Child Safety Policy


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(ACN.................................................) ("Organisation")

Date of approval: ________


At ________ (we, our, us), we are committed to the safety of children and young people. We are committed to providing an environment which is safe for children and youths, and to ensuring that this is reflected in all aspects of our business operations.

This Child Safety Policy (Policy) sets out the general principles that guide the management of child and youth safety at ________.

We have developed this Policy to help our Workers understand and manage child and youth safety, and to set a framework to ensure that we provide a safe environment for children and young people, and that we meet all of our objectives and comply with all of our legal and regulatory obligations in relation to these matters.


This Policy does not form part of any contract of employment or any other contract for work or services.


(a) We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations as well as codes of practice and other safety guidance in all jurisdictions where we operate. This policy complies with the legislation set out below:

- Family Law Act 1975 (Commonwealth)

(b) This policy may also comply with the following external policies, standards, codes of practice or safety guidance:



(a) We support the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations (National Principles) and will endeavour to embrace them at our Organisation. This policy aligns with the National Principles.

(b) The National Principles require that:

1. Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture.

2. Children and young people are informed about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.

3. Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.

4. Equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and practice.

5. People working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.

6. Processes to respond to complaints and concerns are child focused.

7. Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.

8. Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed.

9. Implementation of the national child safe principles is regularly reviewed and improved.

10. Policies and procedures document how the Organisation is safe for children and young people.


In addition to this Child Safety Policy, our Workers are required to be familiar with, and to comply with, all other workplace policies which may apply from time to time, including:



(a) This Policy applies to any people who perform work for ________, including all our directors, managers, board members, employees, contractors, subcontractors, employees of our contractors and subcontractors, apprentices, trainees, volunteers, interns, work experience students, labour hire employees and outworkers and any other people who perform work for or on behalf of our Organisation (Workers).

(b) We are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all Workers and visitors to our Organisation. However, this Policy specifically addresses our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of youths and children at our Organisation. Throughout this Policy, we use the terms "youth", "young person", "child" and "children" to refer generally to people under 18 years of age.

(c) This Policy applies to all activities in our Organisation which involve children, or which result in or relate to contact with children.

(d) This Policy is intended to help manage the safety and wellbeing of any children that come into contact with our Organisation, whether they are receiving services from us, are the children of someone who is receiving services from us, are the children of our Workers, or come into contact with us in any other way.

(e) We require all Workers to sign a copy of this Policy to agree in writing that they accept and will act in accordance with this Policy.


(a) We are committed to the safety of children and young people.

(b) We are committed to providing an environment which is safe for children and youths, and to ensuring that this is reflected in all aspects of our business operations.

(c) We value and respect children and young people and welcome them regardless of their abilities, age, sex, gender, or social economic or cultural background.

(d) Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated at ________.

(e) Safeguarding children from harm and abuse is an essential responsibility for our Organisation. We are committed to ensuring that any child who comes into contact with our Organisation or services is properly safeguarded. Every person under this policy must ensure that they play an active role in ensuring that children are properly safeguarded.

(f) We believe that no child or young person should experience abuse or harm and we are committed to the protection of children and young people. This policy is intended to provide guidance and overarching principles to those who represent us as volunteers or staff, to guide our approach to child protection and safeguarding.

(g) It is our intention that a child safe culture should be embedded in all levels of our Organisation, including but not limited to our leadership and governance as well as amongst all of our other Workers.

(h) When dealing with concerns about a child's safety or wellbeing, we are guided by a consideration of what is in the best interests of the child.

(i) We strive to:

- ensure that our Workers have the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children safe

- ensure that any of our Workers who work with children have the necessary skills, attributes, experience and qualifications to uphold this Policy and provide the support and supervision that children require

- ensure that any children who come into contact with our Organisation and who have concerns about their safety or need assistance know where to go and who to talk to

- ensure that any children who come into contact with our Organisation and who have concerns about their safety feel comfortable seeking assistance

- maintain the safety and security of any of our facilities or environments which may be accessed by children (including any online facilities or environments, websites or platforms)

- promote a workplace which values diversity and inclusion

- where appropriate, involve children and their families in decisions that affect them

- promote a culture of child safety at all levels in our Organisation

- take any allegations or complaints in relation to child safety seriously, and respond promptly and appropriately

- report any allegations or concerns to relevant authorities whenever appropriate or necessary


(a) We are committed to providing a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.

(b) We actively encourage and support children's abilities to express their culture and exercise their cultural rights.

(c) We have embedded strategies within our organisation that equip all members to acknowledge and appreciate the strengths and importance of Aboriginal culture to the wellbeing and safety of Aboriginal children and young people.

(d) We adopt measures to ensure that racism is identified, confronted, and not tolerated within our organisation. Any instances of racism are addressed with appropriate consequences.

(e) We actively support and facilitate the participation and inclusion of Aboriginal children, young people, and their families within our organisation.

(f) All of our policies, procedures, systems, and processes work together to create a culturally safe and inclusive environment that meets the needs of Aboriginal children, young people, and their families.

(g) Our Workers must encourage and support children to freely express their culture and enjoy their cultural rights.

(h) Workers must actively support and facilitate the participation and inclusion of Aboriginal children and their families within our Organisation.

