Letter to Neighbour About Nuisance

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Re: Property issue

Dear Neighbour,

I am writing because I have lately noticed something coming from your property which is affecting my ability to use my property and I am hopeful we can come to a quick resolution.There has been a bad smell coming from your place and it wafts all the way to my property.

Please let me know how you plan to address this problem, as it is significantly impacting my ability to enjoy my property. I would appreciate a phone call following up at: ________.

82558 882825282,


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Re: Property issue

Dear Neighbour,

I am writing because I have lately noticed something coming from your property which is affecting my ability to use my property and I am hopeful we can come to a quick resolution.There has been a bad smell coming from your place and it wafts all the way to my property.

Please let me know how you plan to address this problem, as it is significantly impacting my ability to enjoy my property. I would appreciate a phone call following up at: ________.

82558 882825282,
