License Agreement


State here the date on which the Licensor (the Party offering accommodation in their dwelling) and the Licensee (the Party paying rent in exchange for use of the accommodation) will sign this Agreement. From this date the agreement is legally enforceable and binding on both Parties.

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created on ________



('the Licensor')



('the Licensee')

Collectively known as 'the Parties'.


1.1. Licensor is defined as an individual who provides residential accommodation and consents to the Licensee occupying it in exchange for financial consideration. 'The Licensor' here refers to ________.

1.2. Licensee is defined as the individual who resides in the residential accommodation described under this Agreement in exchange for financial consideration. 'The Licensee' here refers to ________.

1.3. The Licensor and Licensee shall both be referred to individually as 'the Party' and collectively as 'the Parties' throughout this License Agreement.

1.4. 'This Agreement' shall refer to the present License Agreement.

1.5. The Parties acknowledge and accept that the present agreement is a License Agreement and NOT A TENANCY Agreement. The Parties are not in a relationship of Licensor and Licensee pursuant to this Agreement and therefore the rights and obligations arising under the Residential Tenancies Acts do not apply.


2.1. The Licensee, pursuant to this Agreement, entitled to private (not exclusive) use and occupation of a double bedroom and bathroom in the Licensor's house located at:


2.2. The Licensee's private dwelling is furnished as follows:


2.3. The Licensor will take all reasonable steps to avoid damage or harm thereto.

2.4. The property comes with paid parking for

2.5. Parking is paid for at the following interval: ________, at the following rate: ________ (________).

2.6. The property will be used for residential purposes only. The Lincensee is precluded from engaging in any commercial or professional activities, or any other in the premises.


3.1. In addition to use and occupation of the accommodation, the Licensor will provide a range of services to the Licensee in exchange for the license fee.

3.2. The Licensor will provide the Licensee with a laundry service. The Licensee should furnish all laundry they want to be washed to the Licensor once per week. The Licensor will ensure the Licensee's appareil is washed, dried, ironed and returned to them in a timely manner.

3.3. The Licensor will provide the Licensor with a hot meal service on each day the Licensee is resident in the property.

3.4. The Licensor will offer the Licensee a hot breakfast on the agreed days during their stay. Breakfast will be served between the hours of ________ and ________ as agreed between the Parties.

3.5. The Licensor will provide the Licensee with a hot lunch on the agreed days during their stay. Lunch will be served between the hours of ________ and ________.

3.6. The Licensor will provide the Licensee with a hot evening meal on the agreed days during their stay. Dinner will be served between the hours of ________ and ________.

3.7. The Licensor agrees to provide the Licensee with regular lifts within a reasonable vicinity when feasible for the Licensor. The Licensee must give the Licensor reasonable notice of their need for transportation.

3.8. The Licensor will provide the Licensee with a 'wake up call' on the agreed mornings at a time agreed by the Parties.


4.1. This license is for a fixed term of It commences on ________ and expires on ________.


5.1. The license fee is calculated at weekly intervals.

5.2. The license fee owed in exchange for private use of the above described accommodation is ________ (________) per week.

5.3. The weekly license fee is payable every: Monday.

5.4. Should the licensee's residence in the accommodation begin or end on a day other than Monday, the outstanding balance owed shall be calculated at a daily rate using a 7 (seven) day average and added to the licensee's first or final license fee as appropriate.


6.1. The Licensee must pay a security deposit of ________ (________) to the on or before the commencement of the license.

6.2. This sum will be held by the Licensor as security to be returned to the Licensee upon vacation of the property at the time of the license's termination. The Licensor entitled to withhold or make deductions from the deposit, in the event the Licensee significant damage to the property, fails to supply adequate notice before ending the tenancy, or is unable to pay all rent and bills which have rightly accrued under this Agreement.

6.3. The security deposit will be returned to the upon the expiration of the license allowing for a reasonable to inspect the premises, provided the Licensee satisfies the following conditions:

(a) payment of all rent and utilities as they fall due;

(b) refrain from damaging the property other than normal wear and tear;


(c) give appropriate notice in terminating the license.


