Remote Working Agreement


Select 'everyday of the working week' if following the signing of the agreement, the Employee will be working exclusively from a remote location. If 'everyday of the working week' is selected, the document will reflect this. Select 'some days of the working week' if following the signing of the agreement, the Employee will split their time between working remotely and working in the Employer's office location. If 'some days of the working week' is selected, the document will allow the user specify the number of days per week the Employee is permitted to work out of the office.

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Employer's name: ________
Employer's address:

Employee's name: ________
Employee's address:

Date: ________

Re: Remote Work Agreement

Dear ________,

This letter serves to confirm the variation of the Contract of Employment (signed ________) between:

________ ('the Employer')


________ ('the Employee'), (________)

in respect of the following Article/Clause: ________, which is entitled 'Place of Work'.

Pursuant to the Employee's request, dated ________ the Employer and the Employee (hereinafter 'the Parties') have agreed to this variation to the Contract of Employment, dated ________, (hereinafter 'the Contract of Employment') existing between the Parties.

Please sign this agreement to confirm your assent to the variation of the Contract of Employment, and return it to the Employer at your earliest convenience.


1. This Remote Working Agreement is entered into by ________ of ________, and ________ of ________.

2. ________ shall hereinafter be referred to as 'the Employer' and ________ shall hereinafter be referred to as 'the Employee'.

3. 'The Parties' shall denote both the Employer and the Employee.

4. The Parties have been in a relationship of employer-employee regulated by a Contract of Employment, executed on ________, since ________. In their employment with ________, the Employee has performed the role of ________.

5. The purpose of this Remote Working Agreement is to vary the terms of that Contract of Employment in respect of the Employee's Place of Work, to define the Employee's remote working arrangement and impose related obligations on the Parties to facilitate the successful performance of that Contract of Employment, notwithstanding adjustments arising from remote work.


1.1. With the exception of the variations expressly articulated in this agreement, the Contract of Employment dated ________ existing between the Employer and Employee remains unchanged. The core terms of the Contract, including but not limited to:

(a) Employee remuneration,
(b) Working hours,
(c) Contract duration,
(d) Sick pay,
(e) Pension scheme

are in no way altered by the contents of this document.

1.2. The variation here described pertains exclusively to the Employee's 'Place of Work' as defined in the following section of the Contract of Employment dated ________: ________. Minor changes in work practices which may arise as a natural corollary of the variation to the Employee's workplace are dealt with in Articles 6 below.

1.3. The Employee in reading and signing this document acknowledges and accepts that they remain bound by the terms and conditions of Employment as expressed in the existing Contract of Employment dated ________, including workplace policies, procedures and practices. A failure to observe these requirements may result in the termination of the Remote Work Agreement and in some cases, further disciplinary action.


2.1. It has been agreed by the Parties that the designated 'Place of Work' for ________ as defined in Article ________ of the Contract of Employment will cease to be the Employer's main offices at


2.2. Henceforth, the designated 'Place of Work' from which the tasks and duties of employment are to be performed is the Employee's home address at


2.3. The Employer reserves the right, from time to time, to require the Employee's attendance at other specified locations which include but are not limited to the Employee's original workplace, where it is reasonable and practicable.

2.4. The Employee enjoys the right, from time to time, to perform their work from another location provided they comply with the obligations of remote work laid out in this Agreement.


3.1. The new working arrangement shall take effect as of ________.


4.1. This Remote Work Agreement is subject to an initial Trial Period of ________(________) weeks. The purpose of this Trial Period is to enable the Employer to assess the effectiveness of remote working in meeting the reasonable demands of the Employer as set out in the original Contract of Employment (________). Upon the expiration of the Trial Period, the Employer in consultation with the Employee will review the efficacy of the remote working arrangement.

