Employee Handbook

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________ (ACN..............................................) ("Employer")

Last updated: ________

Welcome to ________

We believe that your success is our success. That's why we've developed this Employee Handbook ("Handbook") to help outline our policies and procedures and to help guide you throughout your relationship with us.

This Handbook is intended to serve as a guide and does not create any contractual obligation on any party. It is not a promise or contract of employment. Instead, it is a tool to help you learn about our general rules and expectations in relation to your employment with us. As an employee of ________, please be advised this Employee Handbook and all of its contents should be kept completely confidential.

Throughout this Handbook, we may refer to ________ using terms such as "we", "us", "our" "our organisation" or "Employer". We may refer to relevant employees using terms such as "you", "your" or "Employee".

Please take the time to review this Handbook, especially the sections that relate to the type of work you will be doing or the particular work relationship you have with us. If you have any questions, please reach out to your supervisor.

Thank you for joining us. We are delighted to have you on our team.


(a) This Handbook applies to all of our employees, including full time, part time and casual employees, temporary employees, permanent employees, managers, supervisors, interns, apprentices, student trainees and volunteers (together hereinafter "Employees").

(b) This Handbook explains what we expect of Employees. It is not contractually binding and is not incorporated into any employment contract.

(c) Unless otherwise stated, this Handbook is effective immediately. We reserve the right to make changes to this Handbook as described under the "Policy Changes" section of this Handbook.


(a) This Handbook sets out our general rules, policies and procedures, which apply to all Employees.

(b) In addition, Employees will be provided with either an Employment Agreement or something similar (hereinafter "Contract").

(c) You should make sure that you are familiar with the terms of your Contract as well as this Handbook.

(d) If there is an inconsistency between the Handbook and the Contract, the Contract will prevail.


In addition to this Handbook, you are required to be familiar with, and to comply with, all other workplace policies which may apply from time to time, including:

Discrimination Policy

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Social Media Policy

Remote Work Policy


(a) This Handbook outlines our rules, policies, procedures and expectations regarding all Employees. Complying with all of the provisions of this Handbook is a necessary requirement and condition of working for us.

(b) While this Handbook strives to give as much information as possible regarding our practices, there may be situations that it does not cover. As such, please do not consider this Handbook an exhaustive document. The policies and procedures outlined in this Handbook are meant to be a basis for and supplement to our other documents, rules or policies as may arise from time to time.

(c) If there are any specific questions about anything contained in this Handbook, Employees should consult the appropriate individual or department at our organisation.


(a) We may, at various points in time, and in our sole and exclusive discretion, change the terms of this Handbook. We have the express right to change, revise, revoke, modify, amend, add to, or otherwise vary the terms of this Handbook and any of our other paperwork, documentation, or information.

(b) The terms of this Handbook may only be changed in writing and updated in this Handbook, no terms will be changed orally. If we change the terms herein, we will send written notice to all employees.

(c) All Employees will be responsible for being aware of any policy changes after notice is received. If there are any questions or issues arising from or relating to anything contained within this Handbook, Employees should consult the appropriate individual or department at our organisation.


(a) Our interpretation of anything contained within this Handbook will govern and be absolute.

(b) Nothing contained herein should be construed to guarantee any kind of employment, any terms of employment, any continued employment or any specific relationship between any current employee and our organisation.

(c) Only a validly executed copy of your Contract can alter the terms of this general Handbook.


(a) You have a common law duty of good faith towards us and our organisation.

(b) This duty of good faith is an overriding obligation to advance the best interests of our organisation at all times. This includes a duty not to harm our organisation in any way through any neglect or betrayal of this duty of good faith.

(c) You agree to faithfully perform your duties, as set out in this Handbook and in your Contract.

(d) You acknowledge and agree that if you act in a manner which is in any way inconsistent with the faithful performance of your duties, as set out in this Handbook and in your Contract, this may constitute misconduct and may result in disciplinary action and/or termination of your employment.


In addition to any other obligations set out in this Handbook and in your Contract, you are expected to:

(a) willingly follow any directions of your manager or supervisor, provided such directions do not pose a threat to the health or safety of you or any other person or property;

(b) be proactive about performing your duties under this Handbook and your Contract;

(c) be courteous, sensitive, considerate and honest at all times;

(d) work cooperatively with others to create a positive workplace and to achieve the best outcomes for our organisation;

(e) support the personal and professional development of other employees;

(f) treat all other people (including but not limited to other employees as well as customers or clients) with dignity, respect, courtesy and fairness;

(g) make sure that any decisions which might (or might appear to) negatively affect the interests of others are made in a manner which is impartial, reasonable, honest, transparent and fair;

(h) be respectful of and sensitive to the personal circumstances of others;

(i) be respectful of and sensitive to the cultural or ethnic backgrounds of others;

(j) actively address any workplace conflict in which you are involved, or which involve employees under your supervision, in order to seek a positive outcome;

(k) listen respectfully to different points of view and seek to understand them;

(l) be proactive about workplace health, safety and wellbeing and take any reasonable steps to ensure your health, safety and wellbeing as well as that of any other employees as well as customers or clients;

(m) be proactive about creating a workplace which is free from bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination;

(n) avoid language or behaviour which is abusive, offensive, intimidating or discriminatory;

(o) avoid engaging in any gossip or the spreading of rumours regarding other employees as well as customers or clients;

(p) comply with any other obligations related to your employment, whether set out in this Handbook, in your Contract, in any other policies, or otherwise communicated to you.


(a) We are an equal opportunity employer.

(b) This means that we are committed to providing employment conditions and opportunities which are fair and which are free from unlawful discrimination.

(c) We are committed to meeting any equal opportunity obligations under Australian law.

(d) We are committed to ensuring that employees are selected, promoted and rewarded based on their merit, talents and capabilities.

(e) We are committed to ensuring that all people have an equal opportunity to gain employment and promotion and to succeed generally at our organisation.

(f) In the event that you have concerns regarding equal opportunity matters, please raise them with us. You may do so either by speaking to your manager or supervisor, or if your concerns relate to your manager or supervisor then please contact a higher level manager or supervisor. Alternatively, you may contact any other support person named in this Handbook.


(a) You will be compensated in the following manner:


(b) If a pay day falls on a weekend or public holiday then employees will be paid on the preceding business day.

(c) Your rate of compensation will be as agreed between you and us and as set out in your Contract.

(d) In the event that you owe any amounts to us, we reserve the right to deduct such amounts from any amounts due to you, to the extent that such deductions are permitted by law.


(a) We pay superannuation in accordance with Australian law. If you are required to be paid superannuation then a contribution from your wages or salary will be paid to your nominated superannuation fund, at the rate required by law.

