Announcement of New Employee


Please enter the name of the person making the announcement.

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To: All Employees of ________

Date: ________

Subject: New Hire

Dear All:

It is with great pleasure that I write to announce the addition of a new member of our team. Let us all welcome our newest employee, ________, who will be working in the following position: ________.

I am thrilled to have ________ join us.

Here are a few things to know about ________:


Please join me in wishing ________ a warm welcome to the team.



See your document
in progress

To: All Employees of ________

Date: ________

Subject: New Hire

Dear All:

It is with great pleasure that I write to announce the addition of a new member of our team. Let us all welcome our newest employee, ________, who will be working in the following position: ________.

I am thrilled to have ________ join us.

Here are a few things to know about ________:


Please join me in wishing ________ a warm welcome to the team.