7.1. Utility bills and expenses, namely electricity, gas, broadband, refuse collection and all normally occurring household expenses are calculated into the license fee and are as such the responsibility of the Licensor.


8.1. All payments including the license fee, expenses or other lawfully accruing charges, shall be furnished by the Licensee to the Licensor on or before their agreed payment dates, by means of a cash payment, delivered by hand to the Licensor.

8.2. Upon of payment, the Licensor will issue a written statement acknowledging receipt of funds owed.


9.1. The Licensor grants their consent for the Licensee to use and occupy the accommodation every day during the license's term. There are no restrictions on the number of days per week or month for which the Licensee may occupy the accommodation.


10.1. The Licensor maintains household/property insurance that will indemnify the Licensee in the event their personal possession held within the accommodation are damaged as a result of the following:



11.1. The Licensee agrees to pay the complete license fee and expenses when they fall due as defined under this Agreement.

11.2. In the event the Licensee experiences any financial difficulty that inhibits their ability to make the due payments, they must notify the Licensor as soon as possible with a view to restructuring the payment plan.

Obligations of Lawfulness

11.3. The Licensee must refrain from engaging in any illegal anti-social behaviour, and take reasonable steps to prevent others from doing so.

11.4. The Licensee must refrain from engaging in any activities that are dangerous or can reasonably be construed as offensive, noisome, or which may become a nuisance to any occupiers of neighbouring property.

11.5. The Licensee must refrain from conducting any business or professional activity on the property or in the accommodation and displaying any advertisement on the property or in its front.

Obligations of Due Care and Respect

11.6. Insofar as the Licensee is able, maintain access to the property free from obstruction and take reasonably measures to prevent obstruction of the property's drains or sewers.

11.7. The Licensee must refrain from any activity that could reasonably result in utilities being disconnected.

11.8. The Licensee must respect neighbours' right of way, allow access to the neighbours' dwelling, avoid obstruction of access, avoid obstruction of pipes, drains and electrical wiring serving the neighbouring property.

11.9. The Licensee will make all reasonable efforts to take good care of the property and avoid any damage thereto.

11.10. In the event of any damage to the fixtures, fittings or furnishings in the property, the Licensee must immediately notify the Licensor with a description of the damage and how it occurred.

Obligations of Safety and Security

11.11. The Licensee must test the fire alarm once per month and notify the Licensor if the fire alarm displays a 'low battery' sign or is defective.

11.12. The Licensee must ensure that all windows and doors are properly secured upon leaving the property (provided that there are no residents remaining therein) and at night.

11.13. The Licensee must not give their keys to the property to any individual or make copies of their keys without the prior consent of the Licensor.

11.14. The Licensee must notify the Licensor if they intend to vacate the accommodation for more than 5 (five) days at a time so that appropriate measures can be taken to secure the property.

Smoking and Noise Policy

11.15. Smoking is permitted in and around the property in the following locations:


11.16. The Licensee must refrain from making noise that can be heard outside of the immediate dwelling (playing loud music, watching television at high volumes, parties etc) between the following hours: ________ and ________.

Cleaning Policy

11.17. The Licensee is solely responsible for the cleanliness and upkeep of their private accommodation.

11.18. The cleanliness and hygiene of shared accommodation and/or 'common areas' is the shared responsibility of all residents in the property. Cleaning responsibilities should be distributed equitably, with all residents ensuing to clean up after themselves following their use of a particular space.

11.19. Shared bathrooms must be cleaned with bleach and disinfectant at least once per week.

11.20. Shared living or lounge areas must be dusted, swept (or vacuumed) at least once per week.

11.21. The kitchen must be thoroughly cleaned after each use to ensure it is in a hygienic state for the other residents to cook and eat in.

Guest Policy

11.22. The License is permitted to entertain a few guests during the day, provided they maintain a respectful noise level. This permission is subject to reasonable conduct.

11.23. The Licensee is precluded from having guests stay at the property or within their private accommodation.

11.24. Subletting the accommodation or receiving any payment for guests' use of the property is strictly prohibited.

Pet Policy

11.25. The following animals are permitted to be kept in the property as pets:


11.26. Pets are to be kept subject to the following conditions:

(a) Pets must be properly house trained.