(i) Racism is strictly prohibited within our Organisation. If racism occurs, we will respond as follows:


(j) Our leadership has a responsibility to help everyone involved with our Organisation to acknowledge and appreciate the strengths of Aboriginal culture and to understand its importance to the wellbeing and safety of Aboriginal children and young people.


(a) We have a code of conduct for working with children and young people, as set out below ("Code of Conduct"). We expect all Workers to understand this Code of Conduct, and ask a Responsible Person if they need more information or have any questions.

(b) Caring for children and young people brings additional responsibilities for our Workers. All Workers are responsible for promoting and protecting the safety and wellbeing of children and young people by:

- sticking to the organisation's child safe policy at all times and taking all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and protection of children and young people

- treating everyone including those of different race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes and religious beliefs with respect and honesty and ensure equity is upheld

- being a positive role model to children and young people in all conduct with them

- setting clear boundaries about appropriate behaviour between yourself and children and young people – boundaries help everyone to understand their roles

- listening and responding appropriately to the views and concerns of children and young people

- being alert to bullying behaviours and responding promptly and appropriately

- ensuring another adult is always present or in sight when conducting one to one consulting, coaching, instruction or other activity

- being alert to children and young people who have been harmed, or may be at risk of harm and reporting this quickly to the Child Abuse Report Line (13 14 78)

- responding quickly, fairly and transparently to any complaints made by a child, young person or their parent/guardian

- encouraging children and young people to 'have a say' on issues that are important to them.

(c) Workers must not:

- engage in rough physical games

- develop any 'special' relationships with children and young people that could be seen as favouritism such as the offering of gifts or special treatment

- do things of a personal nature that a child or young person can do for themselves, such as toileting or changing clothes

- discriminate against any child or young person because of age, gender, cultural background, religion, vulnerability or sexuality.

(d) Breaches or suspected breaches of the Code of Conduct will be reported as soon as practicable to management either in person, or using the contact details at the end of this Policy.

(e) Breaches or suspected breaches of the Code of Conduct will be taken seriously and dealt with quickly, fairly and transparently.

(f) Any Worker who breaches the Code of Conduct will face disciplinary action and depending on severity of the breach, the Worker may have their employment terminated.


(a) Our Workers must uphold our Organisation's values in accordance with this Policy. Our Workers must demonstrate behaviour which is consistent with this Policy and with our Organisation's values. Our Workers must be proactive about upholding and promoting our values and this Policy, including by doing the following:

- remaining alert and aware of possible safeguarding risks to children

- guarding children against harmful environments with appropriate actions (for example, adequate supervision or ensuring safe environments)

- taking positive steps to maintain the safety and wellbeing of children engaging with our Organisation

- reporting concerns expeditiously and appropriately, in line with child protection procedures

- understanding the duty to report specific concerns (and understanding how this interplays with confidentiality)

- challenging any inappropriate or harmful behaviour of any other adult and reporting this accordingly

- acting appropriately in the presence of children

- not taking any inappropriate risks

- not smoking, drinking or taking any form of illicit substances in the presence of children

- ensuring that any children who come into contact with our Organisation or access our services understand their rights and responsibilities

- communicating with children clearly and respectfully and using language which they can understand and which is appropriate for their age and level of development

- ensuring that any children who come into contact with our Organisation or access our services are supported and get any necessary assistance with exercising their rights and responsibilities

(b) Our Workers are responsible for ensuring that they personally comply with all applicable laws in the state or territory where they are based including any applicable Commonwealth laws.


The following Workers have the specific responsibilities in relation to child safety and wellbeing as set out below:



Any question, report or concern in relation to the safeguarding of children should be shared with the following person (Responsible Person):

Name: ________

Email: ________

Telephone: ________

(13) 585 85555 58 88528858

(________) 85885522 852 82 8582255882 22 582225222 22528 22 58582 525 5552. 52 88 822252522 22 528222882 2552 58582 525 5552 22 85885522 852 82825 5 8852 55222 22 8858528252828 525 8255882558. 225 2552282, 85885522 852 82 52 5882 22:

- 25288858 25 222282258 58582

- 2228282

- 825558 58582

- 222582 2228258 2528852822 (222)

- 25222822 525 252828252822

- 25522882822 525 225252 8858252

- 25228552 22 25 8228882822 22 52228288 58582

- 85882822 25 82825 85882822

- 25228552 22 22525 8252252258522 8222222 25 825588255, 8585 58 88282282 25 85828258 825588255

- 8282-5552

- 25288858 5552 8522 22252822 8825 5828882828 8825252 55285522 85225888822

(________) 552 855858 2582258 22 522 8585 5552 525/25 58582 852 5882 82 8852-5522822. 225 2552282, 85885522 852 82 285825 52 5882 82 252882 2228258 25 82 2228258 22 252 822252822.


(a) In accordance with applicable legislation, we require that any Workers who work with children or young people have a current, "not prohibited" Working with Children Check in all relevant jurisdictions.

(b) To ensure we engage the most suitable people to work with children and young people we have the following recruitment practices in place:

- our commitment to child safety is included in all job advertisements

- clear position descriptions that include our commitment to child safety and wellbeing

- written applications from applicants

- face-to-face interviews that use behavioural questions to determine the applicant's knowledge of child safeguarding

- at least 2 referee checks and qualification checks.


