Remote Work Policy


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________ (ACN................................................) ("Employer")

Effective Date: ________


This Remote Work Policy (the "Policy") provides rules, practices, and procedures for our employees who work remotely. It describes who can work remotely, when remote work may be permitted, guidelines and best practices, and details of the rights and responsibilities of employees working remotely.

This Policy is intended to serve as a guide and does not create any contractual obligation on any party.


This Policy applies to all employees of ________ ("Employees").


To be considered for remote work, an Employee is required to do as follows:



Employees may work remotely for:



The work schedule for remote Employees is as follows:



During work hours, Employees must make themselves available for work in the following manner:



Employees must report to the Employer in the following manner:



(a) When working remotely, Employees must:

(I) Take responsibility for delivering their own workload as agreed with their supervisor or manager;

(II) During work hours, devote their entire effort and attention to their work;

(III) Adhere to their remote work schedule in relation to attendance, work hours, breaks and meetings;

(IV) Notify a supervisor or manager if they are going to be out of contact at any time during their scheduled work hours;

(V) Ensure that their work schedule overlaps with the work schedules of any coworkers as much as is necessary to effectively collaborate and perform their work duties;

(VI) Promptly report any workplace incidents, injuries or illnesses that occur while working remotely;

(VII) Promptly report any potential hazards that may exist in the Employee's work environment;

(VIII) When changing or modifying the Employee's work environment, pay attention to any new potential hazards that may exist;

(IX) Ensure that any of the Employee's remote work arrangements comply with all of our policies and procedures;

(X) Be willing, if there is a change in the Employer's requirements, or in the Employee's personal circumstances, to review and modify their remote work arrangements;

(XI) Actively participate in any process of review and improvement of remote work arrangements;

(b) Working remotely is not a substitute for child care, care for an elderly or disabled relative or other dependent care. Employees are responsible for ensuring that appropriate child care or dependent care arrangements are in place while working remotely.


(a) All Employees are required to work in a suitable work space, whether at their place of residence or in some other location. To ensure maximum productivity while working remotely, Employees should:

(I) Choose a quiet and organised work environment that is free from distraction;

(II) Ensure that they have adequate internet connection, which meets the reasonable requirements of their job.

(b) In the event that an Employee does not have a suitable work space at their place of residence, then it is the Employee's responsibility to arrange an appropriate work space at some other location (such as at a coworking space).

(c) The Employer may inspect the Employee's work environment to ensure that it is suitable for working and does not reduce the Employee's productivity. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Employer shall not be liable for any environmental hazard or injury that may occur in the remote environment.


(a) The Employer may require a risk assessment to be undertaken in relation to the Employee's proposed work environment, in order to manage any risks to the health and safety of the Employee or any other person in connection with the Employee's work.

(b) The said risk assessment may be conducted in the following manner:



(a) The Employer will provide the necessary work tools and equipment required for the job upon request ("Equipment").

(b) The Equipment remains the property of the Employer and should be kept in good condition. Specifically, Employees must:


(c) Equipment should be used for work-related assignments and projects, and not for personal use.

(d) In the event that the Employee's Equipment is lost, stolen, broken, damaged, worn out, obsolete or otherwise in need of an upgrade ("Equipment Issues"), it is the Employee's responsibility to ensure that such Equipment Issues do not unreasonably interfere with the Employee's work. The Employee should notify the Employer as soon as reasonably practicable, if any Equipment issues are interfering with the Employee's work.

(e) In the event that the Employee's Equipment is lost, stolen, broken or damaged as a consequence of the Employee's failure to take reasonable care of the Equipment, then the Employer reserves the right to require the Employee to compensate the Employer for any replacements or repairs.


(a) The Employer may organise insurance to cover the Equipment, on such terms as the Employer determines from time to time.

(b) The Employee must not do anything to void the Employer's Equipment insurance in relation to the Equipment.

(c) In the event that the Employer's Equipment insurance is rendered void as a result of the Employee's breach of this Policy, an employment agreement, or any of the Employer's other policies or guidelines, then the Employer reserves the right to require the Employee to compensate the Employer for any replacements or repairs to the Equipment.


(a) Remote Employees are entitled to remuneration, leave and other employment benefits in accordance with their employment contract.

(b) Remote Employees may be entitled to receive overtime pay, for any overtime that they work, subject to the approval of the Employer.

(c) In addition, remote Employees shall be entitled to the following benefits:


(d) Aside from the compensation and benefits specifically identified in this clause, or as otherwise identified in an Employee's employment contract, Employees will not be entitled to any other compensation or benefits.


All Employees will also be allowed to attend training, conferences and other meetings that are made available. Accordingly, the Employer will notify all Employees of any relevant training or conference.


(a) All Employees are responsible for maintaining safe workplaces and generally promoting workplace safety, whether or not they are working remotely.

(b) Employees must comply with all applicable occupational health and safety laws and relevant policies, procedures and directions ("OHS Rules").