(b) The Licensee must ensure to promptly deal with any animal spoils within the property and within any common areas.

(c) The Licensee must ensure that any pets retained on the property are adequately trained so as to not display any aggressive or menacing behaviours to neighbours or passersby.

(d) The Licensee must ensure that any pets retained on the property do not engage in ongoing, loud or disruptive behaviour that could reasonably cause annoyance among neighbours. Barking, yelping and any other animal noises must be kept to a minimum and measures should be taken to avoid any such disturbances during the evening or quiet hours.

12. 888 8555282585

________. 5588 2882282 88 22582258 22 252 28822822 525 852222 82 58882225.

________. 552 28822822 88 222 22282825 22 858-822 252 5882222552822 25 85552 2288288822 22 252 5882222552822 8825 522 8258885558 8825252 252 25825 8582222 8228222 22 252 28822825. 8528225282 22 5222525 8258885558 22 582 22 252 58282 528858825 5882222552822 88 52 252 82228222 5888522822 22 252 28822825.

________. 552 28822825 52825828 252 58252 22 82852582 252 8882282 222 82 252 28222 5222525 8258885558, 5222 528288822 252 8582222 8228222 22 252 28822825 22828 82 22 252 58282 528858825 5882222552822.

________. 822 5222222 22 588822 2588 8882282 25 85552 2288288822 8825252 252 28822825'8 2525288 8228222 85588 8228282522 5 25225858 852585 22 2588 825222222 525 522525 82 82855882 52 252 28822825'8 825282.


13.1. This Agreement can be modified through the agreement of both the Licensor and Licensee.

13.2. In the event that either Party would like to modify this Agreement in any way, the Party desirous of a change in the Agreement should notify the other Party in writing indicating the proposed modification.

13.3. The other Party can accept or reject this modification at their sole discretion, subject to the requirement that both Parties endeavour to act reasonably with a view to the effective execution of this Agreement.

13.4. The Party not requesting the modification shall have 14 (fourteen) days from receipt of notice of the proposed modification to accept or reject the proposal.

13.5. Should the proposed modification be accepted, a written statement should be drawn up detailing the modification, when it shall take effect and the rights and duties of the respective Parties thereunder. This statement should be signed by the Licensor and Licensee.

13.6. Should the proposed modification be rejected, this Agreement shall subsist in its current form, and the interests, rights and obligations of the respective Parties will continue to have lawful effect.

13.7. The license fee may be reviewed no sooner than 12 months from the commencement of this license, on ________.


14.1. The Licensor is permitted to terminate this Agreement with 10 (ten) days' notice in the following circumstances:

- the Licensee has has failed to pay the license fee within 30 (thirty) days of it falling due and the Parties have been unable to come to an agreement to alternative consideration;

- the Licensee has inflicted serious damage unto the accommodation or the property;


- the Licensee has engaged in or demonstrated illegal or anti social behaviour.

14.2. The Licensee is permitted to terminate this Agreement with 10 (ten) days' notice in the following circumstances:

- the Licensor has committed a material breach of this Agreement which they failed to remedy after receiving notice of the breach;

- the Licensor faces a serious danger to life, physical health or safety as a result of their occupancy in the property.


Any disputes between the Parties should be brought to and resolved by the Small Claims Court.


This Agreement is governed by the Law of Ireland.


17.1. The Licensor should send notices, summons, written material or financial statements pertaining to or arising out of this Agreement to the Licensee as follows:

- via registered or unregistered post to the following household address:


- via email to the following email address: ________.

17.2. Additionally, the Licensee's phone number should be noted as follows: ________.

17.3. The Licensee should send notices, summons, written material or financial statements pertaining to or arising out of this Agreement to the Licensor as follows:

- via registered or unregistered post to the following household address:


- via email to the following email address: ________.