We strive to ensure that Workers at our Organisation who are working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice. We do this by using the following measures:



All personal information we may process relating to children, shall be processed and stored in accordance with our data protection privacy policy.


(a) We aim to provide accessible and responsive complaints management processes that are focused on the needs of children and young people. We do this in the following manner:


(b) Where a child is at immediate risk of serious harm, any adult present should call 000. Thereafter, the Responsible Person should be contacted as soon as is reasonably practicable.

(c) Where there is a safeguarding concern but no immediate risk of serious harm, the adult who has heard or witnessed this concern should consult with the Responsible Person as soon as practicable and by no later than the end of that same day.

(d) Where any child makes a disclosure relating to harm or abuse to an adult, it is important for that adult to:

- listen calmly and carefully, showing that their their views are taken seriously

- provide an appropriate and honest level of reassurance

- avoid interrogating children and asking probing, intrusive and/or leading questions

- avoid making false promises regarding secrets and confidentiality with the child (because any concern of abuse/harm must be shared with the Responsible Person and any subsequent safeguarding referral)

- make a confidential written record of the discussion either during the discussion or immediately afterwards. The record should include the key details of the disclosure together with any relevant times, dates, places and people concerned. Audio and video recordings of children making disclosures should be avoided

- refer all relevant information to the Responsible Person as soon as practicable afterwards, and by no later than the end of the day

(e) Upon receipt of any safeguarding concern, the Responsible Person shall consult with any other relevant persons and will make any appropriate referrals to the relevant authorities.


(a) Where any person has a concern regarding the conduct of an adult connected to the Organisation, which poses or may pose a safeguarding risk to children such as:

- harming a child either physically or emotionally

- exposing a child to behaviour which may cause physical or emotional harm

- engaging in criminal activity concerning a child

this must be raised in the first instance with the Responsible Person (or where this is not appropriate, a different senior member of the Organisation) so that the next appropriate steps may be agreed and actioned. We recognise that there could be circumstances where a person may need to report a matter that has taken place in a setting outside of the person's engagement with the Organisation.

(b) Usually, any appropriate steps following a safeguarding referral in respect of an individual connected to the Organisation will include either:

- further initial enquiries

- escalation to the applicable authority for assessment and/or the police for investigation

- instigation of any appropriate disciplinary, formal investigation processes and suspension of any person concerned within the Organisation

- a referral to any relevant regulatory bodies

(c) Any person within the Organisation who has allegations made against them shall be informed properly in a formal meeting of the particulars of the allegations and the relevant next steps which shall be taken. Such a meeting should ordinarily be held by the Responsible Person. On certain occasions, such a meeting may not be convened until this has been approved by any authorities involved (such as the police or the relevant local authority).

(d) Any person from within the Organisation who has allegations made against them shall be treated fairly. All enquires, investigations and decisions taken shall be just and fair, with the safety of any child concerned at the heart of the process.

(e) Any person from within the Organisation who makes an allegation against another person from within the Organisation shall be listened to, taken seriously and shall be treated fairly and justly throughout the process of enquiries, investigations and decision making.


(a) Providing opportunities for complaints and feedback ensures that children, young people and their families feel valued and respected and enables us to improve the quality of our service. Children, young people and their families are informed that they can provide feedback or make a complaint when they join our organisation.

(b) Compliments, complaints or feedback can be provided verbally or in writing to any Worker or direct to management either by telephone, email or by post, using the following details:


(c) We will deal with all complaints and feedback received from children, young people or their families promptly, sensitively and fairly. We will:

- listen to the complaint/feedback

- the person receiving the complaint will make a record of it if received verbally

- advise of the time expected for an outcome

- if a Worker receives a complaint, they must forward it to management as soon as possible

- management will respond to the complainant with an outcome within the following timeframe: ________

- clearly document and securely store decisions and actions taken in response to complaints and feedback

- make sure that procedural fairness is followed at all times.

(d) If the child, young person or their family is not happy with the outcome from the complaints process they can contact:

- Australian Human Rights Commission Online: Tel: 1300 656 419


(a) It is important for all adults engaged by us to recognise that children can face harm from their peers. This can commonly take the form of bullying. Bullying can be defined as any behaviour which is:

- repeated; and

- has the intention of hurting somebody either physically or emotionally.

(b) Bullying can sometimes be motivated by prejudices based on certain groups, for example gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Bullying can often include:

- physical harm perpetrated against another child

- name calling and threats

- cyberbullying (threats and abusive comments made via technology)

(c) Any instance of bullying or concern relating to possible bullying between children at any event or activities arranged by us will usually be dealt with by us in the first instance as follows:


(d) Where any behaviour amounting to bullying continues following this, the following steps will be taken:


(e) All steps in relation to the prevention or management of bullying should be taken in consultation with the Responsible Person.


We have strategies in place to supervise, train and support Workers to understand this Policy, their mandatory reporting obligations, how to build culturally safe environments and their responsibilities to create a child safe and friendly environment. Our strategies include:


- ensure all Workers read and understand any relevant mandatory information or guidelines as published in their jurisdiction

- complete regular training in relation to child safety

- include child safety as a standing item on meeting agendas


- regular supervision sessions that include a focus on child safety and wellbeing


- an induction process for all new workers including a copy of this Policy document

- regular performance appraisals that discuss child safeguarding

- appointing a child safety officer who has an educative role within our organisation.