4.2. The efficacy or effectiveness of the remote working arrangement will be evaluated in consideration of, but not limited to the following factors:

(a) The quality of the business product or service delivered by the Employee during the period of remote working,
(b) The effectiveness of communication and coordination between staff,
(c) The effect of remote working on the distribution of work between staff,
(d) The Employee's health and safety during the period of remote work, and
(e) The Employee's handling of ________ data while working remotely.

4.3. Upon the expiration of the initial Trial Period, the Employee will be informed of one of the following outcomes:

(a) The Trial Period successfully demonstrated the effectiveness of the remote working arrangement, as such it will continue for the duration of the existing Contract of Employment,
(b) The Trial Period was inconclusive in determining the effectiveness of the remote working arrangement, in which case the Trial Period is extended for a further ________(________) weeks, or
(c) The Trial Period demonstrated that in the case of ________ remote working is not a suitable arrangement for the effective performance of their employment. In which case, the Remote Working Agreement is terminated and the Employee must return to their original Place of Work as specified in their Contract of Employment.

4.4. The Employee has the right to appeal the decision to terminate the Remote Work Agreement following the trial period. The appeal must be made in writing and furnished to ________, ________ within ________(________) days following receipt of notice to terminate the Remote Work Agreement. Any written appeal must enumerate the grounds on which the Employee is seeking a review of the decision to terminate.

4.5. If the Employee's appeal has been heard and denied on reasonable business grounds, the Employee has the right to request remote work again ________(________) months following the termination of the Remote Working Agreement.


5.1. This Remote Work Agreement is terminable by the Employer with ________(________) weeks notice.


The Employee's remote workplace must be appropriately designed to be conducive to the effective performance of the tasks and duties assigned.

6.1. Operational:

(a) The Employee's work environment must be suitably quiet and free from distraction,
(b) It must be equipped with an adequate desk and chair, ergonomically arranged to enable the Employee to conduct business in safe, productive and efficient environment,
(c) The Employee's work environment must enjoy adequate lighting and heat, and
(d) The Employee's work environment must have consistent and reliable internet connection.

6.2. Health and Safety:

(a) The Employee when working remotely is responsible for the maintenance of a safe working environment and must take care to safeguard their own health, safety and wellbeing,
(b) Specifically, the Employee must observe their obligations under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, the Display Screen Regulations and Schedule 4, Regulation 72,
(c) The Employee must participate, when requested, in any health and safety training offered by the Employer,
(d) ________ is not liable for accidents occurring outside of the offices, and
(e) Any accident or 'near miss' incidents should be reported to Human Resources in line with the existing company policy contained in the Employee Handbook.

6.3. Risk Assessment:

The Employer reserves the right to conduct a risk assessment of the Employee's proposed work environment to establish the suitability of that environment in light of the organisation's data protection policy, IT and cyber security policy, and legislative health and safety standards. Should the Employer deem such an assessment to be necessary, the Employee will be given at least ________(________) notice in advance of the assessment.

6.4. Professionalism:

Employees working remotely are remain bound by company policies, procedures, codes of best practice and ethics.

The Employee in signing this Agreement, commits to the following:

(a) Apply their full attention and efforts to the effective conduct of their role within the assigned working hours,
(b) Remain visible within the organisation, participate in group meetings, events and foster organisation's identity,
(c) Engage in any training requested, where reasonable and practicable. In particular in relation to matters such as remote access, IT and data security, and
(d) Maintain adequate communication with colleagues, and where appropriate coordinate schedules to allow for collaboration.

6.4.1. Performance Management

The Employee's progress and productivity must be monitored when working outside the office environment. The Employer and Employee agree to a system through which the Employee's hours of work and their completion of tasks and duties by the Employee can be accurately monitored and recorded.

The Employee submits to their activity being monitored by the Employer in the following manner:


6.4.2. Dress Code

Employees working remotely are bound by the company dress code whenever they are representing the company with clients, external partners and senior colleagues.

Employees are not otherwise required to dress in any particular manner when working remotely.

5.2. Data 2522282822

552 52282222 5225828 82525 82 252 ________ 8525 2522282822 228882 58 25288225 82 252 228828822 52852222: ________.

