Volunteer Agreement


Insert the date that this agreement will be signed. If one party is signing on one date, and the other party is signing on another date, then the date that the document is signed by the final party should be entered on the document. If the person preparing this document does not know what date the document will be signed, this option can be left blank, but the date should then be entered by hand when the document is signed by the final party.

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This Volunteer Agreement ("this Agreement") is dated this ________.

BETWEEN THE ORGANISATION (hereinafter "Organisation"):


Address: ________

AND THE VOLUNTEER (hereinafter "Volunteer"):


Address: ________

The Volunteer intends to work as a volunteer for the Organisation in accordance with this Agreement.

The Organisation and the Volunteer may be referred to hereinafter as the "Parties" or individually as a "Party".


The Organisation's core values are:



(a) The Volunteer will be donating time to the Organisation as a volunteer in the capacity of: ________ (the "Role").

(b) In the Role, the Volunteer will be providing the following services (the "Volunteer Services"):


(c) The Volunteer and the Organisation agree that the Volunteer is not an employee, consultant or contractor of the Organisation.

(d) As this Agreement relates to work being performed on a voluntary basis, the Volunteer is under no obligation to perform the Volunteer Services and may choose not to provide the Volunteer Services at any time. However, the Volunteer acknowledges that in order for the Organisation to operate effectively, it is important that the Organisation can rely on Volunteers to make their best efforts to comply with any pre-agreed schedules.


The Organisation asks that its Volunteers:

(a) Act with honesty and integrity at all times while representing the Organisation;

(b) Support and act in accordance with the Organisation's purposes, goals and values;

(c) Take the time to review and understand any policies, guidelines, manuals or handbooks provided to the Volunteer by the Organisation;

(d) Only perform duties which the Volunteer is qualified and authorised to perform;

(e) Behave appropriately, respectfully and courteously to all other Volunteers; all staff of the Organisation; all partners, associates, supporters or customers of the Organisation; and all members of the public while representing the Organisation and/or providing the Volunteer Services;

(f) Avoid being under the influence of drugs or alcohol while providing the Volunteer Services;

(g) Promptly notify the Supervisor or another member of staff of any accidents or incidents;

(h) Promptly notify the Supervisor or another member of staff if there are any health and safety issues or any potentially dangerous situations related to the Organisation;

(i) Comply with all applicable laws at all times while representing the Organisation;

(j) In the event that the Volunteer is given any equipment, resources or other property to use while providing the Volunteer Services, use such equipment, resources or other property only for the purposes of providing the Volunteer Services and in accordance with any instructions provided by the Supervisor or the Organisation;

(k) Immediately notify the Supervisor and/or the Organisation if there are any changes in the Volunteer's circumstances which mean that the Volunteer is unable to continue performing the Volunteer Services safely and lawfully.


The Volunteer understands that this role is without wages, a salary, or other benefits. This is an exclusively voluntary role so that the Volunteer may provide assistance to the Organisation.


The Volunteer may be reimbursed for the following expenses:



(a) Nothing herein shall be taken to establish any partnership, joint venture, agency, consulting, contractor or employment relationship. The Volunteer is, and at all times will be, a volunteer only.

(b) Except for any reimbursements that the Volunteer may receive under the "Reimbursement" clause of this Agreement, the Volunteer is not entitled to any benefits that employees of the Organisation might receive, such as health insurance, annual leave, sick leave, long service leave or superannuation. The Volunteer shall be responsible for all of the Volunteer's own taxes and expenses.


(a) Any changes to the relationship between the Volunteer and the Organisation should be documented in writing.

(b) If the Parties decide in future that the Volunteer will be engaged by the Organisation in some other capacity, for example as an employee or contractor, then the Parties shall execute a written agreement setting out the new terms of the relationship.


Nothing in this Agreement authorises the Volunteer to enter contracts or other legal commitments for or on behalf of the Organisation, without the Organisation's prior written consent.


(a) The Volunteer's direct supervisor will be: ________ (the "Supervisor").

(b) The Volunteer agrees to follow all directions given by the Supervisor, as well as any and all rules and instructions provided by the Organisation. The Volunteer may also be assigned other supervisors, including other volunteers, from time-to-time.


The Volunteer may be asked to undergo training and/or an induction for the Organisation. The Volunteer understands that such training/induction may be an essential component of being able to volunteer in the Role. The Volunteer agrees to complete such training/induction as directed by the Organisation.