We believe in promoting child safety and wellbeing in physical and online environments in order to reduce the risk of harm. We use a variety of measures to ensure that our physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed. This includes:



Responsibilities and Planning

(a) Typically, we may arrange the following types of events and/or activities which could involve children:


(b) The Responsible Person shall hold ultimate responsibility for the safety and appropriateness of the event. They may however appoint a delegate for some responsibilities the purpose of a specific event.

(c) Although the Responsible Person and any appointed delegates will hold ultimate responsibility for overseeing the safety for events and activities, all individuals under this policy must also play an active role in ensuring the safety of children at all times.

(d) For certain types of events or activities, we may issue an additional code of conduct, policy, or some specific other requirements which is specific to that occasion. Any such additional documentation will be made available to all those concerned (staff members, parents, guardians etc.) in advance. They should be read carefully and adhered to.


(a) The location for any events or activities which are held by us shall be risk assessed properly in reference to the suitability and safety for children. Fire and safety procedures and precautions shall be made clear to all those involved.

First Aid

(a) If an ambulance is required, call 000. Please notify a manager or supervisor if an ambulance has been called.

(b) Any accident or injury concerning a child should be brought to the attention of the nearest first aider and should thereafter be formally reported to the Responsible Person.

Consent Forms

(a) We shall always obtain written consent from a parent or guardian for any event which takes place with children in attendance without their responsible parent or guardian present. Consent will be obtained via:


(b) Consent forms will include emergency contact details and will set out any specific safety needs/requirements for children.

(c) All consent forms will be kept secure and shall be stored in accordance with our data protection privacy policy.


(a) For most activities and events, our procedure for supervision of children is as follows:


(b) Where we hold any events or activities whereby a child attends alongside their parent or guardian, parents and guardians should ensure that children are properly supervised.


(a) Whenever any adult engaged by us is faced with challenging or inappropriate behaviour from a child or with conflict between children, they must:

- treat each child fairly and equally

- approach the situation in a calm and neutral manner

- only ever use physical restraint/intervention in order to protect the immediate safety of a person, for example to prevent an injury or harm either to the child or others

- wherever it is justified to physically restrain a child or to physically intervene, the amount of force used should be kept to the absolute minimum taking into account the risk posed

- make a written record of the incident and ensure this is reported appropriately to the Responsible Person


Our Photographs

(a) On some occasions, we may take photographs featuring children. We recognise that photography of children carries risks, such as:

- the potential for images to be re-used, shared or adapted in a damaging or inappropriate manner

- the general risk of sharing images and the impact this could have on child's public image as they grow older

(b) In view of these risks, we will:

- always ask for written permission from a child and their parent/guardian before taking and sharing any image of them

- always ensure that a child and their parent/guardian are properly informed how an image will be used and shared

- always ensure that a child's identity is protected as far as is possible within any published material

- ask that parents, guardians, children and any other person connected to them who may wish to share any of our published images which features other children to refrain from doing so unless they have the permission of the other children and their parent/guardian

- always store photos in accordance with our data protection policy.

Members of the Public

(a) We do also recognise that members of the public may take photographs when they are attending our premises, events or activities.

(b) We ask that any parents, guardians and other members of the public take the following into consideration when taking photos at our premises, events or activities:

- images of other children should not be shared on social media without the permission of any children who feature in the images (where ascertainable), together with the permission of the children's parent/guardian

- images which are shared on social media should be shared cautiously, with the appropriate privacy and security settings in place.


We regularly review our child safe policies and practices so that we can continue to improve them. In particular, we do the following:



(a) We strive to ensure that our child safe policies and procedures (including this Policy) are understood by all Workers and relevant stakeholders.

(b) We strive to ensure that children who engage with our Organisation, as well as their families and relevant community members, are aware of, understand and have confidence in our child safety policies and procedures (including this Policy).

(c) We make our child safe policies and procedures (including this Policy) available to children, young people and their families in the following manner:



We have a child friendly version of this Policy available. Please ask us for a copy if you would like to view it.


We encourage children and young people to participate and provide feedback in the following manner:



(a) We use the following processes to inform children and young people about their rights including their right to safety and the right to be listened to:


(b) We educate children and young people on what harm is and develop their understanding of protective practices.


(a) We encourage our Workers, when engaging with children, to involve the families of those children whenever it is appropriate, and provided that doing so will not compromise the safety of the child.

(b) When doing this, our Workers should keep in mind that in some cases, children can be placed at risk by family members or by members of the community, so involving the child's family could expose the child to additional risk.

(c) We use the following measures to ensure that we have effective communication and participation strategies for engaging with and responding to the diverse needs of families and communities:



We strive to create an environment where children and young people's diverse needs and circumstances are recognised and all children feel safe, welcome and included. We do this by using the following measures:



(a) This Policy was approved by: ________

(b) This Policy was approved on: ________

(c) This Policy is due to be reviewed on: ________

(d) The following person is responsible for leading the review process for this Policy: ________


We thank you for the time you have taken to review and consider this Policy. If you have further questions or want to discuss any matters in connection with this Policy, please speak to a manager or supervisor.


By signing below, you acknowledge having read and understood this Policy, and you agree to comply with this Policy:




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(ACN.................................................) ("Organisation")

Date of approval: ________


At ________ (we, our, us), we are committed to the safety of children and young people. We are committed to providing an environment which is safe for children and youths, and to ensuring that this is reflected in all aspects of our business operations.