(b) You have the right to nominate a superannuation fund, or to use our chosen fund.


We will withhold a portion of your salary or wages for the purpose of remitting such withheld portions to the Australian Taxation Office to meet your income tax obligations as required by law.


(a) All rest and meal periods shall be in accordance with Australian law. Specifically, the following shall be applicable:


(b) In addition, you will be required to work such hours and schedule as communicated to you by us. Usually, your work hours and schedule will be set out in your Contract, but may be varied in accordance with your Contract and as reasonably required by us.

(c) All Employees are required to attend work punctually and ready to work at scheduled start times.

(d) If you are unable to attend work at a scheduled start time, please notify your supervisor, manager or other appropriate individual or department as soon as possible.

(e) Unreasonable absenteeism or lateness will not be tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action.


(a) For all new hires, an introductory or probationary period will apply (the "Probationary Period").

(b) Your Probationary Period will be as agreed between you and us and as set out in your Contract or other relevant documentation.

(c) During your Probationary Period, we will monitor your progress and performance. You are also expected to ascertain your fit with our organisation during this time, including learning specific job duties and getting to know other employees.

(d) During the Probationary Period, your employment may be terminated by either you or us by providing 1 week written notice (or payment in lieu of that notice).

(e) After the Probationary Period ends, we will undertake a performance review with you. If we determine that you have performed satisfactorily then we may offer you employment beyond the Probationary Period.


(a) You are subject to performance reviews at the following periods: ________.

(b) During these performance reviews, you will have the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns with your immediate supervisor and will be critiqued based on your job performance.

(c) Positive performance reviews do not necessarily mean that you will receive any increase in pay.


(a) Your rate of compensation may be altered as agreed between you and us at any time or as set out in your Contract.

(b) You may, from time to time, receive increases in your pay or bonuses, at our sole and exclusive discretion. We do not guarantee any increase in pay or bonus to any employee.


We comply with our obligations in relation to the granting of leave, as required by law.


(a) Our workplace generally shuts down for the following period(s) every year ("Annual Shutdown"):


(b) During any Annual Shutdown period, you may be unable to work. In the event that you are entitled to annual leave, you may be required to take some or all of your annual leave during the Annual Shutdown period.


(a) Depending on the nature of your employment, you may be entitled to annual leave as provided by law.

(b) If you are entitled to annual leave, then the details of this annual leave (including the amount of leave, and the manner in which it is accrued) will be set out in your Contract.

(c) In the event that you want to take annual leave, the date(s) of such annual leave are subject to our approval and are dependent on our reasonable requirements.

(d) You will be required to make a request for annual leave in advance, in accordance with the procedures set out in your Contract.


(a) In the event that you are not able to work because of illness or injury, you may be entitled to sick leave (sometimes also called "personal leave") as provided by law.

(b) In the event that you are not able to work because you are having to care for a member of your immediate family, or a member of your household, who suffers an illness, injury, or an unexpected emergency, you may be entitled to carer's leave as provided by law.

(c) In relation to carer's leave, "immediate family" is defined in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Commonwealth) as your spouse, former spouse, de facto partner, former de facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, or your spouse or de facto partner's child, grandparent, grandchild, or sibling. This also includes step relations and adoptive relations.

(d) In the event that you need to take sick leave/carer's leave, you are required to notify us at the earliest opportunity, to enable us to deal with your absence.

(e) In the event that you do not use all of your sick leave/carer's leave in a given year, any unused portion will carry over to the next year.

(f) In the event that you take more than one day of sick leave/carer's leave, you will be required to provide a medical certificate to us to support your claim for sick leave/carer's leave.

(g) In the event that we determine that you have abused your sick leave/carer's leave entitlements (for example, by claiming sick leave when you were not actually sick or injured), you may be subject to disciplinary action.


(a) Depending on the nature of your employment, you may be entitled to long service leave as provided by law.

(b) In the event that you want to take long service leave, the date(s) of such long service leave are subject to our approval and are dependent on our reasonable requirements.


(a) Depending on the nature of your employment, you may be entitled to statutory parental leave as provided by law.

(b) In the event that you want to take additional parental leave (on top of what is provided by law), such additional parental leave is subject to our discretion.

(c) In the event that you want to take parental leave, you will be required to make a request for such parental leave in advance, in accordance with the procedures set out in your Contract or as otherwise required by law.


(a) You may be entitled to community service leave as provided by law.

(b) In the event that you take community service leave in order to take part in jury duty, you may be entitled to receive salary or wages during the period of leave, as provided by law.


In addition to the various leave entitlements described above, you may be permitted to take unpaid leave, subject to our approval, and subject to our reasonable requirements.


Our dress code is as follows:



You must be neat and well presented at all times while at work and/or while representing us, and must observe the following standards:



Please observe the following guidelines regarding customer service:



(a) During your employment, you may have access to information that is confidential and/or commercially valuable to us ("Confidential Information"), which may include but is not limited to:

(I) information of whatever nature relating to your salary, wages, or remuneration package;

(II) information of whatever nature relating to our business activities, practices and finances;

(III) our intellectual property and our data;

(IV) any other evaluation material, design work, technologies, technological ideas or strategies, strategic plans and ideas, marketing strategies, innovations, creative plans, concepts and any other plans or ideas developed by us or on our behalf, or used by us, whether relating specifically to our business or otherwise;

(V) any information derived from any other information which falls within this definition of Confidential Information; and

(VI) any copy of any Confidential Information.

but does not include information which:

(I) was known or in your possession before it was provided to you by us, provided that it was known or in your possession through legal means, and not as a result of any breach of your Contract, any other obligation to us, or any other agreement or obligation relating to confidentiality (whether or not you were a party to such other agreement or obligation);

(II) is, or becomes, publicly available, through no fault of yours;

(III) is provided to you without restriction or disclosure by a third party, who did not breach any confidentiality obligations by making such a disclosure;

(IV) is provided to you by us and is marked "Non Confidential"; or

(V) is required by law or regulation to be disclosed, but in the event that this exception applies, it applies only to the absolute minimum necessary and provided that we are first consulted to establish whether and if so how far it is possible to prevent or restrict such enforced disclosure.

(b) You shall keep the Confidential Information confidential and secret.

(c) You shall only use the Confidential Information for the purpose of performing your obligations under your Contract or this Handbook.

(d) If there is any doubt as to whether any particular information constitutes Confidential Information, you should presume it is Confidential Information, until you obtain explicit confirmation from us that it is not Confidential Information.

(e) This clause will survive termination or expiration of your Contract and this Handbook.


During your employment, you must not, without our prior written consent, engage in any employment or other business activities (including working as a contractor, consultant or otherwise, or operating a business in which you own an interest), whether directly or indirectly, which in our reasonable determination conflicts with our best interests.