Before starting in the Role, the Volunteer is required to provide the following information to the Organisation:



The Volunteer must comply with the Organisation's policies as published from time to time.


(a) The health and safety of all Volunteers, as well as anyone else involved with the Organisation, is a priority of the Organisation.

(b) The Organisation has safety obligations towards the Volunteer as well as people with whom the Volunteer may interact while providing the Volunteer Services. This may include obligations under Australian law or under the laws of New South Wales.

(c) The Volunteer has obligations to look out for their own health and safety. The Volunteer also has safety obligations towards other Volunteers, towards other people with whom the Volunteer may interact, and/or towards the Organisation. This may include duties under Australian law or under the laws of New South Wales. In particular, the Volunteer's obligations include but are not limited to the obligation to:

(I) Take reasonable care for the Volunteer's own health and safety;

(II) Take reasonable care for the health and safety of any other Volunteers;

(III) Take reasonable care for the health and safety of any other people with whom the Volunteer interacts;

(IV) Promptly notify the Supervisor or another member of staff of any accidents or incidents;

(V) Not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while providing the Volunteer Services;

(VI) Promptly notify the Supervisor or another member of staff if there are any health and safety issues or any potentially dangerous situations related to the Organisation;

(VII) Only perform duties which the Volunteer is qualified and authorised to perform;

(VIII) Comply at all times with any reasonable directions of the Supervisor and/or the Organisation;

(IX) Comply at all times with any of the Organisation's reasonable policies.

(d) The Volunteer acknowledges that the Volunteer might be personally liable in the event of any injury, death, harm, loss or damage which occurs as a result of:

(I) The Volunteer failing to comply with this Agreement;

(II) The Volunteer breaching the law;

(III) The Volunteer acting in a manner which is outside the scope of the Role described in this Agreement;

(IV) The Volunteer being under the influence of drugs or alcohol while providing the Volunteer Services;

(V) The Volunteer failing to follow any reasonable directions of the Supervisor and/or the Organisation;

(VI) The Volunteer failing to follow any of the Organisation's reasonable policies.


(a) The Organisation must ensure that it has adequate insurance to cover the Volunteer while the Volunteer is providing the Volunteer Services.

(b) The Volunteer must not do anything to void the Organisation's insurance.

(c) The Organisation confirms that it has the following insurance:


(d) The Volunteer must do the following in order to ensure that they are covered under the Organisation's insurance:


(e) The Organisation's insurance is unlikely to cover the Volunteer for:

(I) Anything that the Volunteer does outside of the Volunteer Services;

(II) Anything that the Volunteer does in breach of this Agreement;

(III) Anything that the Volunteer does in breach of the Organisation's instructions or the instructions of the Supervisor;

(IV) Any criminal conduct by the Volunteer;

(V) Any dishonest or reckless conduct by the Volunteer.

(15) 888258585582558

(________) 52 8222282822 8825 2588 825222222 525/25 252 528522225 52588828, 252 528522225 252 5282882 82225252822 85885 88 822285222858, 828855822 852 222 8828225 22 82225252822 52852822 22 252 852528852822'8 85882288, 858222258, 82588828, 28252828; 82225252822 85885 558 8222 8522282825 82 252 852528852822 58 822285222858; 25 82225252822 85885 82 828 252552 82585 82 5258225882 25228225 22 82 8228852525 822285222858 82 252 852528852822 ("822285222858 52225252822").

(________) 552 528522225 525228 2552 252 528522225 8888 2222 252 822285222858 52225252822 822285222858 525 8888 2282 582 82 225 252 2552282 22 2252252822 252 528522225 52588828 82 5882555282 8825 2588 825222222, 25 58 225258882 58528225 82 252 5522588825 25 252 852528852822.

(________) 5588 885582 8888 8558882 252 22528252822, 2528552822 25 8222822822 22 2588 825222222.


(a) In connection with the provision of the Volunteer Services, the Volunteer may generate, create, write or produce intellectual property, including but not limited to plans, reports, drawings, specifications, advice, analyses, designs, methodologies, code, artwork, or any other intellectual property as required in order to provide the Services to the Organisation ("Created IP").

(b) Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, any intellectual property rights in any Created IP generated by the Volunteer in connection with the provision of the Volunteer Services to the Organisation shall belong to the Organisation.