This Child Safety Policy (Policy) sets out the general principles that guide the management of child and youth safety at ________.

We have developed this Policy to help our Workers understand and manage child and youth safety, and to set a framework to ensure that we provide a safe environment for children and young people, and that we meet all of our objectives and comply with all of our legal and regulatory obligations in relation to these matters.


This Policy does not form part of any contract of employment or any other contract for work or services.


(a) We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations as well as codes of practice and other safety guidance in all jurisdictions where we operate. This policy complies with the legislation set out below:

- Family Law Act 1975 (Commonwealth)

(b) This policy may also comply with the following external policies, standards, codes of practice or safety guidance:



(a) We support the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations (National Principles) and will endeavour to embrace them at our Organisation. This policy aligns with the National Principles.

(b) The National Principles require that:

1. Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in organisational leadership, governance and culture.

2. Children and young people are informed about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.

3. Families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing.

4. Equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and practice.

5. People working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.

6. Processes to respond to complaints and concerns are child focused.

7. Staff and volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe through ongoing education and training.

8. Physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed.

9. Implementation of the national child safe principles is regularly reviewed and improved.

10. Policies and procedures document how the Organisation is safe for children and young people.


In addition to this Child Safety Policy, our Workers are required to be familiar with, and to comply with, all other workplace policies which may apply from time to time, including:



(a) This Policy applies to any people who perform work for ________, including all our directors, managers, board members, employees, contractors, subcontractors, employees of our contractors and subcontractors, apprentices, trainees, volunteers, interns, work experience students, labour hire employees and outworkers and any other people who perform work for or on behalf of our Organisation (Workers).

(b) We are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all Workers and visitors to our Organisation. However, this Policy specifically addresses our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of youths and children at our Organisation. Throughout this Policy, we use the terms "youth", "young person", "child" and "children" to refer generally to people under 18 years of age.

(c) This Policy applies to all activities in our Organisation which involve children, or which result in or relate to contact with children.

(d) This Policy is intended to help manage the safety and wellbeing of any children that come into contact with our Organisation, whether they are receiving services from us, are the children of someone who is receiving services from us, are the children of our Workers, or come into contact with us in any other way.

(e) We require all Workers to sign a copy of this Policy to agree in writing that they accept and will act in accordance with this Policy.


(a) We are committed to the safety of children and young people.

(b) We are committed to providing an environment which is safe for children and youths, and to ensuring that this is reflected in all aspects of our business operations.

(c) We value and respect children and young people and welcome them regardless of their abilities, age, sex, gender, or social economic or cultural background.

(d) Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated at ________.

(e) Safeguarding children from harm and abuse is an essential responsibility for our Organisation. We are committed to ensuring that any child who comes into contact with our Organisation or services is properly safeguarded. Every person under this policy must ensure that they play an active role in ensuring that children are properly safeguarded.

(f) We believe that no child or young person should experience abuse or harm and we are committed to the protection of children and young people. This policy is intended to provide guidance and overarching principles to those who represent us as volunteers or staff, to guide our approach to child protection and safeguarding.

(g) It is our intention that a child safe culture should be embedded in all levels of our Organisation, including but not limited to our leadership and governance as well as amongst all of our other Workers.

(h) When dealing with concerns about a child's safety or wellbeing, we are guided by a consideration of what is in the best interests of the child.

(i) We strive to:

- ensure that our Workers have the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children safe

- ensure that any of our Workers who work with children have the necessary skills, attributes, experience and qualifications to uphold this Policy and provide the support and supervision that children require

- ensure that any children who come into contact with our Organisation and who have concerns about their safety or need assistance know where to go and who to talk to

- ensure that any children who come into contact with our Organisation and who have concerns about their safety feel comfortable seeking assistance

- maintain the safety and security of any of our facilities or environments which may be accessed by children (including any online facilities or environments, websites or platforms)

- promote a workplace which values diversity and inclusion

- where appropriate, involve children and their families in decisions that affect them

- promote a culture of child safety at all levels in our Organisation

- take any allegations or complaints in relation to child safety seriously, and respond promptly and appropriately

- report any allegations or concerns to relevant authorities whenever appropriate or necessary


(a) We are committed to providing a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.

(b) We actively encourage and support children's abilities to express their culture and exercise their cultural rights.

(c) We have embedded strategies within our organisation that equip all members to acknowledge and appreciate the strengths and importance of Aboriginal culture to the wellbeing and safety of Aboriginal children and young people.

(d) We adopt measures to ensure that racism is identified, confronted, and not tolerated within our organisation. Any instances of racism are addressed with appropriate consequences.

(e) We actively support and facilitate the participation and inclusion of Aboriginal children, young people, and their families within our organisation.

(f) All of our policies, procedures, systems, and processes work together to create a culturally safe and inclusive environment that meets the needs of Aboriginal children, young people, and their families.

(g) Our Workers must encourage and support children to freely express their culture and enjoy their cultural rights.

(h) Workers must actively support and facilitate the participation and inclusion of Aboriginal children and their families within our Organisation.

