Remote Work Agreement


The option "England, Wales or Scotland" should be used if the remote work agreement is for use in England, Wales or Scotland. The option "Northern Ireland" should be used if the remote work agreement is for use in Northern Ireland.

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Dear ________,

RE: Remote Work Agreement

The written particulars of employment (your Contract of Employment) dated: ________

Between: (the Employer) and ________ (the employee)

regarding your position of: ________ (the Role)

Further to our recent discussions and your formal application to work remotely dated ________, this letter is sent to confirm the details of your new place of work.

Remote Work Agreement

1. Your Contract of Employment

You will be aware that your "Place of Work" is defined and addressed within your Contract of Employment which is repeated below for your ease of reference:-

(I). The relevant part of your Contract of Employment which address your place of work is: ________.

(II). For the avoidance of any doubt your Contract of Employment, as described above at paragraph 1.(I), states that your normal Place of Work is: ________ (your Original Place Work).

As such, your new remote working pattern provides a change to your Contract of Employment. A formal statement of change has been provided to you as per the requirements set out in section 4 of the Employment Rights Act 1996.

This letter confirms the express changes to your contract which have now been agreed between us.

2. Place of Work

This paragraph details the changes to your Place of Work as follows:-

(I). It is agreed that your normal Place of Work shall now be your home address of:


(II). You shall also be required to attend other specified locations (and may include your Original Place of Work) at the Employer's suggestion or request as may be reasonably required for the purposes of the Role.

3. Commencement

The change to your place of work commenced on: ________ (the Commencement Date).

4. Trial Period

The above remote work agreement is subject to a trial period the details of which are set out below:

(I). The first ________ month following the Commencement Date shall be subject to the trial period (the Trial Period).

(II). The Remote Work Agreement may be terminated during the Trial Period in the event that it is considered by the Employer to no longer be appropriate and you will then be required to return to your Original Place of Work as defined in your original Contract of Employment. You will be given ________ week notice of any termination to the Remote Work Agreement during the Trial Period.

(III). At the conclusion of the Trial Period you shall be informed of the outcome in writing. This could include, but is not limited to, any of one the following options:-

(a). confirmation that the Remote Work Agreement shall be appropriate for the remainder of your employment; or

(b). a further extension to the Trial Period; or

(c). a termination of the remote work agreement (and a return to the existing place of work as defined in your original Contract of Employment).

(IV). The success of the Trial Period will be reviewed by:


(V). Any appeal to the decision made in respect of the Trial Period must be made in writing within ________ week of the decision. Any such appeal should be made to: ________.

5. Employer's Right to Terminate after the Trial Period

The Employer reserves the right to terminate the Remote Work Agreement at any time after the Trial Period should the arrangement no longer be deemed suitable and in line with its needs. In this instance, you shall receive ________ week notice in writing of a return to your previous place of work as set out in your Contract of Employment.

The Employer shall also properly consider any written requests made by you to revert to your Original Place of Work.

6. Future Requests for Flexible Working

Please be advised that you will not be permitted to make any further statutory request for flexible working for a further twelve months from ________.

7. Change to Your Home Address

You must notify us as soon as is reasonably practicable of any change to your home address.

8. Hours of Work, Communication and Reporting

While you are working remotely shall continue to work your normal hours of work during the timeframe specified in your Contract of Employment. You must:

(I). Remain contactable wherever possible during these hours in the following manner:


(II). Ensure that you take your allocated breaks at the correct times whilst working remotely.

9. Equipment

You shall be provided with the following additional equipment to enable you to undertake your duties under the Remote Work Agreement:-

(I). Inventory of equipment:


(II). You agree that you shall properly report any damage or theft of this above named equipment without delay.

(III). All equipment listed above at paragraph I of this section shall be returned to us at the conclusion of your employment.

10. Expenses and Insurance

The responsibility for taking out a valid policy of insurance and for the payment of expenses during the Remote Work Agreement is agreed and defined as follows:-

(I). The Employer confirms that its employer's liability insurance shall cover the Employee whilst working under the Remote Work Agreement.