17.4. Additionally, the Licensor's phone number should be noted as follows: ________.


18.1. The Parties acknowledge this Agreement is whole, legally binding and enforceable.

18.2. In signing this Agreement, the Parties undertake to be wholly bound by its terms.



'the Licensor'



'the Licensee'

Preview your document


created on ________



('the Licensor')



('the Licensee')

Collectively known as 'the Parties'.


1.1. Licensor is defined as an individual who provides residential accommodation and consents to the Licensee occupying it in exchange for financial consideration. 'The Licensor' here refers to ________.

1.2. Licensee is defined as the individual who resides in the residential accommodation described under this Agreement in exchange for financial consideration. 'The Licensee' here refers to ________.

1.3. The Licensor and Licensee shall both be referred to individually as 'the Party' and collectively as 'the Parties' throughout this License Agreement.

1.4. 'This Agreement' shall refer to the present License Agreement.

1.5. The Parties acknowledge and accept that the present agreement is a License Agreement and NOT A TENANCY Agreement. The Parties are not in a relationship of Licensor and Licensee pursuant to this Agreement and therefore the rights and obligations arising under the Residential Tenancies Acts do not apply.


2.1. The Licensee, pursuant to this Agreement, entitled to private (not exclusive) use and occupation of a double bedroom and bathroom in the Licensor's house located at:


2.2. The Licensee's private dwelling is furnished as follows:


2.3. The Licensor will take all reasonable steps to avoid damage or harm thereto.

2.4. The property comes with paid parking for

2.5. Parking is paid for at the following interval: ________, at the following rate: ________ (________).

2.6. The property will be used for residential purposes only. The Lincensee is precluded from engaging in any commercial or professional activities, or any other in the premises.


3.1. In addition to use and occupation of the accommodation, the Licensor will provide a range of services to the Licensee in exchange for the license fee.

3.2. The Licensor will provide the Licensee with a laundry service. The Licensee should furnish all laundry they want to be washed to the Licensor once per week. The Licensor will ensure the Licensee's appareil is washed, dried, ironed and returned to them in a timely manner.

3.3. The Licensor will provide the Licensor with a hot meal service on each day the Licensee is resident in the property.

3.4. The Licensor will offer the Licensee a hot breakfast on the agreed days during their stay. Breakfast will be served between the hours of ________ and ________ as agreed between the Parties.

3.5. The Licensor will provide the Licensee with a hot lunch on the agreed days during their stay. Lunch will be served between the hours of ________ and ________.

3.6. The Licensor will provide the Licensee with a hot evening meal on the agreed days during their stay. Dinner will be served between the hours of ________ and ________.

3.7. The Licensor agrees to provide the Licensee with regular lifts within a reasonable vicinity when feasible for the Licensor. The Licensee must give the Licensor reasonable notice of their need for transportation.

3.8. The Licensor will provide the Licensee with a 'wake up call' on the agreed mornings at a time agreed by the Parties.


4.1. This license is for a fixed term of It commences on ________ and expires on ________.


5.1. The license fee is calculated at weekly intervals.

5.2. The license fee owed in exchange for private use of the above described accommodation is ________ (________) per week.

5.3. The weekly license fee is payable every: Monday.

5.4. Should the licensee's residence in the accommodation begin or end on a day other than Monday, the outstanding balance owed shall be calculated at a daily rate using a 7 (seven) day average and added to the licensee's first or final license fee as appropriate.


6.1. The Licensee must pay a security deposit of ________ (________) to the on or before the commencement of the license.

6.2. This sum will be held by the Licensor as security to be returned to the Licensee upon vacation of the property at the time of the license's termination. The Licensor entitled to withhold or make deductions from the deposit, in the event the Licensee significant damage to the property, fails to supply adequate notice before ending the tenancy, or is unable to pay all rent and bills which have rightly accrued under this Agreement.

6.3. The security deposit will be returned to the upon the expiration of the license allowing for a reasonable to inspect the premises, provided the Licensee satisfies the following conditions:

(a) payment of all rent and utilities as they fall due;

(b) refrain from damaging the property other than normal wear and tear;


(c) give appropriate notice in terminating the license.


7.1. Utility bills and expenses, namely electricity, gas, broadband, refuse collection and all normally occurring household expenses are calculated into the license fee and are as such the responsibility of the Licensor.