(i) Racism is strictly prohibited within our Organisation. If racism occurs, we will respond as follows:


(j) Our leadership has a responsibility to help everyone involved with our Organisation to acknowledge and appreciate the strengths of Aboriginal culture and to understand its importance to the wellbeing and safety of Aboriginal children and young people.


(a) We have a code of conduct for working with children and young people, as set out below ("Code of Conduct"). We expect all Workers to understand this Code of Conduct, and ask a Responsible Person if they need more information or have any questions.

(b) Caring for children and young people brings additional responsibilities for our Workers. All Workers are responsible for promoting and protecting the safety and wellbeing of children and young people by:

- sticking to the organisation's child safe policy at all times and taking all reasonable steps to ensure the safety and protection of children and young people

- treating everyone including those of different race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes and religious beliefs with respect and honesty and ensure equity is upheld

- being a positive role model to children and young people in all conduct with them

- setting clear boundaries about appropriate behaviour between yourself and children and young people – boundaries help everyone to understand their roles

- listening and responding appropriately to the views and concerns of children and young people

- being alert to bullying behaviours and responding promptly and appropriately

- ensuring another adult is always present or in sight when conducting one to one consulting, coaching, instruction or other activity

- being alert to children and young people who have been harmed, or may be at risk of harm and reporting this quickly to the Child Abuse Report Line (13 14 78)

- responding quickly, fairly and transparently to any complaints made by a child, young person or their parent/guardian

- encouraging children and young people to 'have a say' on issues that are important to them.

(c) Workers must not:

- engage in rough physical games

- develop any 'special' relationships with children and young people that could be seen as favouritism such as the offering of gifts or special treatment

- do things of a personal nature that a child or young person can do for themselves, such as toileting or changing clothes

- discriminate against any child or young person because of age, gender, cultural background, religion, vulnerability or sexuality.

(d) Breaches or suspected breaches of the Code of Conduct will be reported as soon as practicable to management either in person, or using the contact details at the end of this Policy.

(e) Breaches or suspected breaches of the Code of Conduct will be taken seriously and dealt with quickly, fairly and transparently.

(f) Any Worker who breaches the Code of Conduct will face disciplinary action and depending on severity of the breach, the Worker may have their employment terminated.


(a) Our Workers must uphold our Organisation's values in accordance with this Policy. Our Workers must demonstrate behaviour which is consistent with this Policy and with our Organisation's values. Our Workers must be proactive about upholding and promoting our values and this Policy, including by doing the following:

- remaining alert and aware of possible safeguarding risks to children

- guarding children against harmful environments with appropriate actions (for example, adequate supervision or ensuring safe environments)

- taking positive steps to maintain the safety and wellbeing of children engaging with our Organisation

- reporting concerns expeditiously and appropriately, in line with child protection procedures

- understanding the duty to report specific concerns (and understanding how this interplays with confidentiality)

- challenging any inappropriate or harmful behaviour of any other adult and reporting this accordingly

- acting appropriately in the presence of children

- not taking any inappropriate risks

- not smoking, drinking or taking any form of illicit substances in the presence of children

- ensuring that any children who come into contact with our Organisation or access our services understand their rights and responsibilities

- communicating with children clearly and respectfully and using language which they can understand and which is appropriate for their age and level of development

- ensuring that any children who come into contact with our Organisation or access our services are supported and get any necessary assistance with exercising their rights and responsibilities

(b) Our Workers are responsible for ensuring that they personally comply with all applicable laws in the state or territory where they are based including any applicable Commonwealth laws.


The following Workers have the specific responsibilities in relation to child safety and wellbeing as set out below:



Any question, report or concern in relation to the safeguarding of children should be shared with the following person (Responsible Person):

Name: ________

Email: ________

Telephone: ________

(13) 585 85555 58 88528858

(________) 85885522 852 82 8582255882 22 582225222 22528 22 58582 525 5552. 52 88 822252522 22 528222882 2552 58582 525 5552 22 85885522 852 82825 5 8852 55222 22 8858528252828 525 8255882558. 225 2552282, 85885522 852 82 52 5882 22:

- 25288858 25 222282258 58582

- 2228282

- 825558 58582

- 222582 2228258 2528852822 (222)

- 25222822 525 252828252822

- 25522882822 525 225252 8858252

- 25228552 22 25 8228882822 22 52228288 58582

- 85882822 25 82825 85882822

- 25228552 22 22525 8252252258522 8222222 25 825588255, 8585 58 88282282 25 85828258 825588255

- 8282-5552

- 25288858 5552 8522 22252822 8825 5828882828 8825252 55285522 85225888822

(________) 552 855858 2582258 22 522 8585 5552 525/25 58582 852 5882 82 8852-5522822. 225 2552282, 85885522 852 82 285825 52 5882 82 252882 2228258 25 82 2228258 22 252 822252822.


(a) In accordance with applicable legislation, we require that any Workers who work with children or young people have a current, "not prohibited" Working with Children Check in all relevant jurisdictions.

(b) To ensure we engage the most suitable people to work with children and young people we have the following recruitment practices in place:

- our commitment to child safety is included in all job advertisements

- clear position descriptions that include our commitment to child safety and wellbeing

- written applications from applicants

- face-to-face interviews that use behavioural questions to determine the applicant's knowledge of child safeguarding

- at least 2 referee checks and qualification checks.