225 252 8522 22 2255 82282282282 525 8855822, 252 228828822 5822828 22 252 8525 2522282822 228882 552 52525882525:

(5) 8525 2582 2282 82 5825 225 828 82222525 2552282,
(8) 822 5525 2528288822 5252525222 82 252 52282222 2582 82 5285225 22 252 552828 22 25285 2228222222,
(8) 552 52282222 2582 222 5885822 522 82225252822 522555822 252 5525 2522 5582 588288 22 82 252 8225582 22 25285 8252 22 522 25855 2552828, 525
(5) 552 52282222 2582 2528222 588 25855 25522 588288 22 522 25225858 828222822 22 25 5882885225 8825 ________, 828855822 588288 22 28828, 888222 5282558, 22282222 5282558 25 522 22525 25225858 58858525 82 252 8225582 22 25285 8252.

5.5. Privacy 525 8282582855822

552 52282222 5252525228 22 2522 582882 22585528 22 58285 522 525525258825 25 5888522258 588288 22, 582 25 225828852822 22 8222522 25222522, 82225252822, 5282558 25 22525 252258588.

522882885882, 252 52282222 5252525228 22:

(5) 8882582 588 528585222228 225 5525 2285222822 525 8225522,
(8) 52252 588 822285222858 25225858 82 25888255 252228225 22585,
(8) 88285 588288822 8582888258 25 8888882 82888228 25 25528 22 252 82225222,
(5) 8225582 2522 52828255822 5252252825 25 8582888258 82228552 25 82225222 252258588,
(2) 528552 588 25288858 22528 22 8222522 5525 552 822525 82 5 8522 525 828552 28582,
(2) 822225 5558282258 25582822 22 55 82855822 525 5525 2522282822 82 528528225,
(2) 822252 522 8288 25 25222 22 228882 5288828, 8522228 25 522 285822222 2552 822528 ________ 5525, 525
(5) 822282 8825 522 5882 5882882222 2528255528 828285225 82 ________.

6.7. Use of Social Media

The Employee will refrain from use of their private social media during work hours. They will refrain from using their work related email address on private social media, or disseminating any information acquired in the performance of their job on any such site.


7.1. The Employer will make all best endeavors to ensure that as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of the Employee is not adversely affected by remote working or remote working conditions.

7.2. The Employeris required to assess the risks associated with remote working or the remote working environment, and where risk is identified, implement control measures to minimize risk.

7.3. The Employer must provide safe equipment suitable for the successful completion of the Employee's tasks.

7.4. The Employer must provide the Employee with health and safety information, instruction, training and supervision in regards to their remote working conditions.

7.5. If the Employee suffers from a disability, is a young worker, or pregnant, the Employer must ensure that remote working, the tasks assigned to the Employee and the conditions of their remote working do not adversely affect the Employee's health or welfare.

7.6. The Employer must communicate regularly with the Employee and ensure that sufficient breaks are taken and working hours are observed.


8.1. The Employer recognizes and respects the Employee's 'right to disconnect' from the tasks comprising their employment, and disengage from work outside their scheduled working hours. The Employer will not impose work related obligations on the Employee beyond their contracted working hours.

8.2. The Employer observes the Code of Conduct on the Right to Disconnect as developed by the Workplace Relations Commissionand codified in the Employer's 'Right to Disconnect Policy'.

8.3. In particular, the Employer recognizes and observes the following:

(a) the Employee has a right not to have to routinely work outside of normal working hours;

(b) the Employee will not be penalized for refusing tow work outside of normal working hours;

(c) the Employee is required to respect their colleagues and superiors right to disconnect and cease communication therewith after normal working hours have ended.


9.1. The Employee is required to work the same number of hours per day, week and month as specified in the existing Contract of Employment. For your convenience, the number of hours of work per week required of the Employee is ________(________).