(c) In connection with the provision of the Volunteer Services, the Volunteer may have access to the Organisation's intellectual property, including but not limited to plans, reports, drawings, specifications, advice, analyses, designs, methodologies, code, artwork, or any other intellectual property as required in order to provide the Services to the Organisation ("Organisation IP").

(d) Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties in writing, the Organisation will retain all intellectual property rights in any Organisation IP. Nothing in this Agreement will transfer any intellectual property rights in any Organisation IP to the Volunteer.

(e) This clause will survive the termination, expiration or completion of this Agreement.


(a) The Volunteer hereby agrees to indemnify the Organisation against any and all damage, liability, and loss that the Organisation suffers as a result of any act or omission of the Volunteer in breach of this Agreement or in breach of the law.

(b) This clause will survive the termination, expiration or completion of this Agreement.


The Volunteer agrees that the Organisation may use photographs or videos of the Volunteer performing the Volunteer Services for the Organisation's reasonable promotional purposes, such as publication on the Organisation's website, social media pages or brochures.


This Agreement may be terminated by either Party at any time by providing written notice to the other Party.




The Volunteer's emergency contact shall be:



(a) We strive to create a workplace which is positive and supportive for all Volunteers.

(b) We encourage any Volunteer who has a complaint or requires support to come forward.

(c) If you want to raise a complaint or seek support, you may do so by contacting your Supervisor.

(d) If you are not comfortable to raise a complaint with or seek support from your Supervisor (for example, if you have a complaint about your Supervisor) then you may take your matter to a higher level manager or supervisor.


(a) GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the New South Wales and any applicable federal law. Both Parties consent to jurisdiction under the state and federal courts within New South Wales. The Parties agree that this choice of law, venue, and jurisdiction provision is not permissive, but rather mandatory in nature.

(b) LANGUAGE: All communications made or notices given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in the English language.

(c) ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous understandings, whether written or oral.

(d) SURVIVAL: At the termination, expiration or completion of this Agreement, any provisions of this Agreement which would by their nature be expected to survive termination or expiration shall remain in full force and effect, including but not limited to any provisions which explicitly state that they will survive termination or expiration.

(e) HEADINGS: Headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be construed to limit or otherwise affect the terms of this Agreement.


Signed by the Volunteer, ________:


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This Volunteer Agreement ("this Agreement") is dated this ________.

BETWEEN THE ORGANISATION (hereinafter "Organisation"):


Address: ________

AND THE VOLUNTEER (hereinafter "Volunteer"):


Address: ________

The Volunteer intends to work as a volunteer for the Organisation in accordance with this Agreement.

The Organisation and the Volunteer may be referred to hereinafter as the "Parties" or individually as a "Party".


The Organisation's core values are:



(a) The Volunteer will be donating time to the Organisation as a volunteer in the capacity of: ________ (the "Role").

(b) In the Role, the Volunteer will be providing the following services (the "Volunteer Services"):


(c) The Volunteer and the Organisation agree that the Volunteer is not an employee, consultant or contractor of the Organisation.

(d) As this Agreement relates to work being performed on a voluntary basis, the Volunteer is under no obligation to perform the Volunteer Services and may choose not to provide the Volunteer Services at any time. However, the Volunteer acknowledges that in order for the Organisation to operate effectively, it is important that the Organisation can rely on Volunteers to make their best efforts to comply with any pre-agreed schedules.


The Organisation asks that its Volunteers:

(a) Act with honesty and integrity at all times while representing the Organisation;

(b) Support and act in accordance with the Organisation's purposes, goals and values;

(c) Take the time to review and understand any policies, guidelines, manuals or handbooks provided to the Volunteer by the Organisation;

(d) Only perform duties which the Volunteer is qualified and authorised to perform;

(e) Behave appropriately, respectfully and courteously to all other Volunteers; all staff of the Organisation; all partners, associates, supporters or customers of the Organisation; and all members of the public while representing the Organisation and/or providing the Volunteer Services;

(f) Avoid being under the influence of drugs or alcohol while providing the Volunteer Services;

(g) Promptly notify the Supervisor or another member of staff of any accidents or incidents;

(h) Promptly notify the Supervisor or another member of staff if there are any health and safety issues or any potentially dangerous situations related to the Organisation;

(i) Comply with all applicable laws at all times while representing the Organisation;

(j) In the event that the Volunteer is given any equipment, resources or other property to use while providing the Volunteer Services, use such equipment, resources or other property only for the purposes of providing the Volunteer Services and in accordance with any instructions provided by the Supervisor or the Organisation;

(k) Immediately notify the Supervisor and/or the Organisation if there are any changes in the Volunteer's circumstances which mean that the Volunteer is unable to continue performing the Volunteer Services safely and lawfully.


