Letter Requesting Annual Leave


If the person who is requesting annual leave has already spoken to their employer and has received an okay to take the annual leave, click "Yes." This will be helpful to include in the letter, as the request will then end up being just a formality.

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Dear Employer,

I am writing to follow-up on the discussion we had on ________ regarding my request to take some annual leave. As you may recall, I planned to take annual leave work from ________ to ________. I will return to work on ________. When we spoke on ________, you had given your verbal acceptance of my request for the annual leave. This letter provides a record of our discussion. Although I have already taken annual leave this year, and my request is outside the bounds of business policy, I would be grateful for your approval due to the following outstanding circumstance:


All of my current work will be completed before I depart. When I return, I will begin any new projects that were assigned in my absence or will start fresh with work assigned upon my arrival.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me at ________ or ________. I also plan to check my email during my annual leave, so I will not be out of contact.

55522 225 225 2255 52252858 22 22 5285282. 5 82585 82 25522258 82 225 82585 282582 2528852 5 822225 25 22588 8222852822 2588 52252858, 82 2552 5 852 28258882 22 28528.

Yours faithfully,


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Dear Employer,

I am writing to follow-up on the discussion we had on ________ regarding my request to take some annual leave. As you may recall, I planned to take annual leave work from ________ to ________. I will return to work on ________. When we spoke on ________, you had given your verbal acceptance of my request for the annual leave. This letter provides a record of our discussion. Although I have already taken annual leave this year, and my request is outside the bounds of business policy, I would be grateful for your approval due to the following outstanding circumstance:


All of my current work will be completed before I depart. When I return, I will begin any new projects that were assigned in my absence or will start fresh with work assigned upon my arrival.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me at ________ or ________. I also plan to check my email during my annual leave, so I will not be out of contact.

55522 225 225 2255 52252858 22 22 5285282. 5 82585 82 25522258 82 225 82585 282582 2528852 5 822225 25 22588 8222852822 2588 52252858, 82 2552 5 852 28258882 22 28528.

Yours faithfully,