9.2. The Employee is similarly required to maintain the normal working hours agreed in their original Contract of Employment and complete the tasks and duties of their employment within the designated daily timeframe of ________ to ________.

9.3. Accordingly, the Employee must be reasonably contactable within these hours via ________.

Pursuant to the Organisation of Working Time Act, the Employee must ensure:

(a) They take adequate breaks within the work day,
(b) They take daily rest periods,
(c) They take weekly rest periods.

The Employee has the right to disconnect from their role as ________ and is expected to maintain a reasonable, healthy work life balance.


10.1. In the event of the Employee's absence from work due to illness, bereavement or other extenuating personal circumstances, they should inform their supervisor or representative as prescribed in the existing Contract of Employment.

10.2. The Employee remains entitled to ________(________) days annual leave as provided in their Contract of Employment and as required by the Organisation of Working Time Act. The procedure for coordinating leave in the form of personal days and annual holidays remains unchanged under the Parties' new Remote Work Arrangement. The Employee should consult their existing Contract of Employment and Employee Handbook to familiarise themselves with this process.


11.1. ________ is provided with the following equipment to facilitate the successful completion of the tasks comprising their role as ________:


11.2. The Employee undertakes to take reasonable care of the equipment provided by taking steps to avoid accidental damage thereto and avoiding third party use.


12.1. All equipment provided to ________ by the ________ is insured against material damage by ________ insurance policy, subject to that policy's terms, conditions and limitations.

10.2. The Employee (________) will be provided with a remote work allowance of ________(________) Euro per day. This payment is intended to offset the expenses associated with working outside the office, including heat, electricity, internet connection etc.

12.3. Employees whose employers do not pay them a minimum of 3.20 Euro per day or pays them less than the employee's allowable costs are entitled to seek Remote Working Relief from the Revenue Service.

12.4. Claims can be made for:

(a) 10% of the cost of electricity and heat (apportioned based on the number of days per annum worked from home);
(b) 30% of the cost of broadband (apportioned based on the number of days per annum worked from home).


I, ________ (the Employee) have read and understood the terms and conditions laid out in this Remote Work Agreement and accept them in their entirety.

signed by:


Job title: ________

signed by:


________, (________) of ________

The Employer's 'Right to Disconnect Policy'

Preview your document

Employer's name: ________
Employer's address:

Employee's name: ________
Employee's address:

Date: ________

Re: Remote Work Agreement

Dear ________,

This letter serves to confirm the variation of the Contract of Employment (signed ________) between:

________ ('the Employer')


________ ('the Employee'), (________)

in respect of the following Article/Clause: ________, which is entitled 'Place of Work'.

Pursuant to the Employee's request, dated ________ the Employer and the Employee (hereinafter 'the Parties') have agreed to this variation to the Contract of Employment, dated ________, (hereinafter 'the Contract of Employment') existing between the Parties.

Please sign this agreement to confirm your assent to the variation of the Contract of Employment, and return it to the Employer at your earliest convenience.


1. This Remote Working Agreement is entered into by ________ of ________, and ________ of ________.

2. ________ shall hereinafter be referred to as 'the Employer' and ________ shall hereinafter be referred to as 'the Employee'.

3. 'The Parties' shall denote both the Employer and the Employee.

4. The Parties have been in a relationship of employer-employee regulated by a Contract of Employment, executed on ________, since ________. In their employment with ________, the Employee has performed the role of ________.

5. The purpose of this Remote Working Agreement is to vary the terms of that Contract of Employment in respect of the Employee's Place of Work, to define the Employee's remote working arrangement and impose related obligations on the Parties to facilitate the successful performance of that Contract of Employment, notwithstanding adjustments arising from remote work.


1.1. With the exception of the variations expressly articulated in this agreement, the Contract of Employment dated ________ existing between the Employer and Employee remains unchanged. The core terms of the Contract, including but not limited to:

(a) Employee remuneration,
(b) Working hours,
(c) Contract duration,
(d) Sick pay,
(e) Pension scheme

are in no way altered by the contents of this document.