The Volunteer understands that this role is without wages, a salary, or other benefits. This is an exclusively voluntary role so that the Volunteer may provide assistance to the Organisation.


The Volunteer may be reimbursed for the following expenses:



(a) Nothing herein shall be taken to establish any partnership, joint venture, agency, consulting, contractor or employment relationship. The Volunteer is, and at all times will be, a volunteer only.

(b) Except for any reimbursements that the Volunteer may receive under the "Reimbursement" clause of this Agreement, the Volunteer is not entitled to any benefits that employees of the Organisation might receive, such as health insurance, annual leave, sick leave, long service leave or superannuation. The Volunteer shall be responsible for all of the Volunteer's own taxes and expenses.


(a) Any changes to the relationship between the Volunteer and the Organisation should be documented in writing.

(b) If the Parties decide in future that the Volunteer will be engaged by the Organisation in some other capacity, for example as an employee or contractor, then the Parties shall execute a written agreement setting out the new terms of the relationship.


Nothing in this Agreement authorises the Volunteer to enter contracts or other legal commitments for or on behalf of the Organisation, without the Organisation's prior written consent.


(a) The Volunteer's direct supervisor will be: ________ (the "Supervisor").

(b) The Volunteer agrees to follow all directions given by the Supervisor, as well as any and all rules and instructions provided by the Organisation. The Volunteer may also be assigned other supervisors, including other volunteers, from time-to-time.


The Volunteer may be asked to undergo training and/or an induction for the Organisation. The Volunteer understands that such training/induction may be an essential component of being able to volunteer in the Role. The Volunteer agrees to complete such training/induction as directed by the Organisation.


Before starting in the Role, the Volunteer is required to provide the following information to the Organisation:



The Volunteer must comply with the Organisation's policies as published from time to time.


(a) The health and safety of all Volunteers, as well as anyone else involved with the Organisation, is a priority of the Organisation.

(b) The Organisation has safety obligations towards the Volunteer as well as people with whom the Volunteer may interact while providing the Volunteer Services. This may include obligations under Australian law or under the laws of New South Wales.

(c) The Volunteer has obligations to look out for their own health and safety. The Volunteer also has safety obligations towards other Volunteers, towards other people with whom the Volunteer may interact, and/or towards the Organisation. This may include duties under Australian law or under the laws of New South Wales. In particular, the Volunteer's obligations include but are not limited to the obligation to:

(I) Take reasonable care for the Volunteer's own health and safety;

(II) Take reasonable care for the health and safety of any other Volunteers;

(III) Take reasonable care for the health and safety of any other people with whom the Volunteer interacts;

(IV) Promptly notify the Supervisor or another member of staff of any accidents or incidents;

(V) Not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while providing the Volunteer Services;

(VI) Promptly notify the Supervisor or another member of staff if there are any health and safety issues or any potentially dangerous situations related to the Organisation;

(VII) Only perform duties which the Volunteer is qualified and authorised to perform;

(VIII) Comply at all times with any reasonable directions of the Supervisor and/or the Organisation;

(IX) Comply at all times with any of the Organisation's reasonable policies.

(d) The Volunteer acknowledges that the Volunteer might be personally liable in the event of any injury, death, harm, loss or damage which occurs as a result of:

(I) The Volunteer failing to comply with this Agreement;

(II) The Volunteer breaching the law;

(III) The Volunteer acting in a manner which is outside the scope of the Role described in this Agreement;

(IV) The Volunteer being under the influence of drugs or alcohol while providing the Volunteer Services;

(V) The Volunteer failing to follow any reasonable directions of the Supervisor and/or the Organisation;

(VI) The Volunteer failing to follow any of the Organisation's reasonable policies.


(a) The Organisation must ensure that it has adequate insurance to cover the Volunteer while the Volunteer is providing the Volunteer Services.

(b) The Volunteer must not do anything to void the Organisation's insurance.