(a) A wide selection of communication methods may be used for work purposes at our organisation. This may include but is not limited to SMS/text messaging, email, voicemail and instant messaging, and may utilise devices such as telephones, computers, internet and mobile devices (mobile phones, tablets, etc). These methods of communication, as well as their contents, such as physical and digital files, data, and their operating programs will be further referred to in this Handbook as "e-correspondence."

(b) All forms of e-correspondence are strictly for professional use as they are our exclusive property.

(c) The following list and standards regarding e-correspondence is not comprehensive and we have the right to implement new rules regarding e-correspondence at any time.

(d) All forms of e-correspondence that:

(I) can identify us;

(II) can be accessed on our property; and

(III) can be accessed by using our funds or on equipment provided by us;

will adhere to the following rules:

(I) You may not, under any circumstance, install personal software on any computer system which is owned, controlled or operated by us. You may not use e-correspondence for any activity such as patent, copyright, or trademark infringement, defamation, or unauthorised sharing of trade secrets. E-correspondence shall not be used against our best interest or be activity that can be considered illegal. E-correspondence shall adhere to all of our policies and shall not constitute harassment, bullying, use of obscene or discriminatory language. Any such activity will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.

(II) You must make all e-correspondence as accessible as possible within our organisation. You do not own any e-correspondence, be it confidential or password protected. Personal passwords used on our devices are considered our property and may be overridden at any time, if necessary. We may keep all passwords, codes, etc on record. We maintain the rights to all information created by you on our property or transmitted to the premises, or created by you in the course of your employment.

(III) We may ensure violations of our policies and/or applicable laws do not occur by monitoring you and your activity. We may view all e-correspondence and digital information, including blogs and other social media, at any time. Any and all information created or obtained by you may be disclosed to us, if necessary.

(IV) You may not encrypt programs or install encryption software with any email communications. You may not use any form of anonymous correspondence. You shall not have access to any e-correspondence of third parties or other employees under any circumstances except as otherwise permitted by us or as reasonably required in connection with your employment.

(V) All devices for receiving and recording information such as computers, telephones of any kind, fax machines or scanners may not be used for transmitting sensitive information or sharing our secrets. These devices must be used only in accordance with the provisions of this Handbook.

(VI) Use of our communication services, websites and the internet is permissible for employment related business only. Prior approval must be requested before any information about our organisation, our products, or services can appear in the electronic media to be accessed by others.


(a) You may not make or receive phone calls for personal matters while on duty, except with the express permission of your manager or supervisor.

(b) If you need to make or receive phone calls for personal matters, please do so before or after your work hours, or while on break.

(c) Personal mobile phone use can be disruptive to others and can limit employee productivity. As such, use outside of designated breaks and meal times while at work is discouraged.

(d) Mobile phones brought to work must be kept on silent or vibrate mode in the workplace. Personal mobile phone privileges at work may be taken away if device use is found to be disruptive or if productivity decreases below a satisfactory level.

(e) Personal phone conversations should not be held where employees are working or in common areas.

(f) Employees in certain positions may be provided with a mobile phone or may be required to carry a mobile phone to assist with the performance of their job. If this occurs then such employees must ensure that their mobile phone use does not disrupt other employees and must ensure that they are professional in their use of the mobile phone.

(g) Employees must place mobile phones on vibrate mode, silent mode or completely powered off during work meetings as a courtesy to others.

(h) Failure to comply with our directions regarding use of a mobile phone may lead to further disciplinary action, up to and including termination.


In the event that we provide you with a vehicle ("Vehicle") to use, the following rules will apply:

(a) You must ensure that the Vehicle is only driven by persons who:

(I) are employees of our organisation; and

(II) hold a full drivers licence for the Vehicle's class of vehicle; and

(III) are approved by us to drive the Vehicle; and

(IV) are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

(b) Before you drive or permit any other person to drive the Vehicle, you must provide us with a copy of your current drivers licence and the current drivers licence of any other driver(s).

(c) You must notify us of any changes to the status of your drivers licence and any changes to the status of the licence of any other driver (for example, if you lose your licence or they lose their licence).

(d) While you are employed by us and are driving the Vehicle, the Vehicle is considered a place of work.

(e) Smoking is strictly prohibited in the Vehicle.

(f) You may not modify or alter the Vehicle in any way without our prior written approval, except for your basic maintenance obligations as set out in this clause.

(g) You are responsible for basic maintenance of the Vehicle, including but not limited to:

(I) monitoring engine oil and topping up and/or replacing as required;

(II) monitoring engine coolant in radiator and topping up and/or replacing as required;

(III) monitoring washer fluids and topping up and/or replacing as required;

(IV) monitoring tyre air pressure and topping up as required;

(V) monitoring tyre tread and notifying us when tyres are going to need to be replaced;

(VI) keeping the interior and the exterior of the Vehicle clean and presentable at all times, at your cost;

(VII) notifying us in a timely manner of any repairs or maintenance which the Vehicle requires or of any fault with the Vehicle.

(h) In the event that you believe that the Vehicle may be unsafe or unroadworthy in its current condition, or may be in such a condition that the continued use of the Vehicle could lead to harm, loss or damage to any person or property (including damage to the Vehicle), then you must notify us and must stop driving the Vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so.

(i) In the event that the Vehicle is involved in a collision or any traffic related incident, you must notify us as soon as possible.

(j) You may use the Vehicle to drive to and from work.

(k) The Vehicle must be securely parked off street at your residence.

(l) At all times when the Vehicle is unattended, the Vehicle must be locked and secured, and any valuable items which may tempt thieves to force entry to the Vehicle must be hidden from view.

(m) We take no responsibility for any of your personal property which is stolen from the Vehicle or is otherwise lost or damaged in connection with your use of the Vehicle. You should not leave valuable items in the Vehicle and should consider obtaining your own insurance to cover any personal property which may be kept in the Vehicle.

(n) Before commencing any period of leave such as annual leave or long service leave, you must return the Vehicle to us (unless we expressly say otherwise).

(o) In the event that you are absent from work due to sick leave, carers leave, bereavement leave or other similar reasons, we may require the Vehicle for use by other employees, and if so, may arrange to collect the Vehicle from you.

(p) When driving the Vehicle, you must drive safely and defensively.

(q) When driving the Vehicle, you must obey all road rules and traffic laws.

(r) You must pay all fines and penalties in relation to your use of the Vehicle, including but not limited to any speeding fines, any parking fines, and any other fines for infringement of any, laws, road rules or parking rules.