(c) It is each Employee's responsibility to make sure that they fully understand any applicable OHS Rules. In the event that an Employee does not understand any applicable OHS Rules they must raise the matter with a manager or supervisor as soon as possible.

(d) Employees must take part in any programmes or training in relation to workplace safety, as reasonably required or directed by the Employer.

(e) Employees must at all times use and/or wear any applicable safety equipment as required or directed by the Employer.

(f) Employees must only perform tasks which they are authorised, qualified, trained and licensed to perform.

(g) If an Employee discovers, observes, or is involved in any workplace accident, injury, or hazard, the condition must be immediately addressed and reported.

(h) If an Employee genuinely believes that a particular task would be unsafe, then they must refuse to undertake the said task, and must contact their manager or supervisor as soon as possible to discuss the matter. In the event that a manager or supervisor is asking the Employee to undertake a task which the Employee believes is unsafe, then the Employee may contact a higher level manager or supervisor to discuss the matter.

(i) In the event that an Employee is provided with any safety training in connection with their employment, it is the Employee's responsibility to make sure that they fully understand the said safety training. If the Employee does not understand the said safety training then they must raise the matter with a manager or supervisor as soon as possible.

(j) Employees must notify us of any injury, illness, or other matters which may increase the risk to the safety of the Employee or any other person in connection with their employment.

(k) Employees must observe the following additional rules regarding safety:



In addition to this Policy, Employees are required to be familiar with, and to comply with, all other Employer workplace policies and guidelines which may apply from time to time.

(17) 288525885588 82 5855 282588

552 52282225 52825828 252 58252 22 225822 525 528882 2588 228882 2522 2822 22 2822. 52 522 25255222258 855222 88 2552, 522822228 8888 82 22282825 22 8585 8552228.

(18) 8822258885 888 58288852585

58252 522222 52282222 2582 822282 8825 588 252 2528888228 22 2588 228882, 58 222-8222885282 85588 5225582 588882882552 22585528 525 252 8255 22 588288858.


For further information about this policy or to discuss any matters related to it, Employees may contact a supervisor or manager.


(a) The Employee acknowledges and confirms that the Employee has read and understood this Policy, and agrees to comply with this Policy.

(b) The Employee acknowledges and understands that this Policy is intended to serve as a guide and does not create any contractual obligation on any party.

(c) The Employee acknowledges that the Employer reserves the right to modify the policies, procedures and other provisions contained in this Policy.

Employee Signature

Employee Name


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________ (ACN................................................) ("Employer")

Effective Date: ________


This Remote Work Policy (the "Policy") provides rules, practices, and procedures for our employees who work remotely. It describes who can work remotely, when remote work may be permitted, guidelines and best practices, and details of the rights and responsibilities of employees working remotely.

This Policy is intended to serve as a guide and does not create any contractual obligation on any party.


This Policy applies to all employees of ________ ("Employees").


To be considered for remote work, an Employee is required to do as follows:



Employees may work remotely for:



The work schedule for remote Employees is as follows:



During work hours, Employees must make themselves available for work in the following manner:



Employees must report to the Employer in the following manner:



(a) When working remotely, Employees must:

(I) Take responsibility for delivering their own workload as agreed with their supervisor or manager;

(II) During work hours, devote their entire effort and attention to their work;

(III) Adhere to their remote work schedule in relation to attendance, work hours, breaks and meetings;

(IV) Notify a supervisor or manager if they are going to be out of contact at any time during their scheduled work hours;

(V) Ensure that their work schedule overlaps with the work schedules of any coworkers as much as is necessary to effectively collaborate and perform their work duties;

(VI) Promptly report any workplace incidents, injuries or illnesses that occur while working remotely;

(VII) Promptly report any potential hazards that may exist in the Employee's work environment;

(VIII) When changing or modifying the Employee's work environment, pay attention to any new potential hazards that may exist;

(IX) Ensure that any of the Employee's remote work arrangements comply with all of our policies and procedures;

(X) Be willing, if there is a change in the Employer's requirements, or in the Employee's personal circumstances, to review and modify their remote work arrangements;

(XI) Actively participate in any process of review and improvement of remote work arrangements;

(b) Working remotely is not a substitute for child care, care for an elderly or disabled relative or other dependent care. Employees are responsible for ensuring that appropriate child care or dependent care arrangements are in place while working remotely.


(a) All Employees are required to work in a suitable work space, whether at their place of residence or in some other location. To ensure maximum productivity while working remotely, Employees should:

(I) Choose a quiet and organised work environment that is free from distraction;

(II) Ensure that they have adequate internet connection, which meets the reasonable requirements of their job.

(b) In the event that an Employee does not have a suitable work space at their place of residence, then it is the Employee's responsibility to arrange an appropriate work space at some other location (such as at a coworking space).

(c) The Employer may inspect the Employee's work environment to ensure that it is suitable for working and does not reduce the Employee's productivity. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Employer shall not be liable for any environmental hazard or injury that may occur in the remote environment.