8.1. All payments including the license fee, expenses or other lawfully accruing charges, shall be furnished by the Licensee to the Licensor on or before their agreed payment dates, by means of a cash payment, delivered by hand to the Licensor.

8.2. Upon of payment, the Licensor will issue a written statement acknowledging receipt of funds owed.


9.1. The Licensor grants their consent for the Licensee to use and occupy the accommodation every day during the license's term. There are no restrictions on the number of days per week or month for which the Licensee may occupy the accommodation.


10.1. The Licensor maintains household/property insurance that will indemnify the Licensee in the event their personal possession held within the accommodation are damaged as a result of the following:



11.1. The Licensee agrees to pay the complete license fee and expenses when they fall due as defined under this Agreement.

11.2. In the event the Licensee experiences any financial difficulty that inhibits their ability to make the due payments, they must notify the Licensor as soon as possible with a view to restructuring the payment plan.

Obligations of Lawfulness

11.3. The Licensee must refrain from engaging in any illegal anti-social behaviour, and take reasonable steps to prevent others from doing so.

11.4. The Licensee must refrain from engaging in any activities that are dangerous or can reasonably be construed as offensive, noisome, or which may become a nuisance to any occupiers of neighbouring property.

11.5. The Licensee must refrain from conducting any business or professional activity on the property or in the accommodation and displaying any advertisement on the property or in its front.

Obligations of Due Care and Respect

11.6. Insofar as the Licensee is able, maintain access to the property free from obstruction and take reasonably measures to prevent obstruction of the property's drains or sewers.

11.7. The Licensee must refrain from any activity that could reasonably result in utilities being disconnected.

11.8. The Licensee must respect neighbours' right of way, allow access to the neighbours' dwelling, avoid obstruction of access, avoid obstruction of pipes, drains and electrical wiring serving the neighbouring property.

11.9. The Licensee will make all reasonable efforts to take good care of the property and avoid any damage thereto.

11.10. In the event of any damage to the fixtures, fittings or furnishings in the property, the Licensee must immediately notify the Licensor with a description of the damage and how it occurred.

Obligations of Safety and Security

11.11. The Licensee must test the fire alarm once per month and notify the Licensor if the fire alarm displays a 'low battery' sign or is defective.

11.12. The Licensee must ensure that all windows and doors are properly secured upon leaving the property (provided that there are no residents remaining therein) and at night.

11.13. The Licensee must not give their keys to the property to any individual or make copies of their keys without the prior consent of the Licensor.

11.14. The Licensee must notify the Licensor if they intend to vacate the accommodation for more than 5 (five) days at a time so that appropriate measures can be taken to secure the property.

Smoking and Noise Policy

11.15. Smoking is permitted in and around the property in the following locations:


11.16. The Licensee must refrain from making noise that can be heard outside of the immediate dwelling (playing loud music, watching television at high volumes, parties etc) between the following hours: ________ and ________.

Cleaning Policy

11.17. The Licensee is solely responsible for the cleanliness and upkeep of their private accommodation.

11.18. The cleanliness and hygiene of shared accommodation and/or 'common areas' is the shared responsibility of all residents in the property. Cleaning responsibilities should be distributed equitably, with all residents ensuing to clean up after themselves following their use of a particular space.

11.19. Shared bathrooms must be cleaned with bleach and disinfectant at least once per week.

11.20. Shared living or lounge areas must be dusted, swept (or vacuumed) at least once per week.

11.21. The kitchen must be thoroughly cleaned after each use to ensure it is in a hygienic state for the other residents to cook and eat in.

Guest Policy

11.22. The License is permitted to entertain a few guests during the day, provided they maintain a respectful noise level. This permission is subject to reasonable conduct.

11.23. The Licensee is precluded from having guests stay at the property or within their private accommodation.

11.24. Subletting the accommodation or receiving any payment for guests' use of the property is strictly prohibited.

Pet Policy

11.25. The following animals are permitted to be kept in the property as pets:


11.26. Pets are to be kept subject to the following conditions:

(a) Pets must be properly house trained.