(s) In the event that any insurance claim is made under the insurance policy for the Vehicle ("Insurance"), if you are found to have been using the Vehicle negligently, illegally, or otherwise in violation of your obligations under the Contract or this Handbook, you will be responsible for any insurance excess.

(t) In the event that any insurance claim is made under the Insurance, and you are found to have committed an act or omission to violate our Insurance, such that the Insurance does not cover our losses in relation to your use of the Vehicle, you will be liable to us, and you hereby indemnify, keep us indemnified and hold us harmless for the full extent of these losses.

(u) We reserve the right to revoke any Vehicle privileges at any time including if you are found to have committed any breach of these rules in relation to the Vehicle.

(33) FUEL

The following arrangements will apply for payment for fuel for the Vehicle:



Smoking is strictly prohibited at our workplace.


(a) Employees are expected to adhere to our standards in relation to conduct and performance during employment.

(b) We have a disciplinary process which may be applied if you fail to meet these standards of conduct or performance.

(c) The list below sets out the sorts of conduct which may result in disciplinary action. This list is not exhaustive and we reserve the right to take disciplinary action in relation to any matter or conduct which we deem in our sole discretion to be unacceptable:

(I) unsatisfactory job performance or lack of professionalism;

(II) interfering with the work of other employees;

(III) abusing, threatening violence, or engaging in violence with another employee or staff member;

(IV) general disorderly or dangerous conduct not becoming of a workplace, such as using abusive language, practical jokes, or horseplay;

(V) fraud in any behavior;

(VI) deceit;

(VII) dishonesty;

(VIII) stealing or other unauthorised possession of property;

(IX) wilful damage or abuse of property;

(X) misuse of our equipment, facilities, resources, computers, systems or software;

(XI) insubordination;

(XII) spending time on personal matters during work hours;

(XIII) the use or possession of illegal drugs or weapons;

(XIV) smoking in a smoke free part of the workplace;

(XV) disregard for or breach of our safety rules, practices, policies or procedures;

(XVI) failure to do assigned tasks;

(XVII) failure to comply with our rules, policies or procedures;

(XVIII) gross negligence;

(XIX) excessive tardiness or absences;

(XX) time wasting at work;

(XXI) sleeping during work hours;

(XXII) unexcused absence from work;

(XXIII) sexual harassment;

(XXIV) indecent conduct;

(XXV) breaching confidentiality or otherwise misusing our confidential information;

(XXVI) encouraging other employees to engage in any of the unacceptable conduct set out in this clause;

(XXVII) representing our organisation in public in a manner in which you are not authorised (for example, by claiming to speak for our organisation when you are not authorised to do so);

(XXVIII) doing anything to harm the reputation of our organisation;

(XXIX) any other breach as set out in any other part of your Contract or this Handbook; or

(XXX) any other violation of any of our rules or policies.

(36) 888555558855 82 885888

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Upon the termination of your employment, or upon demand by us, you must return any property of ours which we have provided to you in connection with your employment.


(a) We cannot take any responsibility for personal property which is lost or stolen during your employment.

(b) Please report any theft, attempted theft, vandalism or other similar incident to your manager or supervisor.

(c) All employees are responsible for ensuring that their personal property is secured appropriately and if possible you should avoid bringing valuable items of personal property to work.


(a) All employees are responsible for maintaining safe workplaces and generally promoting workplace safety.

(b) If you discover, observe, or are involved in any workplace accident, injury, or hazard, the condition must be immediately reported.

(c) You must comply with all applicable occupational health and safety laws and relevant policies, procedures and directions ("OHS Rules").

(d) It is your responsibility to make sure that you fully understand any applicable OHS Rules. In the event that you do not understand any applicable OHS Rules you must raise the matter with a manager or supervisor as soon as possible.

(e) You must take part in any programmes or training in relation to workplace safety, as reasonably required or directed by us.

(f) You must at all times use and/or wear any applicable safety equipment as required or directed by us.

(g) You must only perform tasks for which you are authorised, qualified, trained and licensed to perform.

(h) If you genuinely believe that a particular task would be unsafe, then you must refuse to undertake the said task, and must contact your manager or supervisor as soon as possible to discuss the matter. In the event that your manager or supervisor is asking you to undertake a task which you believe is unsafe, then you may contact a higher level manager or supervisor to discuss the matter.

(i) In the event that you are provided with any safety training in connection with your employment, it is your responsibility to make sure that you fully understand the said safety training. If you do not understand the said safety training then you must raise the matter with a manager or supervisor as soon as possible.

(j) You must notify us of any injury, illness, or other matters which may increase the risk to the safety of you or any other person or property at our workplace or in connection with your employment.

(k) You must observe the following additional rules regarding safety:



(a) We strive to create a workplace which is positive and supportive for all employees.

(b) We encourage any employee who has a complaint or requires support to come forward.

(c) If you want to raise a complaint or seek support, you may do so by contacting your manager or supervisor.

(d) If you are not comfortable to raise a complaint with or seek support from your manager or supervisor (for example, if you have a complaint about your manager or supervisor) then you may take your matter to a higher level manager or supervisor.


(a) If an ambulance is required, call 000.

(b) Please notify your manager or supervisor if an ambulance has been called.


(a) In some cases, it may be necessary to evacuate a workplace.

(b) In the case of an evacuation:

(I) follow the directions of any managers, supervisors, or emergency support personnel;

(II) if you are instructed to evacuate a workplace, move quickly, calmly and quietly to the nearest safe location;

(III) do not use elevators;

(IV) if you notice that there are any persons unaccounted for, please report them to a manager, supervisor or emergency support personnel immediately;

(V) leave behind personal belongings;

(VI) provide directions to any visitors or staff members who seem disorientated or who are unfamiliar with the layout of our workplace;

(VII) do not reenter the workplace unless and until you are instructed to do so by a manager, supervisor or emergency support personnel.

(43) FIRE

If you discover a fire at the workplace:

(a) raise the alarm immediately;

(b) if safe to do so, attack the fire with a fire extinguisher, fire blanket or other appropriate fire fighting equipment;

(c) if the fire service is required, call 000;

(d) if unsafe to attack the fire, evacuate the area and follow any other evacuation procedures as outlined in the "Emergency Evacuations" clause;

(e) Please notify your manager or supervisor if the fire service has been called.


(a) In the event of emergency please contact the following person(s):


(b) In addition, in case of emergency, please observe the following:



We thank you for the time you have taken to review and consider this Handbook. If you have further questions or want to discuss any matters in connection with this Handbook, please speak to a manager or supervisor.


By signing below, the Employee acknowledges having read and understood this Handbook, and the Employee agrees to comply with this Handbook:

Employee Signature

Employee Name


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________ (ACN..............................................) ("Employer")

Last updated: ________

Welcome to ________

We believe that your success is our success. That's why we've developed this Employee Handbook ("Handbook") to help outline our policies and procedures and to help guide you throughout your relationship with us.