1.2. The variation here described pertains exclusively to the Employee's 'Place of Work' as defined in the following section of the Contract of Employment dated ________: ________. Minor changes in work practices which may arise as a natural corollary of the variation to the Employee's workplace are dealt with in Articles 6 below.

1.3. The Employee in reading and signing this document acknowledges and accepts that they remain bound by the terms and conditions of Employment as expressed in the existing Contract of Employment dated ________, including workplace policies, procedures and practices. A failure to observe these requirements may result in the termination of the Remote Work Agreement and in some cases, further disciplinary action.


2.1. It has been agreed by the Parties that the designated 'Place of Work' for ________ as defined in Article ________ of the Contract of Employment will cease to be the Employer's main offices at


2.2. Henceforth, the designated 'Place of Work' from which the tasks and duties of employment are to be performed is the Employee's home address at


2.3. The Employer reserves the right, from time to time, to require the Employee's attendance at other specified locations which include but are not limited to the Employee's original workplace, where it is reasonable and practicable.

2.4. The Employee enjoys the right, from time to time, to perform their work from another location provided they comply with the obligations of remote work laid out in this Agreement.


3.1. The new working arrangement shall take effect as of ________.


4.1. This Remote Work Agreement is subject to an initial Trial Period of ________(________) weeks. The purpose of this Trial Period is to enable the Employer to assess the effectiveness of remote working in meeting the reasonable demands of the Employer as set out in the original Contract of Employment (________). Upon the expiration of the Trial Period, the Employer in consultation with the Employee will review the efficacy of the remote working arrangement.

4.2. The efficacy or effectiveness of the remote working arrangement will be evaluated in consideration of, but not limited to the following factors:

(a) The quality of the business product or service delivered by the Employee during the period of remote working,
(b) The effectiveness of communication and coordination between staff,
(c) The effect of remote working on the distribution of work between staff,
(d) The Employee's health and safety during the period of remote work, and
(e) The Employee's handling of ________ data while working remotely.

4.3. Upon the expiration of the initial Trial Period, the Employee will be informed of one of the following outcomes:

(a) The Trial Period successfully demonstrated the effectiveness of the remote working arrangement, as such it will continue for the duration of the existing Contract of Employment,
(b) The Trial Period was inconclusive in determining the effectiveness of the remote working arrangement, in which case the Trial Period is extended for a further ________(________) weeks, or
(c) The Trial Period demonstrated that in the case of ________ remote working is not a suitable arrangement for the effective performance of their employment. In which case, the Remote Working Agreement is terminated and the Employee must return to their original Place of Work as specified in their Contract of Employment.

4.4. The Employee has the right to appeal the decision to terminate the Remote Work Agreement following the trial period. The appeal must be made in writing and furnished to ________, ________ within ________(________) days following receipt of notice to terminate the Remote Work Agreement. Any written appeal must enumerate the grounds on which the Employee is seeking a review of the decision to terminate.

4.5. If the Employee's appeal has been heard and denied on reasonable business grounds, the Employee has the right to request remote work again ________(________) months following the termination of the Remote Working Agreement.


5.1. This Remote Work Agreement is terminable by the Employer with ________(________) weeks notice.


The Employee's remote workplace must be appropriately designed to be conducive to the effective performance of the tasks and duties assigned.

6.1. Operational:

(a) The Employee's work environment must be suitably quiet and free from distraction,
(b) It must be equipped with an adequate desk and chair, ergonomically arranged to enable the Employee to conduct business in safe, productive and efficient environment,
(c) The Employee's work environment must enjoy adequate lighting and heat, and
(d) The Employee's work environment must have consistent and reliable internet connection.

6.2. Health and Safety:

(a) The Employee when working remotely is responsible for the maintenance of a safe working environment and must take care to safeguard their own health, safety and wellbeing,
(b) Specifically, the Employee must observe their obligations under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, the Display Screen Regulations and Schedule 4, Regulation 72,
(c) The Employee must participate, when requested, in any health and safety training offered by the Employer,
(d) ________ is not liable for accidents occurring outside of the offices, and
(e) Any accident or 'near miss' incidents should be reported to Human Resources in line with the existing company policy contained in the Employee Handbook.