(a) The Employer may require a risk assessment to be undertaken in relation to the Employee's proposed work environment, in order to manage any risks to the health and safety of the Employee or any other person in connection with the Employee's work.

(b) The said risk assessment may be conducted in the following manner:



(a) The Employer will provide the necessary work tools and equipment required for the job upon request ("Equipment").

(b) The Equipment remains the property of the Employer and should be kept in good condition. Specifically, Employees must:


(c) Equipment should be used for work-related assignments and projects, and not for personal use.

(d) In the event that the Employee's Equipment is lost, stolen, broken, damaged, worn out, obsolete or otherwise in need of an upgrade ("Equipment Issues"), it is the Employee's responsibility to ensure that such Equipment Issues do not unreasonably interfere with the Employee's work. The Employee should notify the Employer as soon as reasonably practicable, if any Equipment issues are interfering with the Employee's work.

(e) In the event that the Employee's Equipment is lost, stolen, broken or damaged as a consequence of the Employee's failure to take reasonable care of the Equipment, then the Employer reserves the right to require the Employee to compensate the Employer for any replacements or repairs.


(a) The Employer may organise insurance to cover the Equipment, on such terms as the Employer determines from time to time.

(b) The Employee must not do anything to void the Employer's Equipment insurance in relation to the Equipment.

(c) In the event that the Employer's Equipment insurance is rendered void as a result of the Employee's breach of this Policy, an employment agreement, or any of the Employer's other policies or guidelines, then the Employer reserves the right to require the Employee to compensate the Employer for any replacements or repairs to the Equipment.


(a) Remote Employees are entitled to remuneration, leave and other employment benefits in accordance with their employment contract.

(b) Remote Employees may be entitled to receive overtime pay, for any overtime that they work, subject to the approval of the Employer.

(c) In addition, remote Employees shall be entitled to the following benefits:


(d) Aside from the compensation and benefits specifically identified in this clause, or as otherwise identified in an Employee's employment contract, Employees will not be entitled to any other compensation or benefits.


All Employees will also be allowed to attend training, conferences and other meetings that are made available. Accordingly, the Employer will notify all Employees of any relevant training or conference.


(a) All Employees are responsible for maintaining safe workplaces and generally promoting workplace safety, whether or not they are working remotely.

(b) Employees must comply with all applicable occupational health and safety laws and relevant policies, procedures and directions ("OHS Rules").

(c) It is each Employee's responsibility to make sure that they fully understand any applicable OHS Rules. In the event that an Employee does not understand any applicable OHS Rules they must raise the matter with a manager or supervisor as soon as possible.

(d) Employees must take part in any programmes or training in relation to workplace safety, as reasonably required or directed by the Employer.

(e) Employees must at all times use and/or wear any applicable safety equipment as required or directed by the Employer.

(f) Employees must only perform tasks which they are authorised, qualified, trained and licensed to perform.

(g) If an Employee discovers, observes, or is involved in any workplace accident, injury, or hazard, the condition must be immediately addressed and reported.

(h) If an Employee genuinely believes that a particular task would be unsafe, then they must refuse to undertake the said task, and must contact their manager or supervisor as soon as possible to discuss the matter. In the event that a manager or supervisor is asking the Employee to undertake a task which the Employee believes is unsafe, then the Employee may contact a higher level manager or supervisor to discuss the matter.

(i) In the event that an Employee is provided with any safety training in connection with their employment, it is the Employee's responsibility to make sure that they fully understand the said safety training. If the Employee does not understand the said safety training then they must raise the matter with a manager or supervisor as soon as possible.

(j) Employees must notify us of any injury, illness, or other matters which may increase the risk to the safety of the Employee or any other person in connection with their employment.

(k) Employees must observe the following additional rules regarding safety:



In addition to this Policy, Employees are required to be familiar with, and to comply with, all other Employer workplace policies and guidelines which may apply from time to time.

(17) 288525885588 82 5855 282588

552 52282225 52825828 252 58252 22 225822 525 528882 2588 228882 2522 2822 22 2822. 52 522 25255222258 855222 88 2552, 522822228 8888 82 22282825 22 8585 8552228.

(18) 8822258885 888 58288852585

58252 522222 52282222 2582 822282 8825 588 252 2528888228 22 2588 228882, 58 222-8222885282 85588 5225582 588882882552 22585528 525 252 8255 22 588288858.


For further information about this policy or to discuss any matters related to it, Employees may contact a supervisor or manager.


(a) The Employee acknowledges and confirms that the Employee has read and understood this Policy, and agrees to comply with this Policy.

(b) The Employee acknowledges and understands that this Policy is intended to serve as a guide and does not create any contractual obligation on any party.

(c) The Employee acknowledges that the Employer reserves the right to modify the policies, procedures and other provisions contained in this Policy.

Employee Signature

Employee Name