This Handbook is intended to serve as a guide and does not create any contractual obligation on any party. It is not a promise or contract of employment. Instead, it is a tool to help you learn about our general rules and expectations in relation to your employment with us. As an employee of ________, please be advised this Employee Handbook and all of its contents should be kept completely confidential.

Throughout this Handbook, we may refer to ________ using terms such as "we", "us", "our" "our organisation" or "Employer". We may refer to relevant employees using terms such as "you", "your" or "Employee".

Please take the time to review this Handbook, especially the sections that relate to the type of work you will be doing or the particular work relationship you have with us. If you have any questions, please reach out to your supervisor.

Thank you for joining us. We are delighted to have you on our team.


(a) This Handbook applies to all of our employees, including full time, part time and casual employees, temporary employees, permanent employees, managers, supervisors, interns, apprentices, student trainees and volunteers (together hereinafter "Employees").

(b) This Handbook explains what we expect of Employees. It is not contractually binding and is not incorporated into any employment contract.

(c) Unless otherwise stated, this Handbook is effective immediately. We reserve the right to make changes to this Handbook as described under the "Policy Changes" section of this Handbook.


(a) This Handbook sets out our general rules, policies and procedures, which apply to all Employees.

(b) In addition, Employees will be provided with either an Employment Agreement or something similar (hereinafter "Contract").

(c) You should make sure that you are familiar with the terms of your Contract as well as this Handbook.

(d) If there is an inconsistency between the Handbook and the Contract, the Contract will prevail.


In addition to this Handbook, you are required to be familiar with, and to comply with, all other workplace policies which may apply from time to time, including:

Discrimination Policy

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Social Media Policy

Remote Work Policy


(a) This Handbook outlines our rules, policies, procedures and expectations regarding all Employees. Complying with all of the provisions of this Handbook is a necessary requirement and condition of working for us.

(b) While this Handbook strives to give as much information as possible regarding our practices, there may be situations that it does not cover. As such, please do not consider this Handbook an exhaustive document. The policies and procedures outlined in this Handbook are meant to be a basis for and supplement to our other documents, rules or policies as may arise from time to time.

(c) If there are any specific questions about anything contained in this Handbook, Employees should consult the appropriate individual or department at our organisation.


(a) We may, at various points in time, and in our sole and exclusive discretion, change the terms of this Handbook. We have the express right to change, revise, revoke, modify, amend, add to, or otherwise vary the terms of this Handbook and any of our other paperwork, documentation, or information.

(b) The terms of this Handbook may only be changed in writing and updated in this Handbook, no terms will be changed orally. If we change the terms herein, we will send written notice to all employees.

(c) All Employees will be responsible for being aware of any policy changes after notice is received. If there are any questions or issues arising from or relating to anything contained within this Handbook, Employees should consult the appropriate individual or department at our organisation.


(a) Our interpretation of anything contained within this Handbook will govern and be absolute.

(b) Nothing contained herein should be construed to guarantee any kind of employment, any terms of employment, any continued employment or any specific relationship between any current employee and our organisation.

(c) Only a validly executed copy of your Contract can alter the terms of this general Handbook.


(a) You have a common law duty of good faith towards us and our organisation.

(b) This duty of good faith is an overriding obligation to advance the best interests of our organisation at all times. This includes a duty not to harm our organisation in any way through any neglect or betrayal of this duty of good faith.

(c) You agree to faithfully perform your duties, as set out in this Handbook and in your Contract.

(d) You acknowledge and agree that if you act in a manner which is in any way inconsistent with the faithful performance of your duties, as set out in this Handbook and in your Contract, this may constitute misconduct and may result in disciplinary action and/or termination of your employment.


In addition to any other obligations set out in this Handbook and in your Contract, you are expected to:

(a) willingly follow any directions of your manager or supervisor, provided such directions do not pose a threat to the health or safety of you or any other person or property;

(b) be proactive about performing your duties under this Handbook and your Contract;

(c) be courteous, sensitive, considerate and honest at all times;

(d) work cooperatively with others to create a positive workplace and to achieve the best outcomes for our organisation;

(e) support the personal and professional development of other employees;

(f) treat all other people (including but not limited to other employees as well as customers or clients) with dignity, respect, courtesy and fairness;

(g) make sure that any decisions which might (or might appear to) negatively affect the interests of others are made in a manner which is impartial, reasonable, honest, transparent and fair;

(h) be respectful of and sensitive to the personal circumstances of others;

(i) be respectful of and sensitive to the cultural or ethnic backgrounds of others;

(j) actively address any workplace conflict in which you are involved, or which involve employees under your supervision, in order to seek a positive outcome;

(k) listen respectfully to different points of view and seek to understand them;

(l) be proactive about workplace health, safety and wellbeing and take any reasonable steps to ensure your health, safety and wellbeing as well as that of any other employees as well as customers or clients;

(m) be proactive about creating a workplace which is free from bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination;

(n) avoid language or behaviour which is abusive, offensive, intimidating or discriminatory;

(o) avoid engaging in any gossip or the spreading of rumours regarding other employees as well as customers or clients;

(p) comply with any other obligations related to your employment, whether set out in this Handbook, in your Contract, in any other policies, or otherwise communicated to you.


(a) We are an equal opportunity employer.

(b) This means that we are committed to providing employment conditions and opportunities which are fair and which are free from unlawful discrimination.

(c) We are committed to meeting any equal opportunity obligations under Australian law.

(d) We are committed to ensuring that employees are selected, promoted and rewarded based on their merit, talents and capabilities.

(e) We are committed to ensuring that all people have an equal opportunity to gain employment and promotion and to succeed generally at our organisation.

(f) In the event that you have concerns regarding equal opportunity matters, please raise them with us. You may do so either by speaking to your manager or supervisor, or if your concerns relate to your manager or supervisor then please contact a higher level manager or supervisor. Alternatively, you may contact any other support person named in this Handbook.


(a) You will be compensated in the following manner:


(b) If a pay day falls on a weekend or public holiday then employees will be paid on the preceding business day.

(c) Your rate of compensation will be as agreed between you and us and as set out in your Contract.

(d) In the event that you owe any amounts to us, we reserve the right to deduct such amounts from any amounts due to you, to the extent that such deductions are permitted by law.


(a) We pay superannuation in accordance with Australian law. If you are required to be paid superannuation then a contribution from your wages or salary will be paid to your nominated superannuation fund, at the rate required by law.

(b) You have the right to nominate a superannuation fund, or to use our chosen fund.


