Share Subscription Letter


Indicate if the investor is an individual, company or any other organization.

A company is a registered legal entity which has a legal personality and can sue and be sued in its own corporate name. There are four types of companies in Nigeria, such as a private company limited by shares, a public company limited by shares, a company limited by guarantee and unlimited liability company.

A registered organization is any other registered organization other than a company. This includes business names (such as partnership and sole proprietorship businesses), incorporated trustees, etc.

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The Directors


________ (the "Investor") applies to subscribe for the ________ shares in the capital of ________ (the "Company") at ₦________ (________) per share (the "Consideration").

Specific details of the subscription are as follows (the "Share Subscription"):

Name of Subscriber: ________
Number of Shares: ________

Class of shares: ordinary shares
Date of subscription: ________
Price per share: ₦________
Total price: ₦________

The Investor undertakes to pay the total Consideration on ________ by cash.

552 8222522 85588 88852 252 85552 82528288522 22 252 52828225 5222 8222822822 22 252 55552 558885822822. 552 8222522 85588 5882 58225 828 825225522 5282558 525 2522 252 228288552 2282-8282522552822 2888228 22 5228282 252 855525285822 22 252 8222522.

Yours faithfully,


See your document
in progress



The Directors


________ (the "Investor") applies to subscribe for the ________ shares in the capital of ________ (the "Company") at ₦________ (________) per share (the "Consideration").

Specific details of the subscription are as follows (the "Share Subscription"):

Name of Subscriber: ________
Number of Shares: ________

Class of shares: ordinary shares
Date of subscription: ________
Price per share: ₦________
Total price: ₦________

The Investor undertakes to pay the total Consideration on ________ by cash.

552 8222522 85588 88852 252 85552 82528288522 22 252 52828225 5222 8222822822 22 252 55552 558885822822. 552 8222522 85588 5882 58225 828 825225522 5282558 525 2522 252 228288552 2282-8282522552822 2888228 22 5228282 252 855525285822 22 252 8222522.

Yours faithfully,