(II).The Employee will be responsible for taking out proper insurance to cover the following equipment, and shall ensure that the policy remains valid:


(III). It is agreed that the Employer shall be responsible for the reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred for the duration of any remote work undertaken by you. Such reasonable expenses shall be defined as follows:


11. Policies

You agree to read and comply with the following policies which are specifically relevant to the Remote Work Agreement:-

(I). Our Remote Work business policy which provides details of how remote working shall be managed and the standards required of you whilst working remotely.

(II). You shall ensure and maintain the proper security of confidential information and all data protection policies, including:


(III). Any other new policies or updating policies which may be issued to employees during the course of the Remote Work Agreement.

12. 825825 525 552222

825 85588 225282 252 52282225 22 85552 252 588 525825 525 852222 5882 58828822228 58 228288552.

825 85588 82 888525 8825 525825 525 852222 22888828 525 2585288228 85885 85588 82 52828522 22 2588 822222 2252 825222222. 52 8822822 2588 525222222, 225 525252522 22 822282 8825 8585 22888828 525 2585288228.

13. Changes to your Contract of Employment

With the exception of the updating terms expressly provided to you within this letter, your Contract of Employment, including your salary, period of continuous service, and annual leave entitlement, remain unchanged. In the event of a termination to the remote work agreement in the manners described above, all elements of this agreement shall be discharged and your working arrangements shall revert to those contained within your Contract of Employment in its entirety.

14. Action Required

Please find enclosed herewith an additional copy of this letter which has been signed by ________. Please retain one copy for you to retain for records. Please sign and date the other copy at the relevant space provided below and return it to ________ on the details provided at the top of this letter. It is requested that you do so as soon as possible in order to confirm your agreement to the above variations to your Contract of Employment.

You should be advised that your signature to this agreement constitutes a legally binding agreement and you may therefore wish to seek independent legal advice in advance of signing the same.

________ looks forward to receiving your response to this letter as soon as ever possible.

Yours sincerely,


for and on behalf of:


Employee's agreement to a variation of terms to the Contract of Employment

I, ________, hereby accept and agree to the above variation of terms to my Contract of Employment dated ________ as set out within this letter. I understand that my Contract of Employment shall be varied forthwith and that this variation constitutes a legally binding agreement.

Signed: _________________________


Dated: __________________________

Employer's signature:

Signed _________________________




Dated: __________________________

See your document
in progress




Dear ________,

RE: Remote Work Agreement

The written particulars of employment (your Contract of Employment) dated: ________

Between: (the Employer) and ________ (the employee)

regarding your position of: ________ (the Role)

Further to our recent discussions and your formal application to work remotely dated ________, this letter is sent to confirm the details of your new place of work.

Remote Work Agreement

1. Your Contract of Employment

You will be aware that your "Place of Work" is defined and addressed within your Contract of Employment which is repeated below for your ease of reference:-

(I). The relevant part of your Contract of Employment which address your place of work is: ________.

(II). For the avoidance of any doubt your Contract of Employment, as described above at paragraph 1.(I), states that your normal Place of Work is: ________ (your Original Place Work).

As such, your new remote working pattern provides a change to your Contract of Employment. A formal statement of change has been provided to you as per the requirements set out in section 4 of the Employment Rights Act 1996.

This letter confirms the express changes to your contract which have now been agreed between us.

2. Place of Work

This paragraph details the changes to your Place of Work as follows:-

(I). It is agreed that your normal Place of Work shall now be your home address of:


(II). You shall also be required to attend other specified locations (and may include your Original Place of Work) at the Employer's suggestion or request as may be reasonably required for the purposes of the Role.

3. Commencement

The change to your place of work commenced on: ________ (the Commencement Date).

4. Trial Period

The above remote work agreement is subject to a trial period the details of which are set out below:

(I). The first ________ month following the Commencement Date shall be subject to the trial period (the Trial Period).

(II). The Remote Work Agreement may be terminated during the Trial Period in the event that it is considered by the Employer to no longer be appropriate and you will then be required to return to your Original Place of Work as defined in your original Contract of Employment. You will be given ________ week notice of any termination to the Remote Work Agreement during the Trial Period.

(III). At the conclusion of the Trial Period you shall be informed of the outcome in writing. This could include, but is not limited to, any of one the following options:-

(a). confirmation that the Remote Work Agreement shall be appropriate for the remainder of your employment; or

(b). a further extension to the Trial Period; or

(c). a termination of the remote work agreement (and a return to the existing place of work as defined in your original Contract of Employment).