We will withhold a portion of your salary or wages for the purpose of remitting such withheld portions to the Australian Taxation Office to meet your income tax obligations as required by law.


(a) All rest and meal periods shall be in accordance with Australian law. Specifically, the following shall be applicable:


(b) In addition, you will be required to work such hours and schedule as communicated to you by us. Usually, your work hours and schedule will be set out in your Contract, but may be varied in accordance with your Contract and as reasonably required by us.

(c) All Employees are required to attend work punctually and ready to work at scheduled start times.

(d) If you are unable to attend work at a scheduled start time, please notify your supervisor, manager or other appropriate individual or department as soon as possible.

(e) Unreasonable absenteeism or lateness will not be tolerated and may lead to disciplinary action.


(a) For all new hires, an introductory or probationary period will apply (the "Probationary Period").

(b) Your Probationary Period will be as agreed between you and us and as set out in your Contract or other relevant documentation.

(c) During your Probationary Period, we will monitor your progress and performance. You are also expected to ascertain your fit with our organisation during this time, including learning specific job duties and getting to know other employees.

(d) During the Probationary Period, your employment may be terminated by either you or us by providing 1 week written notice (or payment in lieu of that notice).

(e) After the Probationary Period ends, we will undertake a performance review with you. If we determine that you have performed satisfactorily then we may offer you employment beyond the Probationary Period.


(a) You are subject to performance reviews at the following periods: ________.

(b) During these performance reviews, you will have the opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns with your immediate supervisor and will be critiqued based on your job performance.

(c) Positive performance reviews do not necessarily mean that you will receive any increase in pay.


(a) Your rate of compensation may be altered as agreed between you and us at any time or as set out in your Contract.

(b) You may, from time to time, receive increases in your pay or bonuses, at our sole and exclusive discretion. We do not guarantee any increase in pay or bonus to any employee.


We comply with our obligations in relation to the granting of leave, as required by law.


(a) Our workplace generally shuts down for the following period(s) every year ("Annual Shutdown"):


(b) During any Annual Shutdown period, you may be unable to work. In the event that you are entitled to annual leave, you may be required to take some or all of your annual leave during the Annual Shutdown period.


(a) Depending on the nature of your employment, you may be entitled to annual leave as provided by law.

(b) If you are entitled to annual leave, then the details of this annual leave (including the amount of leave, and the manner in which it is accrued) will be set out in your Contract.

(c) In the event that you want to take annual leave, the date(s) of such annual leave are subject to our approval and are dependent on our reasonable requirements.

(d) You will be required to make a request for annual leave in advance, in accordance with the procedures set out in your Contract.


(a) In the event that you are not able to work because of illness or injury, you may be entitled to sick leave (sometimes also called "personal leave") as provided by law.

(b) In the event that you are not able to work because you are having to care for a member of your immediate family, or a member of your household, who suffers an illness, injury, or an unexpected emergency, you may be entitled to carer's leave as provided by law.

(c) In relation to carer's leave, "immediate family" is defined in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Commonwealth) as your spouse, former spouse, de facto partner, former de facto partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, or your spouse or de facto partner's child, grandparent, grandchild, or sibling. This also includes step relations and adoptive relations.

(d) In the event that you need to take sick leave/carer's leave, you are required to notify us at the earliest opportunity, to enable us to deal with your absence.

(e) In the event that you do not use all of your sick leave/carer's leave in a given year, any unused portion will carry over to the next year.

(f) In the event that you take more than one day of sick leave/carer's leave, you will be required to provide a medical certificate to us to support your claim for sick leave/carer's leave.

(g) In the event that we determine that you have abused your sick leave/carer's leave entitlements (for example, by claiming sick leave when you were not actually sick or injured), you may be subject to disciplinary action.


(a) Depending on the nature of your employment, you may be entitled to long service leave as provided by law.

(b) In the event that you want to take long service leave, the date(s) of such long service leave are subject to our approval and are dependent on our reasonable requirements.


(a) Depending on the nature of your employment, you may be entitled to statutory parental leave as provided by law.

(b) In the event that you want to take additional parental leave (on top of what is provided by law), such additional parental leave is subject to our discretion.

(c) In the event that you want to take parental leave, you will be required to make a request for such parental leave in advance, in accordance with the procedures set out in your Contract or as otherwise required by law.


(a) You may be entitled to community service leave as provided by law.

(b) In the event that you take community service leave in order to take part in jury duty, you may be entitled to receive salary or wages during the period of leave, as provided by law.


In addition to the various leave entitlements described above, you may be permitted to take unpaid leave, subject to our approval, and subject to our reasonable requirements.


Our dress code is as follows:



You must be neat and well presented at all times while at work and/or while representing us, and must observe the following standards:



Please observe the following guidelines regarding customer service:



(a) During your employment, you may have access to information that is confidential and/or commercially valuable to us ("Confidential Information"), which may include but is not limited to:

(I) information of whatever nature relating to your salary, wages, or remuneration package;

(II) information of whatever nature relating to our business activities, practices and finances;

(III) our intellectual property and our data;

(IV) any other evaluation material, design work, technologies, technological ideas or strategies, strategic plans and ideas, marketing strategies, innovations, creative plans, concepts and any other plans or ideas developed by us or on our behalf, or used by us, whether relating specifically to our business or otherwise;

(V) any information derived from any other information which falls within this definition of Confidential Information; and

(VI) any copy of any Confidential Information.

but does not include information which:

(I) was known or in your possession before it was provided to you by us, provided that it was known or in your possession through legal means, and not as a result of any breach of your Contract, any other obligation to us, or any other agreement or obligation relating to confidentiality (whether or not you were a party to such other agreement or obligation);

(II) is, or becomes, publicly available, through no fault of yours;

(III) is provided to you without restriction or disclosure by a third party, who did not breach any confidentiality obligations by making such a disclosure;

(IV) is provided to you by us and is marked "Non Confidential"; or

(V) is required by law or regulation to be disclosed, but in the event that this exception applies, it applies only to the absolute minimum necessary and provided that we are first consulted to establish whether and if so how far it is possible to prevent or restrict such enforced disclosure.

(b) You shall keep the Confidential Information confidential and secret.

(c) You shall only use the Confidential Information for the purpose of performing your obligations under your Contract or this Handbook.

(d) If there is any doubt as to whether any particular information constitutes Confidential Information, you should presume it is Confidential Information, until you obtain explicit confirmation from us that it is not Confidential Information.

(e) This clause will survive termination or expiration of your Contract and this Handbook.


During your employment, you must not, without our prior written consent, engage in any employment or other business activities (including working as a contractor, consultant or otherwise, or operating a business in which you own an interest), whether directly or indirectly, which in our reasonable determination conflicts with our best interests.


