Notice of Breach of Contract


Select "a private individual" if the person writing the letter is writing in their capacity as a private citizen. This means they have employed the services of the Independent Contractor in a personal capacity. If “Individual” is selected, the document will reflect this. Select "a legal entity" if the letter is being written on behalf of an organisation, such as a company, business or charity. If "Legal entity" is selected the document will refer to sender of the letter as such as such.

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Date: ________

Re: Breach of Contract

Dear ________,

This letter serves as notice that you are in breach the contract entitled: "________", signed between ________ and ________ on the following date: ________.

The breach relates specifically to Article/Clause ________, entitled: '________'. The actions which constitute the breach are as follows:


The contractual breach can be cured in the following manner:


This action must be taken by the following date: ________.

If appropriate steps are not undertaken to remedy the violated term of our agreement, we will have no option but to pursue the contractual remedies available to me under the law.

282582 8222582 58 52 252 58282 8222582 82225252822 22 5888588 2588 882552822 2552525.

22 2522582 58582 2255 52822282.

Kind regards,


Job title: ________

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Date: ________

Re: Breach of Contract

Dear ________,

This letter serves as notice that you are in breach the contract entitled: "________", signed between ________ and ________ on the following date: ________.

The breach relates specifically to Article/Clause ________, entitled: '________'. The actions which constitute the breach are as follows:


The contractual breach can be cured in the following manner:


This action must be taken by the following date: ________.

If appropriate steps are not undertaken to remedy the violated term of our agreement, we will have no option but to pursue the contractual remedies available to me under the law.

282582 8222582 58 52 252 58282 8222582 82225252822 22 5888588 2588 882552822 2552525.

22 2522582 58582 2255 52822282.

Kind regards,


Job title: ________