(IV). The success of the Trial Period will be reviewed by:


(V). Any appeal to the decision made in respect of the Trial Period must be made in writing within ________ week of the decision. Any such appeal should be made to: ________.

5. Employer's Right to Terminate after the Trial Period

The Employer reserves the right to terminate the Remote Work Agreement at any time after the Trial Period should the arrangement no longer be deemed suitable and in line with its needs. In this instance, you shall receive ________ week notice in writing of a return to your previous place of work as set out in your Contract of Employment.

The Employer shall also properly consider any written requests made by you to revert to your Original Place of Work.

6. Future Requests for Flexible Working

Please be advised that you will not be permitted to make any further statutory request for flexible working for a further twelve months from ________.

7. Change to Your Home Address

You must notify us as soon as is reasonably practicable of any change to your home address.

8. Hours of Work, Communication and Reporting

While you are working remotely shall continue to work your normal hours of work during the timeframe specified in your Contract of Employment. You must:

(I). Remain contactable wherever possible during these hours in the following manner:


(II). Ensure that you take your allocated breaks at the correct times whilst working remotely.

9. Equipment

You shall be provided with the following additional equipment to enable you to undertake your duties under the Remote Work Agreement:-

(I). Inventory of equipment:


(II). You agree that you shall properly report any damage or theft of this above named equipment without delay.

(III). All equipment listed above at paragraph I of this section shall be returned to us at the conclusion of your employment.

10. Expenses and Insurance

The responsibility for taking out a valid policy of insurance and for the payment of expenses during the Remote Work Agreement is agreed and defined as follows:-

(I). The Employer confirms that its employer's liability insurance shall cover the Employee whilst working under the Remote Work Agreement.

(II).The Employee will be responsible for taking out proper insurance to cover the following equipment, and shall ensure that the policy remains valid:


(III). It is agreed that the Employer shall be responsible for the reimbursement of reasonable expenses incurred for the duration of any remote work undertaken by you. Such reasonable expenses shall be defined as follows:


11. Policies

You agree to read and comply with the following policies which are specifically relevant to the Remote Work Agreement:-

(I). Our Remote Work business policy which provides details of how remote working shall be managed and the standards required of you whilst working remotely.

(II). You shall ensure and maintain the proper security of confidential information and all data protection policies, including:


(III). Any other new policies or updating policies which may be issued to employees during the course of the Remote Work Agreement.

12. 825825 525 552222

825 85588 225282 252 52282225 22 85552 252 588 525825 525 852222 5882 58828822228 58 228288552.

825 85588 82 888525 8825 525825 525 852222 22888828 525 2585288228 85885 85588 82 52828522 22 2588 822222 2252 825222222. 52 8822822 2588 525222222, 225 525252522 22 822282 8825 8585 22888828 525 2585288228.

13. Changes to your Contract of Employment

With the exception of the updating terms expressly provided to you within this letter, your Contract of Employment, including your salary, period of continuous service, and annual leave entitlement, remain unchanged. In the event of a termination to the remote work agreement in the manners described above, all elements of this agreement shall be discharged and your working arrangements shall revert to those contained within your Contract of Employment in its entirety.

14. Action Required

Please find enclosed herewith an additional copy of this letter which has been signed by ________. Please retain one copy for you to retain for records. Please sign and date the other copy at the relevant space provided below and return it to ________ on the details provided at the top of this letter. It is requested that you do so as soon as possible in order to confirm your agreement to the above variations to your Contract of Employment.

You should be advised that your signature to this agreement constitutes a legally binding agreement and you may therefore wish to seek independent legal advice in advance of signing the same.

________ looks forward to receiving your response to this letter as soon as ever possible.

Yours sincerely,


for and on behalf of:


Employee's agreement to a variation of terms to the Contract of Employment

I, ________, hereby accept and agree to the above variation of terms to my Contract of Employment dated ________ as set out within this letter. I understand that my Contract of Employment shall be varied forthwith and that this variation constitutes a legally binding agreement.

Signed: _________________________


Dated: __________________________

Employer's signature:

Signed _________________________




Dated: __________________________