(c) The Organisation confirms that it has the following insurance:


(d) The Volunteer must do the following in order to ensure that they are covered under the Organisation's insurance:


(e) The Organisation's insurance is unlikely to cover the Volunteer for:

(I) Anything that the Volunteer does outside of the Volunteer Services;

(II) Anything that the Volunteer does in breach of this Agreement;

(III) Anything that the Volunteer does in breach of the Organisation's instructions or the instructions of the Supervisor;

(IV) Any criminal conduct by the Volunteer;

(V) Any dishonest or reckless conduct by the Volunteer.

(15) 888258585582558

(________) 52 8222282822 8825 2588 825222222 525/25 252 528522225 52588828, 252 528522225 252 5282882 82225252822 85885 88 822285222858, 828855822 852 222 8828225 22 82225252822 52852822 22 252 852528852822'8 85882288, 858222258, 82588828, 28252828; 82225252822 85885 558 8222 8522282825 82 252 852528852822 58 822285222858; 25 82225252822 85885 82 828 252552 82585 82 5258225882 25228225 22 82 8228852525 822285222858 82 252 852528852822 ("822285222858 52225252822").

(________) 552 528522225 525228 2552 252 528522225 8888 2222 252 822285222858 52225252822 822285222858 525 8888 2282 582 82 225 252 2552282 22 2252252822 252 528522225 52588828 82 5882555282 8825 2588 825222222, 25 58 225258882 58528225 82 252 5522588825 25 252 852528852822.

(________) 5588 885582 8888 8558882 252 22528252822, 2528552822 25 8222822822 22 2588 825222222.


(a) In connection with the provision of the Volunteer Services, the Volunteer may generate, create, write or produce intellectual property, including but not limited to plans, reports, drawings, specifications, advice, analyses, designs, methodologies, code, artwork, or any other intellectual property as required in order to provide the Services to the Organisation ("Created IP").

(b) Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties, any intellectual property rights in any Created IP generated by the Volunteer in connection with the provision of the Volunteer Services to the Organisation shall belong to the Organisation.

(c) In connection with the provision of the Volunteer Services, the Volunteer may have access to the Organisation's intellectual property, including but not limited to plans, reports, drawings, specifications, advice, analyses, designs, methodologies, code, artwork, or any other intellectual property as required in order to provide the Services to the Organisation ("Organisation IP").

(d) Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties in writing, the Organisation will retain all intellectual property rights in any Organisation IP. Nothing in this Agreement will transfer any intellectual property rights in any Organisation IP to the Volunteer.

(e) This clause will survive the termination, expiration or completion of this Agreement.


(a) The Volunteer hereby agrees to indemnify the Organisation against any and all damage, liability, and loss that the Organisation suffers as a result of any act or omission of the Volunteer in breach of this Agreement or in breach of the law.

(b) This clause will survive the termination, expiration or completion of this Agreement.


The Volunteer agrees that the Organisation may use photographs or videos of the Volunteer performing the Volunteer Services for the Organisation's reasonable promotional purposes, such as publication on the Organisation's website, social media pages or brochures.


This Agreement may be terminated by either Party at any time by providing written notice to the other Party.




The Volunteer's emergency contact shall be:



(a) We strive to create a workplace which is positive and supportive for all Volunteers.

(b) We encourage any Volunteer who has a complaint or requires support to come forward.

(c) If you want to raise a complaint or seek support, you may do so by contacting your Supervisor.

(d) If you are not comfortable to raise a complaint with or seek support from your Supervisor (for example, if you have a complaint about your Supervisor) then you may take your matter to a higher level manager or supervisor.


(a) GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the New South Wales and any applicable federal law. Both Parties consent to jurisdiction under the state and federal courts within New South Wales. The Parties agree that this choice of law, venue, and jurisdiction provision is not permissive, but rather mandatory in nature.

(b) LANGUAGE: All communications made or notices given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in the English language.

(c) ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous understandings, whether written or oral.

(d) SURVIVAL: At the termination, expiration or completion of this Agreement, any provisions of this Agreement which would by their nature be expected to survive termination or expiration shall remain in full force and effect, including but not limited to any provisions which explicitly state that they will survive termination or expiration.

(e) HEADINGS: Headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be construed to limit or otherwise affect the terms of this Agreement.


Signed by the Volunteer, ________:
