Influencer Agreement Fill out the template

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Influencer Agreement

Last revision Last revision 01/02/2024
Formats FormatsWord and PDF
Size Size6 to 9 pages
4.9 - 160 votes
Fill out the template

Last revisionLast revision: 01/02/2024

FormatsAvailable formats: Word and PDF

SizeSize: 6 to 9 pages

Rating: 4.9 - 160 votes

Fill out the template

An Influencer Contract is a newer type of agreement designed for a specific relationship in which one party, called the advertiser, contracts with another party, the influencer, to promote the advertiser's goods or services. The "advertiser" in this contract does not have to be a traditional advertiser or marketer; the advertiser can simply be a brand or company owner looking for promotional help from the influencer. This agreement is created for the specific situation of an online influencer promoting the advertiser's products or services through social networks.

The rise of the social media influencer has led to an uptick in these types of relationships, with many more brands and companies looking to hire influencers to grow their customer base.

This document can be used for a one-time campaign, where the advertiser hires the influencer to help with one specific campaign for a specific time period, or for an ongoing relationship, where the influencer will promote the advertiser's products or services over time.


How to use this document

This document establishes the terms the advertiser and influencer have agreed upon. The influencer has certain responsibilities regarding the promotion of the products or services and the advertiser has their own responsibilities, such as payment.

Here, the parties will decide upon things like:

  • The number of posts required, if that has been established;
  • The specific platforms the influencer will post on, if that has been established;
  • The type of content;
  • Any required tags;
  • How long the contract will last and how it will end; and
  • Payment.

When this document is complete, both parties should sign it and each keep a copy.


Applicable law

Influencer posts, as well as, broadly, influencer/advertiser relationships are governed by the Federal Trade Commission, or FTC. The FTC promulgates rules regarding consumer protection.


How to modify the template

You fill out a form. The document is created before your eyes as you respond to the questions.

At the end, you receive it in Word and PDF formats. You can modify it and reuse it.

Fill out the template