(b) The Licensee must ensure to promptly deal with any animal spoils within the property and within any common areas.

(c) The Licensee must ensure that any pets retained on the property are adequately trained so as to not display any aggressive or menacing behaviours to neighbours or passersby.

(d) The Licensee must ensure that any pets retained on the property do not engage in ongoing, loud or disruptive behaviour that could reasonably cause annoyance among neighbours. Barking, yelping and any other animal noises must be kept to a minimum and measures should be taken to avoid any such disturbances during the evening or quiet hours.

12. 888 8555282585

________. 5588 2882282 88 22582258 22 252 28822822 525 852222 82 58882225.

________. 552 28822822 88 222 22282825 22 858-822 252 5882222552822 25 85552 2288288822 22 252 5882222552822 8825 522 8258885558 8825252 252 25825 8582222 8228222 22 252 28822825. 8528225282 22 5222525 8258885558 22 582 22 252 58282 528858825 5882222552822 88 52 252 82228222 5888522822 22 252 28822825.

________. 552 28822825 52825828 252 58252 22 82852582 252 8882282 222 82 252 28222 5222525 8258885558, 5222 528288822 252 8582222 8228222 22 252 28822825 22828 82 22 252 58282 528858825 5882222552822.

________. 822 5222222 22 588822 2588 8882282 25 85552 2288288822 8825252 252 28822825'8 2525288 8228222 85588 8228282522 5 25225858 852585 22 2588 825222222 525 522525 82 82855882 52 252 28822825'8 825282.


13.1. This Agreement can be modified through the agreement of both the Licensor and Licensee.

13.2. In the event that either Party would like to modify this Agreement in any way, the Party desirous of a change in the Agreement should notify the other Party in writing indicating the proposed modification.

13.3. The other Party can accept or reject this modification at their sole discretion, subject to the requirement that both Parties endeavour to act reasonably with a view to the effective execution of this Agreement.

13.4. The Party not requesting the modification shall have 14 (fourteen) days from receipt of notice of the proposed modification to accept or reject the proposal.

13.5. Should the proposed modification be accepted, a written statement should be drawn up detailing the modification, when it shall take effect and the rights and duties of the respective Parties thereunder. This statement should be signed by the Licensor and Licensee.

13.6. Should the proposed modification be rejected, this Agreement shall subsist in its current form, and the interests, rights and obligations of the respective Parties will continue to have lawful effect.

13.7. The license fee may be reviewed no sooner than 12 months from the commencement of this license, on ________.


14.1. The Licensor is permitted to terminate this Agreement with 10 (ten) days' notice in the following circumstances:

- the Licensee has has failed to pay the license fee within 30 (thirty) days of it falling due and the Parties have been unable to come to an agreement to alternative consideration;

- the Licensee has inflicted serious damage unto the accommodation or the property;


- the Licensee has engaged in or demonstrated illegal or anti social behaviour.

14.2. The Licensee is permitted to terminate this Agreement with 10 (ten) days' notice in the following circumstances:

- the Licensor has committed a material breach of this Agreement which they failed to remedy after receiving notice of the breach;

- the Licensor faces a serious danger to life, physical health or safety as a result of their occupancy in the property.


Any disputes between the Parties should be brought to and resolved by the Small Claims Court.


This Agreement is governed by the Law of Ireland.


17.1. The Licensor should send notices, summons, written material or financial statements pertaining to or arising out of this Agreement to the Licensee as follows:

- via registered or unregistered post to the following household address:


- via email to the following email address: ________.

17.2. Additionally, the Licensee's phone number should be noted as follows: ________.

17.3. The Licensee should send notices, summons, written material or financial statements pertaining to or arising out of this Agreement to the Licensor as follows:

- via registered or unregistered post to the following household address:


- via email to the following email address: ________.

17.4. Additionally, the Licensor's phone number should be noted as follows: ________.


18.1. The Parties acknowledge this Agreement is whole, legally binding and enforceable.

18.2. In signing this Agreement, the Parties undertake to be wholly bound by its terms.



'the Licensor'



'the Licensee'