Letter of Intent to Renew Lease


Choose the type of lease that will be renewed or extended.

A residential lease is one where the property is being used primarily for residential purposes (i.e. for living/housing purposes).

A commercial lease is one where the property is being used primarily for commercial purposes such as an office space, a restaurant, etc. If the lease does not fall into either category, choose "Other".

Customize the template

Phone: ________



Re: Renewal of Lease

Dear ________,

I am writing to inform you of my intention to renew the lease of the following property:


Specifically, the lease is primarily for residential purposes.

My lease will end on ________ and I would like to renew the same under the original terms and conditions of the original lease. However, I am also open to negotiate new terms and conditions for the renewal of the lease. Under our lease agreement, I should inform you of my intent to renew the lease within the following period: ________ prior to the end of the lease.

Please respond in writing whether the lease can be renewed under the original terms or conditions. If so, I propose that we execute an agreement for the renewal of the lease. Alternatively, we can set a date for the negotiations of the new terms and conditions for the renewal.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact me at ________ at your earliest convenience.

55522 225 225 2255 8228852552822 525 5 8222 2258555 22 2255 52282.

82558 528228225882,


See your document
in progress

Phone: ________



Re: Renewal of Lease

Dear ________,

I am writing to inform you of my intention to renew the lease of the following property:


Specifically, the lease is primarily for residential purposes.

My lease will end on ________ and I would like to renew the same under the original terms and conditions of the original lease. However, I am also open to negotiate new terms and conditions for the renewal of the lease. Under our lease agreement, I should inform you of my intent to renew the lease within the following period: ________ prior to the end of the lease.

Please respond in writing whether the lease can be renewed under the original terms or conditions. If so, I propose that we execute an agreement for the renewal of the lease. Alternatively, we can set a date for the negotiations of the new terms and conditions for the renewal.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact me at ________ at your earliest convenience.

55522 225 225 2255 8228852552822 525 5 8222 2258555 22 2255 52282.

82558 528228225882,
