Public Parking Fine Appeal Letter


Private tickets are issued on private land by private companies (for example, by the company that owns and operates a particular car park).

Public tickets are those which are issued by a council or other public parking authority. Before preparing this letter, it is wise to go to the web page of the authority that issued the parking fine, to work out what procedure that authority requires people to follow in order to appeal a fine.

The parking ticket itself will have the name of the issuing authority on it (in most cases, the issuing authority will be a local council).

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Infringement Number: ________
Date of Issue: ________
Vehicle Registration Number: ________

On ________ my vehicle, with the registration number listed above, was issued with an infringement notice ("the Notice"). The Notice was stated to have been issued for the following reasons:


I am writing to formally challenge the Notice. I request that the Notice be reconsidered for the following reasons:


I ask that you take these factors into account in considering this infringement notice. 22 8222582 5225888 552 58282 525 5 8222 2258555 22 2255 52822282.

Yours sincerely,


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Infringement Number: ________
Date of Issue: ________
Vehicle Registration Number: ________

On ________ my vehicle, with the registration number listed above, was issued with an infringement notice ("the Notice"). The Notice was stated to have been issued for the following reasons:


I am writing to formally challenge the Notice. I request that the Notice be reconsidered for the following reasons:


I ask that you take these factors into account in considering this infringement notice. 22 8222582 5225888 552 58282 525 5 8222 2258555 22 2255 52822282.

Yours sincerely,