(a) A wide selection of communication methods may be used for work purposes at our organisation. This may include but is not limited to SMS/text messaging, email, voicemail and instant messaging, and may utilise devices such as telephones, computers, internet and mobile devices (mobile phones, tablets, etc). These methods of communication, as well as their contents, such as physical and digital files, data, and their operating programs will be further referred to in this Handbook as "e-correspondence."

(b) All forms of e-correspondence are strictly for professional use as they are our exclusive property.

(c) The following list and standards regarding e-correspondence is not comprehensive and we have the right to implement new rules regarding e-correspondence at any time.

(d) All forms of e-correspondence that:

(I) can identify us;

(II) can be accessed on our property; and

(III) can be accessed by using our funds or on equipment provided by us;

will adhere to the following rules:

(I) You may not, under any circumstance, install personal software on any computer system which is owned, controlled or operated by us. You may not use e-correspondence for any activity such as patent, copyright, or trademark infringement, defamation, or unauthorised sharing of trade secrets. E-correspondence shall not be used against our best interest or be activity that can be considered illegal. E-correspondence shall adhere to all of our policies and shall not constitute harassment, bullying, use of obscene or discriminatory language. Any such activity will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.

(II) You must make all e-correspondence as accessible as possible within our organisation. You do not own any e-correspondence, be it confidential or password protected. Personal passwords used on our devices are considered our property and may be overridden at any time, if necessary. We may keep all passwords, codes, etc on record. We maintain the rights to all information created by you on our property or transmitted to the premises, or created by you in the course of your employment.

(III) We may ensure violations of our policies and/or applicable laws do not occur by monitoring you and your activity. We may view all e-correspondence and digital information, including blogs and other social media, at any time. Any and all information created or obtained by you may be disclosed to us, if necessary.

(IV) You may not encrypt programs or install encryption software with any email communications. You may not use any form of anonymous correspondence. You shall not have access to any e-correspondence of third parties or other employees under any circumstances except as otherwise permitted by us or as reasonably required in connection with your employment.

(V) All devices for receiving and recording information such as computers, telephones of any kind, fax machines or scanners may not be used for transmitting sensitive information or sharing our secrets. These devices must be used only in accordance with the provisions of this Handbook.

(VI) Use of our communication services, websites and the internet is permissible for employment related business only. Prior approval must be requested before any information about our organisation, our products, or services can appear in the electronic media to be accessed by others.


(a) You may not make or receive phone calls for personal matters while on duty, except with the express permission of your manager or supervisor.

(b) If you need to make or receive phone calls for personal matters, please do so before or after your work hours, or while on break.

(c) Personal mobile phone use can be disruptive to others and can limit employee productivity. As such, use outside of designated breaks and meal times while at work is discouraged.

(d) Mobile phones brought to work must be kept on silent or vibrate mode in the workplace. Personal mobile phone privileges at work may be taken away if device use is found to be disruptive or if productivity decreases below a satisfactory level.

(e) Personal phone conversations should not be held where employees are working or in common areas.

(f) Employees in certain positions may be provided with a mobile phone or may be required to carry a mobile phone to assist with the performance of their job. If this occurs then such employees must ensure that their mobile phone use does not disrupt other employees and must ensure that they are professional in their use of the mobile phone.

(g) Employees must place mobile phones on vibrate mode, silent mode or completely powered off during work meetings as a courtesy to others.

(h) Failure to comply with our directions regarding use of a mobile phone may lead to further disciplinary action, up to and including termination.


In the event that we provide you with a vehicle ("Vehicle") to use, the following rules will apply:

(a) You must ensure that the Vehicle is only driven by persons who:

(I) are employees of our organisation; and

(II) hold a full drivers licence for the Vehicle's class of vehicle; and

(III) are approved by us to drive the Vehicle; and

(IV) are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

(b) Before you drive or permit any other person to drive the Vehicle, you must provide us with a copy of your current drivers licence and the current drivers licence of any other driver(s).

(c) You must notify us of any changes to the status of your drivers licence and any changes to the status of the licence of any other driver (for example, if you lose your licence or they lose their licence).

(d) While you are employed by us and are driving the Vehicle, the Vehicle is considered a place of work.

(e) Smoking is strictly prohibited in the Vehicle.

(f) You may not modify or alter the Vehicle in any way without our prior written approval, except for your basic maintenance obligations as set out in this clause.

(g) You are responsible for basic maintenance of the Vehicle, including but not limited to:

(I) monitoring engine oil and topping up and/or replacing as required;

(II) monitoring engine coolant in radiator and topping up and/or replacing as required;

(III) monitoring washer fluids and topping up and/or replacing as required;

(IV) monitoring tyre air pressure and topping up as required;

(V) monitoring tyre tread and notifying us when tyres are going to need to be replaced;

(VI) keeping the interior and the exterior of the Vehicle clean and presentable at all times, at your cost;

(VII) notifying us in a timely manner of any repairs or maintenance which the Vehicle requires or of any fault with the Vehicle.

(h) In the event that you believe that the Vehicle may be unsafe or unroadworthy in its current condition, or may be in such a condition that the continued use of the Vehicle could lead to harm, loss or damage to any person or property (including damage to the Vehicle), then you must notify us and must stop driving the Vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so.

(i) In the event that the Vehicle is involved in a collision or any traffic related incident, you must notify us as soon as possible.

(j) You may use the Vehicle to drive to and from work.

(k) The Vehicle must be securely parked off street at your residence.

(l) At all times when the Vehicle is unattended, the Vehicle must be locked and secured, and any valuable items which may tempt thieves to force entry to the Vehicle must be hidden from view.

(m) We take no responsibility for any of your personal property which is stolen from the Vehicle or is otherwise lost or damaged in connection with your use of the Vehicle. You should not leave valuable items in the Vehicle and should consider obtaining your own insurance to cover any personal property which may be kept in the Vehicle.

(n) Before commencing any period of leave such as annual leave or long service leave, you must return the Vehicle to us (unless we expressly say otherwise).

(o) In the event that you are absent from work due to sick leave, carers leave, bereavement leave or other similar reasons, we may require the Vehicle for use by other employees, and if so, may arrange to collect the Vehicle from you.

(p) When driving the Vehicle, you must drive safely and defensively.

(q) When driving the Vehicle, you must obey all road rules and traffic laws.

(r) You must pay all fines and penalties in relation to your use of the Vehicle, including but not limited to any speeding fines, any parking fines, and any other fines for infringement of any, laws, road rules or parking rules.

(s) In the event that any insurance claim is made under the insurance policy for the Vehicle ("Insurance"), if you are found to have been using the Vehicle negligently, illegally, or otherwise in violation of your obligations under the Contract or this Handbook, you will be responsible for any insurance excess.

