Letter from Tenant Challenging a Landlord's Decision to Withhold Deposit

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Dear ________

RE: Refund of Tenancy Deposit

I am writing this letter in response to your earlier letter on the same subject, in which you stated that you would not be refunding my tenancy deposit. This tenancy deposit relates to the property located at:


In line with the terms of the tenancy agreement, I vacated the property on ________.

I have reviewed the concerns you outlined in your letter of ________ wherein you provided your reasons for deductions from my tenancy deposit. I do not agree with this decision and wish to challenge it on the following ground:

I have ensured to make all rent payments promptly as stipulated by the terms of the tenancy agreement in clause ________. Please provide specific details regarding any alleged unpaid rent. I have attached proof of all rent payments to this letter for your convenience.

In accordance with the Housing Act 2004, I recognise that it is your obligation to provide evidence that deductions are needed from the deposit. Hence, I kindly request copies of invoices, receipts, or other supporting documents for the claimed expenses.

5 8288282 82 88 822252522 2552 25252 88 5 2585 525 25528255222 5282852822 22 2588 252225. 5 52 2222 22 5888588822 2588 2552525 8825 225 525 82585 5225288522 2255 252222 52822282.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to resolving this issue in a cooperative manner.

Yours sincerely,


Signature: ______________________

See your document
in progress





Dear ________

RE: Refund of Tenancy Deposit

I am writing this letter in response to your earlier letter on the same subject, in which you stated that you would not be refunding my tenancy deposit. This tenancy deposit relates to the property located at:


In line with the terms of the tenancy agreement, I vacated the property on ________.

I have reviewed the concerns you outlined in your letter of ________ wherein you provided your reasons for deductions from my tenancy deposit. I do not agree with this decision and wish to challenge it on the following ground:

I have ensured to make all rent payments promptly as stipulated by the terms of the tenancy agreement in clause ________. Please provide specific details regarding any alleged unpaid rent. I have attached proof of all rent payments to this letter for your convenience.

In accordance with the Housing Act 2004, I recognise that it is your obligation to provide evidence that deductions are needed from the deposit. Hence, I kindly request copies of invoices, receipts, or other supporting documents for the claimed expenses.

5 8288282 82 88 822252522 2552 25252 88 5 2585 525 25528255222 5282852822 22 2588 252225. 5 52 2222 22 5888588822 2588 2552525 8825 225 525 82585 5225288522 2255 252222 52822282.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to resolving this issue in a cooperative manner.

Yours sincerely,


Signature: ______________________