6.3. Risk Assessment:

The Employer reserves the right to conduct a risk assessment of the Employee's proposed work environment to establish the suitability of that environment in light of the organisation's data protection policy, IT and cyber security policy, and legislative health and safety standards. Should the Employer deem such an assessment to be necessary, the Employee will be given at least ________(________) notice in advance of the assessment.

6.4. Professionalism:

Employees working remotely are remain bound by company policies, procedures, codes of best practice and ethics.

The Employee in signing this Agreement, commits to the following:

(a) Apply their full attention and efforts to the effective conduct of their role within the assigned working hours,
(b) Remain visible within the organisation, participate in group meetings, events and foster organisation's identity,
(c) Engage in any training requested, where reasonable and practicable. In particular in relation to matters such as remote access, IT and data security, and
(d) Maintain adequate communication with colleagues, and where appropriate coordinate schedules to allow for collaboration.

6.4.1. Performance Management

The Employee's progress and productivity must be monitored when working outside the office environment. The Employer and Employee agree to a system through which the Employee's hours of work and their completion of tasks and duties by the Employee can be accurately monitored and recorded.

The Employee submits to their activity being monitored by the Employer in the following manner:


6.4.2. Dress Code

Employees working remotely are bound by the company dress code whenever they are representing the company with clients, external partners and senior colleagues.

Employees are not otherwise required to dress in any particular manner when working remotely.

5.2. Data 2522282822

552 52282222 5225828 82525 82 252 ________ 8525 2522282822 228882 58 25288225 82 252 228828822 52852222: ________.

225 252 8522 22 2255 82282282282 525 8855822, 252 228828822 5822828 22 252 8525 2522282822 228882 552 52525882525:

(5) 8525 2582 2282 82 5825 225 828 82222525 2552282,
(8) 822 5525 2528288822 5252525222 82 252 52282222 2582 82 5285225 22 252 552828 22 25285 2228222222,
(8) 552 52282222 2582 222 5885822 522 82225252822 522555822 252 5525 2522 5582 588288 22 82 252 8225582 22 25285 8252 22 522 25855 2552828, 525
(5) 552 52282222 2582 2528222 588 25855 25522 588288 22 522 25225858 828222822 22 25 5882885225 8825 ________, 828855822 588288 22 28828, 888222 5282558, 22282222 5282558 25 522 22525 25225858 58858525 82 252 8225582 22 25285 8252.

5.5. Privacy 525 8282582855822

552 52282222 5252525228 22 2522 582882 22585528 22 58285 522 525525258825 25 5888522258 588288 22, 582 25 225828852822 22 8222522 25222522, 82225252822, 5282558 25 22525 252258588.

522882885882, 252 52282222 5252525228 22:

(5) 8882582 588 528585222228 225 5525 2285222822 525 8225522,
(8) 52252 588 822285222858 25225858 82 25888255 252228225 22585,
(8) 88285 588288822 8582888258 25 8888882 82888228 25 25528 22 252 82225222,
(5) 8225582 2522 52828255822 5252252825 25 8582888258 82228552 25 82225222 252258588,
(2) 528552 588 25288858 22528 22 8222522 5525 552 822525 82 5 8522 525 828552 28582,
(2) 822225 5558282258 25582822 22 55 82855822 525 5525 2522282822 82 528528225,
(2) 822252 522 8288 25 25222 22 228882 5288828, 8522228 25 522 285822222 2552 822528 ________ 5525, 525
(5) 822282 8825 522 5882 5882882222 2528255528 828285225 82 ________.

6.7. Use of Social Media

The Employee will refrain from use of their private social media during work hours. They will refrain from using their work related email address on private social media, or disseminating any information acquired in the performance of their job on any such site.