We strive to ensure that Workers at our Organisation who are working with children and young people are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice. We do this by using the following measures:



All personal information we may process relating to children, shall be processed and stored in accordance with our data protection privacy policy.


(a) We aim to provide accessible and responsive complaints management processes that are focused on the needs of children and young people. We do this in the following manner:


(b) Where a child is at immediate risk of serious harm, any adult present should call 000. Thereafter, the Responsible Person should be contacted as soon as is reasonably practicable.

(c) Where there is a safeguarding concern but no immediate risk of serious harm, the adult who has heard or witnessed this concern should consult with the Responsible Person as soon as practicable and by no later than the end of that same day.

(d) Where any child makes a disclosure relating to harm or abuse to an adult, it is important for that adult to:

- listen calmly and carefully, showing that their their views are taken seriously

- provide an appropriate and honest level of reassurance

- avoid interrogating children and asking probing, intrusive and/or leading questions

- avoid making false promises regarding secrets and confidentiality with the child (because any concern of abuse/harm must be shared with the Responsible Person and any subsequent safeguarding referral)

- make a confidential written record of the discussion either during the discussion or immediately afterwards. The record should include the key details of the disclosure together with any relevant times, dates, places and people concerned. Audio and video recordings of children making disclosures should be avoided

- refer all relevant information to the Responsible Person as soon as practicable afterwards, and by no later than the end of the day

(e) Upon receipt of any safeguarding concern, the Responsible Person shall consult with any other relevant persons and will make any appropriate referrals to the relevant authorities.


(a) Where any person has a concern regarding the conduct of an adult connected to the Organisation, which poses or may pose a safeguarding risk to children such as:

- harming a child either physically or emotionally

- exposing a child to behaviour which may cause physical or emotional harm

- engaging in criminal activity concerning a child

this must be raised in the first instance with the Responsible Person (or where this is not appropriate, a different senior member of the Organisation) so that the next appropriate steps may be agreed and actioned. We recognise that there could be circumstances where a person may need to report a matter that has taken place in a setting outside of the person's engagement with the Organisation.

(b) Usually, any appropriate steps following a safeguarding referral in respect of an individual connected to the Organisation will include either:

- further initial enquiries

- escalation to the applicable authority for assessment and/or the police for investigation

- instigation of any appropriate disciplinary, formal investigation processes and suspension of any person concerned within the Organisation

- a referral to any relevant regulatory bodies

(c) Any person within the Organisation who has allegations made against them shall be informed properly in a formal meeting of the particulars of the allegations and the relevant next steps which shall be taken. Such a meeting should ordinarily be held by the Responsible Person. On certain occasions, such a meeting may not be convened until this has been approved by any authorities involved (such as the police or the relevant local authority).

(d) Any person from within the Organisation who has allegations made against them shall be treated fairly. All enquires, investigations and decisions taken shall be just and fair, with the safety of any child concerned at the heart of the process.

(e) Any person from within the Organisation who makes an allegation against another person from within the Organisation shall be listened to, taken seriously and shall be treated fairly and justly throughout the process of enquiries, investigations and decision making.


(a) Providing opportunities for complaints and feedback ensures that children, young people and their families feel valued and respected and enables us to improve the quality of our service. Children, young people and their families are informed that they can provide feedback or make a complaint when they join our organisation.

(b) Compliments, complaints or feedback can be provided verbally or in writing to any Worker or direct to management either by telephone, email or by post, using the following details:


(c) We will deal with all complaints and feedback received from children, young people or their families promptly, sensitively and fairly. We will:

- listen to the complaint/feedback

- the person receiving the complaint will make a record of it if received verbally

- advise of the time expected for an outcome

- if a Worker receives a complaint, they must forward it to management as soon as possible

- management will respond to the complainant with an outcome within the following timeframe: ________

- clearly document and securely store decisions and actions taken in response to complaints and feedback

- make sure that procedural fairness is followed at all times.

(d) If the child, young person or their family is not happy with the outcome from the complaints process they can contact:

- Australian Human Rights Commission Online: Tel: 1300 656 419


(a) It is important for all adults engaged by us to recognise that children can face harm from their peers. This can commonly take the form of bullying. Bullying can be defined as any behaviour which is:

- repeated; and

- has the intention of hurting somebody either physically or emotionally.

(b) Bullying can sometimes be motivated by prejudices based on certain groups, for example gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Bullying can often include:

- physical harm perpetrated against another child

- name calling and threats

- cyberbullying (threats and abusive comments made via technology)

(c) Any instance of bullying or concern relating to possible bullying between children at any event or activities arranged by us will usually be dealt with by us in the first instance as follows:


(d) Where any behaviour amounting to bullying continues following this, the following steps will be taken:


(e) All steps in relation to the prevention or management of bullying should be taken in consultation with the Responsible Person.


We have strategies in place to supervise, train and support Workers to understand this Policy, their mandatory reporting obligations, how to build culturally safe environments and their responsibilities to create a child safe and friendly environment. Our strategies include:


- ensure all Workers read and understand any relevant mandatory information or guidelines as published in their jurisdiction

- complete regular training in relation to child safety

- include child safety as a standing item on meeting agendas


- regular supervision sessions that include a focus on child safety and wellbeing


- an induction process for all new workers including a copy of this Policy document

- regular performance appraisals that discuss child safeguarding

- appointing a child safety officer who has an educative role within our organisation.


