


If either of the Roommates intend to terminate before the natural expiration of this Agreement, the Roommate shall provide ________ notice to the other Roommate and such early termination shall be subject to finding a suitable replacement. The other Roommates shall retain the right to refuse early termination with or without complying with the above-mentioned conditions.


3.1. The total security deposit is ₦________ (________) (the Security Deposit"). The Security Deposit shall be split equally between the Roommates. Therefore the Roommates shall pay ₦________ each.


4.1. The total rent for the Rental Unit is ₦________ (________) every week (the "Rent"). The rent shall be considered advance payment for that week. The rent shall be due each week on: Monday.

4.2. Each Roommate shall submit their share of the rent to one Roommate who shall be responsible for collecting the Rent and remitting the Rent to the Landlord in cash.

4.3. 52 522 82222522 25888 22 252 5222 58 52 8522 552, 252 5225582822 82222522 85588 82 885882 225 5525228, 8522 222 8555228, 822252828, 525 22525 822828522828 5882885225 8825 252 8522 5222 2522222. 52 252 25258255 288828 252 822225228 58 5 528582 22 252 2588552 22 222 25 2252 822225228 22 252 25285 5222, 8585 5225582822 82222522 85588 82 52822288882 225 252 522585 5222 525 2225822 8222825 2525222, 525 252 228822 252 25222828 82855525 82 252 822225228.


5.1. The Roommates agree to share the payment for the following utilities (the "Utilities and Charges"):

5.1.1. Electricity bill, ₦________ (________)

5.1.2. Water bill, ₦________ (________)

5.1.3. Sanitation bill, ₦________ (________)

5.1.4. Television and Cable bill, ₦________ (________)

5.1.5. Internet (Wifi) bill, ₦________ (________)

5.1.6. Gas bill, ₦________ (________)

5.2. The payment of the Utilities and Charges shall be split between the Roommates in equal proportions irrespective of the size of the Roommate's living space.

5.3. If any Roommate persistently defaults in paying their share of the rent, utilities, and other charges shall be evicted from the Rental Unit, any one or more of the Roommates can eject such Roommate from the Rental Unit. Such defaulting Roommate shall be liable for the unpaid rent.


6.1. The following common areas will be shared among the Roommates (the "Common Areas"):


6.2. The Roommates shall ensure the cleaning and proper maintenance of these common areas.


The Roommates shall admit new roommate(s) upon meeting the following criteria:



Any one or more of the Roommates may be evicted from the Rental Unit before the natural expiration of this Agreement if one or more of the following circumstances occur:



9.1. Maintenance of Order: Early morning or late night noise can cause constitute nuisance to the other Roommate. The Roommates agree: (a). not to make or permit the making of any loud or improper noises or otherwise cause nuisance to other residents; and (b). not at any time during the said term, create or permit to be done in the said premises, any act which may constitute nuisance or annoyance to neighbours and occupiers of adjoining premises. In particular, the Roommates agree to comply with noise restrictions set forth in this Agreement. The Roommates shall maintain quiet time between the following hours (the "Quiet Time"):


9.2. The Roommates shall respect these quiet times and shall not engage in activities that would disturb the Quiet Time of the other Roommate.

9.3. Respect among the Roommates: The Roommates are required to respect one another regardless of their age or position. In particular, Roommates should not engage in (a) physical or verbal abuse in the workplace; (b) deceit and other fraudulent practices; (c) stealing any property belonging to another Roommate; or any harassment or discrimination against any Roommate. Roommates are also required to respect the privacy and personal space of the other Roommates and must be courteous in their dealings or relationships with other Roommate.

9.4. Guests: The Roommates acknowledge can have guests, friends, visitors, partners, and overnight guests. Guests must respect the other Roommate and maintain the order of the Rental Unit and must respect the privacy of the other Roommate.

9.5. Maintenance and Repair: Each Roommate and other persons authorized by any Roommate shall at all times maintain and keep the Rental Unit and appurtenances in good and sanitary condition and repair with reasonable wear and tear during the term of this Agreement and any renewal thereof.

9.6. Animals and Pets: The Roommates are allowed to keep animals as pets in or around the Rental Unit.

9.7. Illegal Activities: Roommates shall not engage in illegal activities or use the Rental Unit for illegal purposes. All Roommates must comply with the state and federal rules and laws, including tenancy laws and guidelines.

9.8. Dangerous Materials: The Roommates agree not keep or permit the keeping of dangerous materials on or around the Rental Unit.


10.1. 555852822: 5588 825222222 252 82 5222525 25 855825 82 282525 22 252 2552828, 525 8585 855852822 2582 82 525225 22 525 882225 82 252 2552828 22 2588 825222222. 82 52852 25 22888822 22 25258882 522 58252 52525 2588 825222222 85588 82 822825525 58 5 858825.

10.2. 8228828: 888 2228828 52525 2588 825222222 252 82 28822 255882 25 82 8582822. 552 2228828 85588 282525 82 528882525 2258225882 25 258825 82 5 825282825 2588 22 252 22525 25522'8 5555288 25 2552 22525 25522'8 52225222.

10.3. Headings: Headings in this Agreement are used for convenience ony and shall not be construed to limit or affect the terms of this Agreement.

10.4. Counterparts: This Agreement many be executed in counterparts, all of which constitutes one Agreement.

10.5. Entire Agreement: This Agreement and any other agreement described as an addendum to this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior contrary written or oral agreement made between them.

10.6. Assignment: No Party shall assign any of its obligation or duties under this Agreement, without the prior written consent of the other Party.

10.7. Enurement: This Agreement will enure the benefit of and be binding on the Parties and their respective heirs, executors, administrators and permitted successors and assigns.

10.8. Cumulative Rights: The rights of the Parties in this Agreement are cumulative and shall not be construed as exclusive except as otherwise stated by the law.

10.9. Waivers: Any term or provision of this Agreement may be waived in writing at any time by the Party entitled to such benefit. No delay, omission to exercise any right shall not be construed as waiver.

10.10. Severability: If any part of this Agreement is held unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue to be in force and have effect.

10.11. Further Assurance: The Parties shall execute and deliver all such documents and take all such actions and all steps to procure the performance of all such acts as may be necessary or incidental to give effect to the provisions of this Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement this day and year first written above.


Name of Roommate: ________



Name of Roommate: ________