(t) In the event that any insurance claim is made under the Insurance, and you are found to have committed an act or omission to violate our Insurance, such that the Insurance does not cover our losses in relation to your use of the Vehicle, you will be liable to us, and you hereby indemnify, keep us indemnified and hold us harmless for the full extent of these losses.

(u) We reserve the right to revoke any Vehicle privileges at any time including if you are found to have committed any breach of these rules in relation to the Vehicle.

(33) FUEL

The following arrangements will apply for payment for fuel for the Vehicle:



Smoking is strictly prohibited at our workplace.


(a) Employees are expected to adhere to our standards in relation to conduct and performance during employment.

(b) We have a disciplinary process which may be applied if you fail to meet these standards of conduct or performance.

(c) The list below sets out the sorts of conduct which may result in disciplinary action. This list is not exhaustive and we reserve the right to take disciplinary action in relation to any matter or conduct which we deem in our sole discretion to be unacceptable:

(I) unsatisfactory job performance or lack of professionalism;

(II) interfering with the work of other employees;

(III) abusing, threatening violence, or engaging in violence with another employee or staff member;

(IV) general disorderly or dangerous conduct not becoming of a workplace, such as using abusive language, practical jokes, or horseplay;

(V) fraud in any behavior;

(VI) deceit;

(VII) dishonesty;

(VIII) stealing or other unauthorised possession of property;

(IX) wilful damage or abuse of property;

(X) misuse of our equipment, facilities, resources, computers, systems or software;

(XI) insubordination;

(XII) spending time on personal matters during work hours;

(XIII) the use or possession of illegal drugs or weapons;

(XIV) smoking in a smoke free part of the workplace;

(XV) disregard for or breach of our safety rules, practices, policies or procedures;

(XVI) failure to do assigned tasks;

(XVII) failure to comply with our rules, policies or procedures;

(XVIII) gross negligence;

(XIX) excessive tardiness or absences;

(XX) time wasting at work;

(XXI) sleeping during work hours;

(XXII) unexcused absence from work;

(XXIII) sexual harassment;

(XXIV) indecent conduct;

(XXV) breaching confidentiality or otherwise misusing our confidential information;

(XXVI) encouraging other employees to engage in any of the unacceptable conduct set out in this clause;

(XXVII) representing our organisation in public in a manner in which you are not authorised (for example, by claiming to speak for our organisation when you are not authorised to do so);

(XXVIII) doing anything to harm the reputation of our organisation;

(XXIX) any other breach as set out in any other part of your Contract or this Handbook; or

(XXX) any other violation of any of our rules or policies.

(36) 888555558855 82 885888

(________) 825588255 2552 85258528 2588 85258222 88 82588282 525882225882 52 255 252528852822.

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Upon the termination of your employment, or upon demand by us, you must return any property of ours which we have provided to you in connection with your employment.


(a) We cannot take any responsibility for personal property which is lost or stolen during your employment.

(b) Please report any theft, attempted theft, vandalism or other similar incident to your manager or supervisor.

(c) All employees are responsible for ensuring that their personal property is secured appropriately and if possible you should avoid bringing valuable items of personal property to work.


(a) All employees are responsible for maintaining safe workplaces and generally promoting workplace safety.

(b) If you discover, observe, or are involved in any workplace accident, injury, or hazard, the condition must be immediately reported.

(c) You must comply with all applicable occupational health and safety laws and relevant policies, procedures and directions ("OHS Rules").

(d) It is your responsibility to make sure that you fully understand any applicable OHS Rules. In the event that you do not understand any applicable OHS Rules you must raise the matter with a manager or supervisor as soon as possible.

(e) You must take part in any programmes or training in relation to workplace safety, as reasonably required or directed by us.

(f) You must at all times use and/or wear any applicable safety equipment as required or directed by us.

(g) You must only perform tasks for which you are authorised, qualified, trained and licensed to perform.

(h) If you genuinely believe that a particular task would be unsafe, then you must refuse to undertake the said task, and must contact your manager or supervisor as soon as possible to discuss the matter. In the event that your manager or supervisor is asking you to undertake a task which you believe is unsafe, then you may contact a higher level manager or supervisor to discuss the matter.

(i) In the event that you are provided with any safety training in connection with your employment, it is your responsibility to make sure that you fully understand the said safety training. If you do not understand the said safety training then you must raise the matter with a manager or supervisor as soon as possible.

(j) You must notify us of any injury, illness, or other matters which may increase the risk to the safety of you or any other person or property at our workplace or in connection with your employment.

(k) You must observe the following additional rules regarding safety:



(a) We strive to create a workplace which is positive and supportive for all employees.

(b) We encourage any employee who has a complaint or requires support to come forward.

(c) If you want to raise a complaint or seek support, you may do so by contacting your manager or supervisor.

(d) If you are not comfortable to raise a complaint with or seek support from your manager or supervisor (for example, if you have a complaint about your manager or supervisor) then you may take your matter to a higher level manager or supervisor.


(a) If an ambulance is required, call 000.

(b) Please notify your manager or supervisor if an ambulance has been called.


(a) In some cases, it may be necessary to evacuate a workplace.

(b) In the case of an evacuation:

(I) follow the directions of any managers, supervisors, or emergency support personnel;

(II) if you are instructed to evacuate a workplace, move quickly, calmly and quietly to the nearest safe location;

(III) do not use elevators;

(IV) if you notice that there are any persons unaccounted for, please report them to a manager, supervisor or emergency support personnel immediately;

(V) leave behind personal belongings;

(VI) provide directions to any visitors or staff members who seem disorientated or who are unfamiliar with the layout of our workplace;

(VII) do not reenter the workplace unless and until you are instructed to do so by a manager, supervisor or emergency support personnel.

(43) FIRE

If you discover a fire at the workplace:

(a) raise the alarm immediately;

(b) if safe to do so, attack the fire with a fire extinguisher, fire blanket or other appropriate fire fighting equipment;

(c) if the fire service is required, call 000;

(d) if unsafe to attack the fire, evacuate the area and follow any other evacuation procedures as outlined in the "Emergency Evacuations" clause;

(e) Please notify your manager or supervisor if the fire service has been called.


(a) In the event of emergency please contact the following person(s):


(b) In addition, in case of emergency, please observe the following:



We thank you for the time you have taken to review and consider this Handbook. If you have further questions or want to discuss any matters in connection with this Handbook, please speak to a manager or supervisor.


By signing below, the Employee acknowledges having read and understood this Handbook, and the Employee agrees to comply with this Handbook:

Employee Signature

Employee Name