7.1. The Employer will make all best endeavors to ensure that as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of the Employee is not adversely affected by remote working or remote working conditions.

7.2. The Employeris required to assess the risks associated with remote working or the remote working environment, and where risk is identified, implement control measures to minimize risk.

7.3. The Employer must provide safe equipment suitable for the successful completion of the Employee's tasks.

7.4. The Employer must provide the Employee with health and safety information, instruction, training and supervision in regards to their remote working conditions.

7.5. If the Employee suffers from a disability, is a young worker, or pregnant, the Employer must ensure that remote working, the tasks assigned to the Employee and the conditions of their remote working do not adversely affect the Employee's health or welfare.

7.6. The Employer must communicate regularly with the Employee and ensure that sufficient breaks are taken and working hours are observed.


8.1. The Employer recognizes and respects the Employee's 'right to disconnect' from the tasks comprising their employment, and disengage from work outside their scheduled working hours. The Employer will not impose work related obligations on the Employee beyond their contracted working hours.

8.2. The Employer observes the Code of Conduct on the Right to Disconnect as developed by the Workplace Relations Commissionand codified in the Employer's 'Right to Disconnect Policy'.

8.3. In particular, the Employer recognizes and observes the following:

(a) the Employee has a right not to have to routinely work outside of normal working hours;

(b) the Employee will not be penalized for refusing tow work outside of normal working hours;

(c) the Employee is required to respect their colleagues and superiors right to disconnect and cease communication therewith after normal working hours have ended.


9.1. The Employee is required to work the same number of hours per day, week and month as specified in the existing Contract of Employment. For your convenience, the number of hours of work per week required of the Employee is ________(________).

9.2. The Employee is similarly required to maintain the normal working hours agreed in their original Contract of Employment and complete the tasks and duties of their employment within the designated daily timeframe of ________ to ________.

9.3. Accordingly, the Employee must be reasonably contactable within these hours via ________.

Pursuant to the Organisation of Working Time Act, the Employee must ensure:

(a) They take adequate breaks within the work day,
(b) They take daily rest periods,
(c) They take weekly rest periods.

The Employee has the right to disconnect from their role as ________ and is expected to maintain a reasonable, healthy work life balance.


10.1. In the event of the Employee's absence from work due to illness, bereavement or other extenuating personal circumstances, they should inform their supervisor or representative as prescribed in the existing Contract of Employment.

10.2. The Employee remains entitled to ________(________) days annual leave as provided in their Contract of Employment and as required by the Organisation of Working Time Act. The procedure for coordinating leave in the form of personal days and annual holidays remains unchanged under the Parties' new Remote Work Arrangement. The Employee should consult their existing Contract of Employment and Employee Handbook to familiarise themselves with this process.


11.1. ________ is provided with the following equipment to facilitate the successful completion of the tasks comprising their role as ________:


11.2. The Employee undertakes to take reasonable care of the equipment provided by taking steps to avoid accidental damage thereto and avoiding third party use.


12.1. All equipment provided to ________ by the ________ is insured against material damage by ________ insurance policy, subject to that policy's terms, conditions and limitations.

10.2. The Employee (________) will be provided with a remote work allowance of ________(________) Euro per day. This payment is intended to offset the expenses associated with working outside the office, including heat, electricity, internet connection etc.

12.3. Employees whose employers do not pay them a minimum of 3.20 Euro per day or pays them less than the employee's allowable costs are entitled to seek Remote Working Relief from the Revenue Service.

12.4. Claims can be made for:

(a) 10% of the cost of electricity and heat (apportioned based on the number of days per annum worked from home);
(b) 30% of the cost of broadband (apportioned based on the number of days per annum worked from home).


I, ________ (the Employee) have read and understood the terms and conditions laid out in this Remote Work Agreement and accept them in their entirety.

signed by:


Job title: ________

signed by:


________, (________) of ________

The Employer's 'Right to Disconnect Policy'