We believe in promoting child safety and wellbeing in physical and online environments in order to reduce the risk of harm. We use a variety of measures to ensure that our physical and online environments promote safety and wellbeing while minimising the opportunity for children and young people to be harmed. This includes:



Responsibilities and Planning

(a) Typically, we may arrange the following types of events and/or activities which could involve children:


(b) The Responsible Person shall hold ultimate responsibility for the safety and appropriateness of the event. They may however appoint a delegate for some responsibilities the purpose of a specific event.

(c) Although the Responsible Person and any appointed delegates will hold ultimate responsibility for overseeing the safety for events and activities, all individuals under this policy must also play an active role in ensuring the safety of children at all times.

(d) For certain types of events or activities, we may issue an additional code of conduct, policy, or some specific other requirements which is specific to that occasion. Any such additional documentation will be made available to all those concerned (staff members, parents, guardians etc.) in advance. They should be read carefully and adhered to.


(a) The location for any events or activities which are held by us shall be risk assessed properly in reference to the suitability and safety for children. Fire and safety procedures and precautions shall be made clear to all those involved.

First Aid

(a) If an ambulance is required, call 000. Please notify a manager or supervisor if an ambulance has been called.

(b) Any accident or injury concerning a child should be brought to the attention of the nearest first aider and should thereafter be formally reported to the Responsible Person.

Consent Forms

(a) We shall always obtain written consent from a parent or guardian for any event which takes place with children in attendance without their responsible parent or guardian present. Consent will be obtained via:


(b) Consent forms will include emergency contact details and will set out any specific safety needs/requirements for children.

(c) All consent forms will be kept secure and shall be stored in accordance with our data protection privacy policy.


(a) For most activities and events, our procedure for supervision of children is as follows:


(b) Where we hold any events or activities whereby a child attends alongside their parent or guardian, parents and guardians should ensure that children are properly supervised.


(a) Whenever any adult engaged by us is faced with challenging or inappropriate behaviour from a child or with conflict between children, they must:

- treat each child fairly and equally

- approach the situation in a calm and neutral manner

- only ever use physical restraint/intervention in order to protect the immediate safety of a person, for example to prevent an injury or harm either to the child or others

- wherever it is justified to physically restrain a child or to physically intervene, the amount of force used should be kept to the absolute minimum taking into account the risk posed

- make a written record of the incident and ensure this is reported appropriately to the Responsible Person


Our Photographs

(a) On some occasions, we may take photographs featuring children. We recognise that photography of children carries risks, such as:

- the potential for images to be re-used, shared or adapted in a damaging or inappropriate manner

- the general risk of sharing images and the impact this could have on child's public image as they grow older

(b) In view of these risks, we will:

- always ask for written permission from a child and their parent/guardian before taking and sharing any image of them

- always ensure that a child and their parent/guardian are properly informed how an image will be used and shared

- always ensure that a child's identity is protected as far as is possible within any published material

- ask that parents, guardians, children and any other person connected to them who may wish to share any of our published images which features other children to refrain from doing so unless they have the permission of the other children and their parent/guardian

- always store photos in accordance with our data protection policy.

Members of the Public

(a) We do also recognise that members of the public may take photographs when they are attending our premises, events or activities.

(b) We ask that any parents, guardians and other members of the public take the following into consideration when taking photos at our premises, events or activities:

- images of other children should not be shared on social media without the permission of any children who feature in the images (where ascertainable), together with the permission of the children's parent/guardian

- images which are shared on social media should be shared cautiously, with the appropriate privacy and security settings in place.


We regularly review our child safe policies and practices so that we can continue to improve them. In particular, we do the following:



(a) We strive to ensure that our child safe policies and procedures (including this Policy) are understood by all Workers and relevant stakeholders.

(b) We strive to ensure that children who engage with our Organisation, as well as their families and relevant community members, are aware of, understand and have confidence in our child safety policies and procedures (including this Policy).

(c) We make our child safe policies and procedures (including this Policy) available to children, young people and their families in the following manner:



We have a child friendly version of this Policy available. Please ask us for a copy if you would like to view it.


We encourage children and young people to participate and provide feedback in the following manner:



(a) We use the following processes to inform children and young people about their rights including their right to safety and the right to be listened to:


(b) We educate children and young people on what harm is and develop their understanding of protective practices.


(a) We encourage our Workers, when engaging with children, to involve the families of those children whenever it is appropriate, and provided that doing so will not compromise the safety of the child.

(b) When doing this, our Workers should keep in mind that in some cases, children can be placed at risk by family members or by members of the community, so involving the child's family could expose the child to additional risk.

(c) We use the following measures to ensure that we have effective communication and participation strategies for engaging with and responding to the diverse needs of families and communities:



We strive to create an environment where children and young people's diverse needs and circumstances are recognised and all children feel safe, welcome and included. We do this by using the following measures:



(a) This Policy was approved by: ________

(b) This Policy was approved on: ________

(c) This Policy is due to be reviewed on: ________

(d) The following person is responsible for leading the review process for this Policy: ________


We thank you for the time you have taken to review and consider this Policy. If you have further questions or want to discuss any matters in connection with this Policy, please speak to a manager or supervisor.


By signing below, you acknowledge having read and understood this Policy, and you agree to comply with this Policy:


