Rental Reference


Enter the first and last name of the landlord who is sending this letter. If the property is managed by a property management company, enter the name of the actual person who is sending this letter (we will enter the name of the property management company in the next step). If there are several owners of the property (for example a husband and a wife) enter both of their names here.

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Re: Rental Reference for ________ ________

To whom it may concern:

I write to provide a rental reference for ________ ________. ________ has been a tenant at the following property (the "Property"):


________ was a tenant at the Property for the period from ________ until ________. The total rent for the Property was $________ (________) per week.

I am glad to confirm the following in relation to ________:

- Throughout the rental period, he has been a responsible and respectful tenant.

- He has always been punctual with rent payments.

- He has always kept the Property in a clean and tidy condition.

- There have been no complaints from neighbours.

- He has not been served with any formal notices for any default under the lease.

- He has not made any unreasonable demands or requests during the rental period.

- He provided adequate notice before vacating the Property.

I recommend ________ and would be glad to rent to him again.

282582 2228 2522 22 52585 252 22 22 82 5 852 2528852 52225822 2552525.

Yours faithfully,


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Re: Rental Reference for ________ ________

To whom it may concern:

I write to provide a rental reference for ________ ________. ________ has been a tenant at the following property (the "Property"):


________ was a tenant at the Property for the period from ________ until ________. The total rent for the Property was $________ (________) per week.

I am glad to confirm the following in relation to ________:

- Throughout the rental period, he has been a responsible and respectful tenant.

- He has always been punctual with rent payments.

- He has always kept the Property in a clean and tidy condition.

- There have been no complaints from neighbours.

- He has not been served with any formal notices for any default under the lease.

- He has not made any unreasonable demands or requests during the rental period.

- He provided adequate notice before vacating the Property.

I recommend ________ and would be glad to rent to him again.

282582 2228 2522 22 52585 252 22 22 82 5 852 2528852 52225822 2552525.

Yours faithfully,
